Tuesday, December 31, 2019

It's Lovecraft's World. We're Just Eaten by Ancient Space Demons in it.

Like everyone else on the planet, I have zero interest in doing a year-end review or, God help us all, a decade-end review. The world just doesn't work that way anymore. 

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Kevin Spacey, Super-Villain at Large

Like great theatre and fiction, real life would be a lot less interesting without grand villains. And who better to fill that role than a master thespian like Kevin Spacey Fowler? Especially seeing how he once filled the shoes of one of the great super-villains of modern pop culture. 

No, not Keyser Soze, the other one. But Keyser Soze too, now that you mention it.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Hindsight is Twin-Ten Twin-Ten

A brand new video from our friends at the Sync Book Press! Always a cause for celebration on a bitterly cold day...

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Fresh [Updated] Fever from the Sky

Here's another chance to check out the epic summit with the legendary Aeon Byte about the must-read book of 2019, He Will Live Up in the Sky. 

But wait, we got ourselves some fresh fever from the Sky...

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

He Will Live Up on the Air: The Aeon Byte Extravaganza

This is the one I've been waiting for. You've been waiting for it too, only you didn't realize it. You were waiting for it in your heart.

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Friday, November 29, 2019

We Wanted The Matrix, We Got Minority Report

It's Philip K Dick's world, we're just imprisoned in it.

Well, let me amend that: it's a world that PKD could have envisioned had he been a little more tech-savvy and a lot more paranoid.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

He Will Live Up in the Sky is EVERYWHERE

What's that you say? You want to help keep your favorite blog on the Web but demand top-quality entertainment in return? Let me see what I can do about that...

Monday, November 25, 2019

He's LIVE Up in the Sky.

Well, better late than never, right? After five long, painful years, my debut novel, He Will Live Up in the Sky, is available as an eBook. It should be available in print form with the next day or so.

I can say without any possible bias that He Will Live Up in the Sky may be the greatest work of fiction ever written in the English language, up there with the best works by literary lions such as James Joyce, Raymond Chandler, Thomas Pynchon and Jacqueline Susann. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Slow-Motion Jonestown

To the surprise of absolutely no single living soul on the planet Earth, the latest reboot of Charlie's Angels is an unmitigated towering-clown-orgy-inferno of a disaster. 

Worse, it followed hot on the heels of an even greater wipeout for Terminator: Dark Fate, the latest in a string of box office catastrophes for post-#MeToo Hollywood. 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Secret Sun Media Blitz Spins Out of Control!

How many times a day do you ask yourself, "where-oh-where can I find a deep dive into the collision between occult black magic, UFOlogy, hallucinogens and high-ranking intelligence agents and their blue-blooded patrons?"

Well, this is your lucky day, Pilgrim. Part 3 of the epic meeting of the minds between Frank Zero, Recluse and the Secret Sun is live now! We got dives so deep you'll get the bends just listening to them.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

So, This Happened...

So this happened, just in case you still think you live in the same world you were born into. The Vatican seems to have had some involvement with this, what exactly I haven't been yet able to parse. Does it really matter anymore?

Monday, November 11, 2019

There's No Stopping the Secret Sun Media Blitz!

We here at Secret Sun Central are getting things ready for Phase Two of the Secret Sun World Domination Campaign, so why don't you pull up a chair and enjoy this gabfest with our pals Frank Zero and Recluse on the state of the High Weirdness Union?

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Secret Sun Media Blitz: How I Became Invisible

I know what you're thinking. How do I know? I can hear your thoughts. 

Your brain is screaming, "where can I find several hours of Secret Sun-centric podcasty goodness?" 

Where can I hear 3-hour podcasts on Alan Moore's magnum opus Providence and Grant Morrison's chaos magic treatise The Invisibles, with piercing interludes on H.P. Lovecraft's secret life, art as magic, Crypto-Masonic sorcery and the war against Time?

Friday, November 01, 2019

Harlots, Hirams & the Halloween Impeachment

I'm sorry, I really am. I know politics has become a substitute religion for a lot of people these days, but that simply speaks to how little power people have access to anymore.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Persephone Rising: Samantha Morton and the Walking Dead

A lot of people have told me that the recent post on the Persephone archetype personally resonated with them, and with good reason. The archetype most definitely seems to be rising, but maybe in ways that aren't all that flashy or showy to the public at large.

It feels a bit more like what Lovecraft had described in "The Call of Cthulhu," a kind of scrambled signal only picked up by the sensitives, the dreamers and the rest of the black sheep among us.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Before and After Science

Once in a while a little headline will pop up and throw down a very, very big gauntlet. Very few people notice at first, but the tiny ripples slowly and relentlessly build over time to create tsunamis that wash away everything in their path.

This is one of them. What if our math is wrong? Well, if our math is wrong that means a lot of everything else is wrong, meaning all the sciences that rely on math. That means a lot of people are going to have to stop lovin' all that effin' science and deal with the world in front of their faces. That won't be fun.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Persephone, the Strawberry Girl

As Secret Sun readers all realize, the old gods are back at their desks after a long vacation. Well, call it a working vacation. 

Friday, October 11, 2019

I Got Them Ol' Cosmic Cold War Blues Again, Mama.

I'm trying to get some leftover business squared away for good today, so indulge me while I drop some slightly-stale news with some fresh synchliness on your heads. Then open the floor so all you fine folks can share the latest information, gossip and mind-blowing revelations with one another in the comments.

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

A Brief History of End-Times Entertrainment

Seeing Massive Attack in person left an impression all the YouTube clips cannot. It's almost like the difference of having something described to you versus experiencing it for yourself. But it also left me with a very unsettled feeling, seeing how explicitly confrontational and --yes-- apocalyptic it all actually was.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Sync Log: Apocalypse Month in Review

Just a quick wrap-up. I had a strong feeling that some fan-hitting was in the offing for this past month, and so it did. I don't mean the usual parade of woe and ill-tidings you see all the time. I mean the hidden being unveiled, suppressed truths being disclosed, and seeds for future conflicts and revelations being planted for the days and months to come. 

Y'know, that kind of fan-hitting.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Enjoy Your Specially-Curated Apocalypse Experience

The Sibyl Prophesies at the Temple of Mithras

Well, the day finally came and I made my way into see the Sibyl prophesy to the masses at the lusciously-appointed solar temple on the grounds of the world's largest open-air Mithraic temple in the New Rome. 

Or is it the new Byzantium and London the New Rome? Or is London the New Babylon and New York the New Rome?

Well, either way, I was not disappointed. In fact, I got much more than I bargained for. 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Apocalypse is Just a Word for Things We Do Together.


No, I didn't write that headline. It's on a video about the recent oil field attacks in Saudi Arabia. But I may as well have, way things have been going.

Hey, it's the Apocalypse, right? Maybe we all wrote it together.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Send in the (Killer) Clowns. Don't Bother. They're Here.

I guess there's a theme emerging this autumn, what with the Joker movie and It: Chapter Two hitting the multiplexes. Killer clowns do indeed seem to be the dominant archetype of the season, all too appropriate for a world descending into mass psychosis and epidemic levels of stupid.

There's also this Wrinkles the Clown picture, which I don't know much about past the trailer. 

Friday, August 16, 2019

This is the Dawning of the Age of Fraserius

In this clickbait-driven age, you gotta be wary of these sensational kinds of stories. More often than not, these things end up getting walked back or forgotten. But we don't care whether there are actual signals beaming here from outer space, do we now? 

No, we don't. We only care about the syncs.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sync to the Top: LA Coincidental

Why, hello there. Nice of you to stop by, seeing how quiet things have been 'round these parts over the summer. Can't be helped, I'm afraid. I've had my hands quite full with other matters. But we're all here now and that's what counts, right?

So, pull up a beach chair, pour yourself a nice cold drink and listen up to my latest fusillade of nonsense and humbug.

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Thought It Was the End

Listen to "The Symbology of Paper Hearts" on Spreaker.

Why, howdy do? Nice of you to mosey on by. It's been a mite quiet 'round these parts lately on account of real life heavily intruding into my synchromystic perambulations. But that's real life for you, isn't it?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sync or Swym: The Future is Mermale

The Moon and the Melodist

With Obama-era stars like Katy Perry, Rihanna and Beyonce rapidly losing their cultural relevance, young Ariana Grande seems to be the new "It Girl" when it comes to symbolic entrainment. And I do I have to say she's doing a terrific job at it.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Liquid Sky, UFOs and... Donald Trump?

Sometimes you just innocently fall upon an interesting synchronicity, which inspires you to poke around a bit and see where it might go. Next thing you know, you're deluged with a tidal wave of highly-potent syncs that kick open a door you've been scratching at for a while. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

My God is Full of Stars: Less than Nero

Nero, Sphinx, Rome, Light, 2000. 

Is this an actual headline or the winning answers to this month's round of Secret Sun Scrabble? Or perhaps just further evidence that there's no one at the helm of the Reality Schooner? 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Stories, Star Maps and Storm Warnings

Gordon White and I joined Miguel Conner for Aeon Byte's 13th Anniversary. There were no set talking points, so it took a short while for us to get a handle on where the conversation was headed.
But once we did we covered a number of fascinating topics that Secret Sun readers will grok. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Drunk on the Blood of the Saints

Well, quite an eventful month so far. Especially in the context of signs, wonders and portents. As well as things in the Heavens finding mirrors here on Earth.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Broadcasts from Home

This is going out to those who know: I know what this world can do and I'm sure some of you might need to hear some messages from home now and again. I'm here to help.

I've been working on this problem a long time now.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Flame on the Crown of Your Influence

The landmark Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was heavily damaged by fire yesterday. Happily, much of the structure is intact and many of the priceless works of art had either been previously moved or were rescued. 

It took a very long time to build this architectural masterwork, and it will take a long time to repair it. Donations are already being made for its restoration.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Spacely Syncs: The All-Important 4/4

Our pal Khadir pointed me to this article, which talked about the Event Horizon project, in this instance about the MIT observatory in Westford, MA.

I'm sure you're probably all black-hole'd out, especially after the manufactured fake- controversy about that random woman on the team whose name just HAPPENED TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT to sync up with Sagittarius, where the other Superunknown black hole sun was imaged.

Don't go invoking Knowles' First Law* now. I don't want you getting unpersoned.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

JLo Made the Secret-Sunniest Video EVER

Well, weirdo Indie artists like Grimes are one thing, but what do you do when one of the biggest superstars in the entire world makes a video bursting at the seams with all these crazy Emergent Archetypal Dominants® I've been bashing my head bloody for the better part of two years trying to open people's eyes to?

I guess bash my head some more.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A Taste of Your Own Medicine

Our man Boosephus pointed me in the direction of the new JLo video, "Medicine." I strongly suspect he did so because he's a sadist.

Monday, April 08, 2019

Addenda: The Mysterious End of Kurt Cobain, Twenty-Five Years On

Kurt Cobain's body was found twenty-five years ago today at his home in Seattle. It was a landmark event for the culture at large, but perhaps in the future it will be seen as a Synchromystic landmark as well. 

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Next Dimension, Please: The OA - Season Two

Is there such an animal as the Theatre of Depression? If not, there should be. Online technology has converted most of the industrialized world into indoorsy introverts, even Instagram globetrotters (who seem to travel solely to snap selfies of themselves in front of exotic landmarks).

Which is to say online technology is depressing the shit out of the world.

Monday, April 01, 2019

Twenty Years Inside The Matrix

Johnny, Angry Johnny....

In case you've been wisely tuning out the media, you may have noticed that today is the 20th anniversary of the release of The Matrix.  Cue the endless "Red Pill" misquotes...

Friday, March 29, 2019

Let's Warp the Timeline Again.

It's been a very, very strange month, particularly the past week or so. I don't know about you, but I'm sensing a powerful dislocation, some kind of massive disturbance in the Force. Concurrently with that is a sense that the Spy vs Spy War that's dominated our politics for the past three years has taken a decisive turn.

Monday, March 25, 2019

CERN Opened the Door: What Came Through?

I get that some folks might find talk about supernovas and subatomic particles a bit too abstract, a bit too theoretical. It's anything but.

What we're looking at and what we're trying to unpack is the work certain scientists with unlimited budgets and technology are undertaking in a quest to rip dimensional doors off their hinges and gain access to other universes. 

And let other universes gain access to us

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Space is an Altar: Out Back, Counting Stars.

There's a provocative headline for you. I've been following Diana Walsh Pasulka since she appeared on Rune Soup a while back and am quite intrigued by her research. I can't say I'm as intrigued by this headline here and I'm not entirely sure it's a fair assessment of her book, partly because I haven't had the pleasure of reading it yet.

But an alien religion "taking root among the powerful" isn't exactly a news flash to Secret Sun readers, is it?

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Trailer Trash: Belial, Baphomet, Betty and Veronica

OK, this looks...ungood. 

I'm holding out hope that the actual series will be double-plus-good, but this trailer is not filling my heart with warm waves of optimism and anticipation. The first series was so interesting because it 
always seemed like it was perched on the precipice of batshit insanity and could fall off at any moment. 

This just looks kind of dull and ordinary.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Don't Come Around Here Nommo

So I've been thinking a lot about this thing with Robert Temple and the "Sirius Mystery," so-called. 

The 1998 interview video that recently resurfaced in which Temple expresses his belief that the Nommo-- the alien race that allegedly inspired figures like Oannes and Atargatis-- were in hibernation around the Saturnian moon Phoebe kicked off one of those weird moments when thousands of tiny little puzzle-pieces all fall together in a very weird way.

Friday, March 15, 2019

In a Samhain Supernova in the Sky

So the reason I want to prove that many of these ancient stories are describing star maps is that I want my Sunners to really familiarize themselves with the language I'm trying to speak here.


So we can fold all of this into the unfolding Secret Sun exegesis, a great deal of which is ultimately about, if anything at all, seers and scryers. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Astronomy Domine: Eye Can See Everything

So you know the hundreds and hundreds of "one-eye shots" that you always see taken of celebrities on conspiracy sites? You know how the usual explanation seems to be that these are Satanists doing the "Eye of Horus" routine? As it happens, that may not be that far off the bat.

Why do I say that?

Well, it turns out that some scholars deciphered some old Egyptian texts and discovered that the Eye of Horus turns out to be Algol, of all things...

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Astronomy Domine: My God is Full of Stars

Well, I've been a busy little bee lately. I'll tell you, all sorts of interesting, um, revelations have bubbled to the surface.

So I wanted to clarify a few details in Revelation and then double back to Genesis because boy; things are really,
really heating up 'round these parts.

So seeing it's Sunday and all, whad'ya say we all do us some churchin', eh?

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Astronomy Domine: The Revelation Star Map

OK, we have a whole lot of information to sift through and the connections here might take a lot of time to soak in.  So let's get this thing going...

Monday, March 04, 2019

Sync or Swim Addenda: Hang on, Saint CRISPR

People come up to me all the time and ask me, "Chris, are there plans afoot to merge human DNA with the genome of some alien species from Nibiru or somewhere like that?"

I always have to tell them that I don't have a definitive answer. I just know that such an eventuality seems to be on somebody's mind out there, judging from the weird headlines popping up hither and yon.

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Sync or Swim: Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey. It Was the DNA.

OK, lots going on as per usual, lots to get to. 

We've been speculating over all this CRISPR business and other genetic shenanigans and now there's this headline, that some NASA contractor allegedly conjured up "alien" DNA by creating four new nucleotides. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Telling Tales Out of School: Jacob's Ladder

The Gods of Sync are a capricious lot, often dive-bombing into our lives with tantalizing morsels of interconnectivity, which answer one question at the same time they ask a thousand more. 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ask Not for Whom the Siren Sings...

Very busy and stressful times here at Secret Sun Central lately. Looks like there's a momentary break in the torment, so let's take a look at some of the synchro-semiotic insanity washing over the world as of late...

Monday, February 18, 2019

Old Black Oil, Keep on Rolling

Things are very, very hectic here but I didn't want to keep the Sunsters without some fresh grist for their mills. 

Coincidentally with my OCD ruminations on The X-Files as MK allegory came this latest depressing symptom of the overall collapse of mass-culture, which folds into all this mayhem either explicitly or otherwise....

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Secret Sunday Matinee: The BLUEBIRD of Happiness

Well, that's certainly something. 

"Carnival" comes from the name of a Roman Isis Festival and "Reggio" shares the same root as Regulus. And yes, there were Mermaid floats. 

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Secret Sun Super Ba'al LIII Pregame Picture Parade

It's the Big Game and it's a busy day here. So here are some random, unconnected images that crossed my path recently for you to meditate upon...

Thursday, January 31, 2019

"Mouse Kontrol Ultra": Adam Curtis, Massive Attack & the Sibyl

Massive Attack onstage in Manchester

2019 seems to be recognized as a pivotal year of some kind by a number of different observers so I guess it's appropriate that Massive Attack is taking its Mezzanine 21st Anniversary extravaganza out on the road, along with MK-Ultra's own Adam Curtis furnishing the visuals.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

It's the New Zeus Revue, Coming Right at You.

Well, it's been another exciting and fast-paced week, don't you think? 

Having defective brains like mine tends to get one trapped down increasingly-treacherous syncholes with all the symbols and signifiers flying around out there, so I'm going to see if my erudite readers want to have a go at all the most-high weirdness flying around in the Ether... 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Great Restoration Watch: The Measure of a Ram

You know the drill-- so many rituals, so little time. A lot of topics we were discussing in the previous post popped up (give or take) in the Borgsong this past week, so indulge me as I drop a few fresh gold-dust-rush nuggets in your virtual sluice-pan...

Friday, January 18, 2019

Entrainment Tonight: Blood on the Moon

Sunday brings us the Super Bloody Castle Wolfenstein Moon (or whatever), so as you would expect lots of different folks are getting ready to ride those moon-waves. Sounds like there are a few more of these bloody moons on the way so hold on to your hemoglobin and surf those gnarly Apocalyptic curls...

Monday, January 14, 2019

...But Secret Sunification is Interested in You.

As always, there's way too much going on out there. I've fallen a bit behind on my semiotics and pseudo-science, but here's a small sampling of stories from the World Secret Sunification desk...

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Project Blue Book, or Putting the Sex in Subtext

OK, first things first: on a textual level, the History Channel's (sic) Project Blue Book is a dumpster fire of epic proportions, historically-speaking. 

On a subtextual level, Project Blue Book is a fascinating if not ham-fisted exercise in subliminal storytelling, at least the pilot episode is. 

Needless to say, I'm hooked!

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

The Devil's Draught and the Witches' Brew

This is a post I really didn't want to write. I've been engaged in a hearty inner debate as to whether I actually should write it, as it hits kind of close to home and involves someone I've known for a very long time. But given the severity of what actually went down and how badly this person is being demonized on Facebook and other places, I felt like I needed to speak up.

Sunday, January 06, 2019

Haunting of Hill House: A Deeper Dive

Longtime readers know often I'll dive into a film or TV series long after they're released. Often I do so because I'm waiting to select particular screenshots, oftentimes something simply flew under my radar and other times I wait until everyone else has seen something so I don't have to worry about spoilers. 

So if you haven't seen Haunting of Hill House yet and you want to, bookmark this page and come back later. 

Friday, January 04, 2019

Haunting of Hill House: (Don't) Want to Believe

There's this great line in Jeff Kripal's 2011 pop culture opus. Mutants & Mystics. It goes something like, "If the motto of The X-Files was: "I Want to Believe," the motto of John Keel was: "Don't."

As time goes on I appreciate the deep wisdom that John Keel dispensed more and more, and have come to see the man as a genuine prophet.