Case in point: I posted my first entry on The Liminal Symbolism of Twin Peaks at The Secret Sun Extension School on the day before David Lynch left this realm.
That doesn't feel like an accident. It feels like something was staying my hand until the time was right to finally get the piece up.
We can't always know how this process works, but I think we can strive to hone our synchro-instincts so we can make this process work for us.
But wait: there's more!
This past Wednesday I posted here about the livestream on the Deep State cults involved in the so-called Disclosure movement:
If you know my work you probably realize I don’t see UFOlogy as a science, but a religion. And it’s a religion that has methodically embedded itself into some of the highest levels of power in the Federal Government.
By which I mean I hadn’t been paying a whole lot of attention to the disclosure circus. That is, until one of the performers in that circus became the new Secretary of State, meaning “fourth in line in Presidential succession.”
I just did a big livestream on the Disclosure Cult on Sunday for the Secret Sun Institute and in my research I realized how closely tied it all is to Artificial Intelligence, the drone situation, the ramping up of the Cold War, and even Elon Musk’s obsession with Mars.
That same day I posted Stanley Kubrick and the Roswell Working at The Secret Sun Extension School, arguing that the Monolith in the "Dawn of Man" sequence could well be an allegory of rumors floating around in military/ intelligence circles that the postwar technology explosion was the result of things found in the alleged debris of a flying saucer at the so-called "Crash at Roswell":
So what does any of this have to do with 2001: A Space Odyssey?
Well, it’s long been my belief that Kubrick was drawing on stories he’d heard through channels about Roswell and recovered technology and the rest of it.
You don’t need to believe those stories to see that the “Dawn of Man” sequence in 2001: A Space Odyssey isn’t just a standard ancient astronaut narrative, but in fact an allegory of the postwar tech boom allegedly using discoveries reverse-engineered from a crashed spaceships found at Roswell.
So what else is new, right? Typical Secret Sun obsessions, no?
Well, sure. If you want to put it like that, fine. Be that way.
But do note that two days after those posts went live, this happens...

A mysterious image from Mars is currently causing a stir online, and the world's richest man Elon Musk is getting involved.
The mission of NASA's Mars Global Surveyor space probe has been over for some time. Between 1996 and 2006, the probe sent around 240,000 images back to Earth. One image is now the subject of heated debate on social media, however.
The photo, dated November 4, 2001, shows a vertical image section from a crater on the Red Planet in which a square-like formation can be seen. The image can be viewed on the Arizona State University website.
Given the seemingly unnaturally right-angled arrangement, some alien theorists already suspect the walls of an ancient structure or a relic of extraterrestrial origin buried under desert sand.
The SpaceX founder also joined the discussion, responding to right-wing podcaster and fellow President Donald Trump ally Joe Rogan in a post on X on Saturday.
"We should send astronauts to Mars to investigate," Musk suggested.
Now, I'm obviously skeptical about all of this Mars business, but my skepticism is besides the point.
The point here is that this all pops up less than ten days after the Trump/Musk co-regency was inaugurated under the Capitoline dome, almost if it was on a schedule.
Do note that this alleged square - which looks the walls around some kind of ancient fortress, not unlike the anachronistic stone wall in Kubrick's "Dawn of Man" sequence - was first photographed in 2001, of all years.
November is an interesting day for this. Here's a few events sharing that date, events that would be important days for certain interests:
• 1922 – In Egypt, British archaeologist Howard Carter and his men find the entrance to Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
• 1952 – The United States government establishes the National Security Agency, or NSA.
• 1962 – The United States concludes Operation Fishbowl, its final above-ground nuclear weapons testing series, in anticipation of the 1963 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
My mind working how it does, I can't help but think of the Millennium Hilton, the hotel modeled on the Monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey which no one even noticed until the Twin Towers came down. Don't ask me why.
November 4 is also an important date in Sibylogy, which we needn't go into now. So on a totally different, separate and indisputably unconnected note, I'll mention that none other than our old friend Samantha Morton has been cast in Christopher Nolan's adaption of The Odyssey.
I wonder who'll play the Sirens.
Of all the years documented on this site, 1979 will always be my favorite. Why?
Well, because that’s when I was first truly initiated in this strange and hidden world of new music. I had been exposed to a lot of it in '77 and '78, but that’s when Punk and New Wave felt like just another Seventies novelty. I wasn't shopping for novelty, I wanted something serious.
And no one was more serious than Wire.
This may seem like a bit of a detour, but it felt like it was time to write about this hallucinatory dreamscape of an LP for reasons I can't quite explain at the moment.
Given how things have been going recently, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.
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