Well, another prophesied alien invasion has come and gone, but that doesn't mean your reality isn't being slowly but inexorably reordered. Quite the contrary, friends.
Let's start here: Massive Attack's US tour sadly went the way very many tours are going lately - that is, to Low Ticket Sales Cancelation City - but they took to the stage in Liverpool for a storming set last Friday, the 29th.
That of course was the 39th (13+13+13) anniversary of the release of Our Blessed Sibyl's most earth-shakingly potent invocations from beyond on Echoes in a Shallow Bay, whose cover was the first to depict the Shimmer.
Appropriately, given the fact that the Oracle's wails and warbles on the record quite literally tore a hole in the very fabric of time and space, the repercussions of which we're now just beginning to perceive.
Subsequently, the best-known channeling from Echoes was "Pale Clouded White," which was first heard on a television broadcast in Columbus, Ohio the night of the historically-devastating Mexico City earthquake of 1985.
Subsequently, the best-known channeling from Echoes was "Pale Clouded White," which was first heard on a television broadcast in Columbus, Ohio the night of the historically-devastating Mexico City earthquake of 1985.
Our beloved Sibyl prophesied this time around on the same day that Syrian rebels staged a surprise offensive on the city of Aleppo, signaling the re-ignition of hot war in that country.
Russian and Syrian jets began pounding rebel positions the next day, raising the likelihood of a much-wider conflagration, given the involvement now of Turkey, along with the usual suspects like the US, UK and Israel.
Anyhow, this all coincided with Massive's first UK gig since playing near the Sibyl's bower in Bristol back in August. That was the same show that Samantha Morton opened up with her eponymous (give or take) band, who themselves trade in very Massive-like trip-hop.
Our Sam is apparently shooting a film with Daniel Day-Lewis in Manchester, which may be why she didn't open this show as well. Her album (Daffodils and Dust) is very, very good, by the way. Give it a spin. Very dreamy.
Anyway, Aleppo and Liverpool seemed significant to me so I went poking around. Seems to be some odd connectivity there, like this play here. Some tantalizing phonetic similarity as well.
Remember that Sibyls channeled Apollo, who himself was granted the gift of prophecy in the myths from the Melissae, AKA the Bee Maidens.
Their honey mouths surely had the all fool gold. I have on good authority that all old Phoebus could do was genuflect.
Their honey mouths surely had the all fool gold. I have on good authority that all old Phoebus could do was genuflect.
There's also this display currently being run at a museum in Liverpool. Looks like some VR nonsense or something. I guess that joint is hankering to lose some big money, which happens to everyone who plays around with it.
Of course, my fevered brain goes straight to the Shriners and their wacky fezzes whenever I hear the word "Aleppo." Let's see what the AI superbrain has to say about that:
The Aleppo Temple was a group of Freemasons who were members of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite and Knights Templar in the York Rite.The Shriners, a group with an Arabic theme, adopted the red fez with a black tassel as their most distinctive symbol. The fez was named after the holy city of Fez, Morocco, where it was first manufactured.The Aleppo Shriners' ceremonial program includes the Arch Production, which recognizes the novice as a respected individual. The program features a 12-foot arch that is constructed stone by stone while the ritual cast narrates the script.
Scottish Rite, you say?
It turns out there was an ocean liner called the SS Aleppo, whose home port was in Liverpool. The mystery deepens, it seems. Especially since the Aleppo was built at the Govan shipyards in Glasgow.
And I don't even know why I'd bring this up, but can you guess who used to work in those very same yards, apropos of nothing?
Why, the Big Yin himself, by and by!
Seems the ol' national treasure got some Glaswegian guff for his unique sense of style back in the day. Also turns out he went to elementary school in Govan and got picked on quite a bit. Might leave one with some anger simmering deep down inside, wouldn't you say?
A tragedy for such a genius. Well, he sure showed them.
A tragedy for such a genius. Well, he sure showed them.

Found this headline, too. Not sure if Orange Order bands were playing at this parade, which I admit I've never heard of. That's Billy's wife Pamela (meaning "all honey") Stephenson, who played Lorelei in Superman 3.
"Lorelei." That sounds familiar.
On the topic of marching bands, here's a nice upgraded transfer of a live version of "Musette and Drums."
What for? No reason, really. It's just always lovely to see the young Sibyl as she cryptically sings of unspeakable truths.
What for? No reason, really. It's just always lovely to see the young Sibyl as she cryptically sings of unspeakable truths.
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And you can check out this new post on The Secret History of Rock 'n' Roll while you're at it...