Monday, April 01, 2019

Twenty Years Inside The Matrix

Johnny, Angry Johnny....

In case you've been wisely tuning out the media, you may have noticed that today is the 20th anniversary of the release of The Matrix.  Cue the endless "Red Pill" misquotes...

Miguel Connor invited Jasun Horsley and I onto the Aeon Byte livestream to discuss the film and its legacy. You can check out the discussion here or listen to the audio version on Aeon Byte on iTunes.

Much to Miguel's apparent surprise, neither Jasun nor I are huge admirers of the film at this point in our lives. Jasun argues that it's contributing to the increasing alienation from the physical and I argue that it's essentially a very well-made propaganda film for the techno-savior myth that continues to be pushed by Silicon Valley.

I'm interested in hearing your takes on the film and its legacy so drop some troof for your fellow Sunners in the comments below....