Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Astronaut Theology: Chariot of the God

Have you seen the Pontiac Solstice, the latest and hottest sports car on the market? It's a little out of my price range, but of course I'm fascinated by its name.

Especially considering it's from the same company who brought us the Sunfire, the Firebird, the Sunbird, the Sunburst, the Phoenix and the Fiero. Solar symbolism seems to be part of the carmaker's brand identity, which reminds us of the chariot-driving Solar gods like Helios and Apollo (the Busch company has an Apollo's Chariot ride, as well as one dedicated to Montu) and Surya

But what else in their semiotic kitbag warrants a closer look?

For the first few decades of its existence, Pontiac used an Indian head logo. Then in 1957, they changed it. Incidentally, 1957 was the year that the Space Age began with the launch of the Sputnik.

Perhaps Pontiac wanted to cash in on the Space Age craze with their new logo, which combined a streamlined arrowhead with a four pointed star. Perhaps not.

Intentionally or not, the new Pontiac logo is simply a streamlined but essentially identical version of the Ancient Egyptian icon of Min, the priapic god of fertility (that's Min, not Nim), whose symbol was also the arrowhead. So who was Min exactly, aside from the god of enviable endowment?

... Min, Lord of the Processions,
God of the High Plumes,
Son of Osiris and Isis,
Venerated in Ipu,
Gebtu's Horus of the Strong Arm.
-- Hymn to Min

Egypt was a theological jumble, with gods trading names and identities from cult center to cult center. Like Khons, Min was a lunar god and like Osiris he was associated with fertility. Like Set he was associated with lettuce, but he was also identified with Horus.

 Germane to this particular conversation he was also the god of roads and travelers. True to form, he not only was identified with Horus the Sun, but Osiris the Father...

...History's first star-sailor. The Pharaohs were said to represent Horus in life, but when they died their bodies (ie, their DNA) were preserved and their souls were said to travel via starlight to join Osiris in the constellation of Orion.

Where did this idea come from?

This is the figure who taught the Ancient Egyptians agriculture, law and religion and sailed off to the stars following his death and resurrection. This is the figure that ruled during the Zep Tepi, which the Shemsu Hor dedicated themselves to traveling back into time to rejoin, and sought to bring the rest of civilization along with them. 

These aren't a bunch of Shirley MacLaine's or Ramtha fans we're talking about, these are the individuals who actually built all these marvels that are still standing in Egypt, a civilization that seemed to pop out of nowhere, fully formed. And the belief system of the Shemsu Hor revolves around a time when gods came from the stars walked the Earth and then returned to distant stars like Sirius. 

And everywhere- everywhere- we still see their symbols.
