We're coming up on Christmas, so what better time than now to explore the greatest spiritual innovation of our times?
See, I'm seriously starting to wonder if the most effective path to enlightenment in this day and age is simply meditating upon a healthy serving of the finest schizospiritual memes. Books, videos, or lectures on spirituality can't seem to approach a fraction of the instant satori that a truly inspired schizmeme can muster.
I realize I sound like a broken record on this, but A., obsessive-compulsive disorder, and B., did I mention instant satori?
I'd say schizospiritmemes are the most exciting thing I've encountered since Synchromysticism, only I'm not sure there's really a difference. Most people think Synchromysticism - which is a lot older than the term - is already schizoid, if not schizophrenic.
I realize I sound like a broken record on this, but A., obsessive-compulsive disorder, and B., did I mention instant satori?
I'd say schizospiritmemes are the most exciting thing I've encountered since Synchromysticism, only I'm not sure there's really a difference. Most people think Synchromysticism - which is a lot older than the term - is already schizoid, if not schizophrenic.
I mean, if you think Philip K Dick would have gone even farther over the edge for the Cocteau Twins than myself - and he absolutely would have, without a doubt - can you imagine what he'd think of schizospiritualmemes? Forget it.
Yeah, yeah, I know: broken record. But repetition is the mother of skill, Brian.
Listen, I'm probably older than you and I've seen everything take off, then crash and burn: Evangelicalism, New Age, pseudo-Kabbalah, neopaganism, Chaos Magick and neo-occultism have all been up to bat and whiffed. There's just something wrong with the approach, and I think it all boils down to dishonesty.
Listen, I'm probably older than you and I've seen everything take off, then crash and burn: Evangelicalism, New Age, pseudo-Kabbalah, neopaganism, Chaos Magick and neo-occultism have all been up to bat and whiffed. There's just something wrong with the approach, and I think it all boils down to dishonesty.
What do I mean by that?
I mean things are too far gone for piety or pretense any more. We're all broken, we're all wounded, we all fall far short of the glory of God. What's the point in pretending otherwise? After all, "pretense" is just another word for "lying."
The schizospiritual sages seem to be saying "Yeah, I know I'm fucked, I know you think I'm a freak, but I won't let go. In fact, all the failure and contempt just makes me hold on all that much tighter."
I mean things are too far gone for piety or pretense any more. We're all broken, we're all wounded, we all fall far short of the glory of God. What's the point in pretending otherwise? After all, "pretense" is just another word for "lying."
The schizospiritual sages seem to be saying "Yeah, I know I'm fucked, I know you think I'm a freak, but I won't let go. In fact, all the failure and contempt just makes me hold on all that much tighter."
I don't know, am I reading too much into it? Maybe. Probably. But what the hell is The Secret Sun even about if it's not about reading too much into everything?
I mean, think about it...
I mean, think about it...

And now for the benediction...