Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Space Brothers are Ringing in the New Year

Oh man, oh man. This all started as a fun and goofy sidebar to the Vril-Watcher story. And as you've come to expect, it got big, weird and a bit sinister.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Sleep of Reason and the Ecology of Souls: Interview with Josh Cutchin

Once in a great while, a book appears that screams "instant classic" from every page. A foundational text that is destined to become part of the canon. It's been quire a while since we've seen such a thing from the world of Fortean or Magonian studies, but now the long wait is over.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Preparing the Solstice Sacrifice

Khagan Zelensky is either headed for the big boy table or headed for a sacrificial slab. I can't rightly say which, though I strongly suspect it's the latter. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Sun Shines on What Lurks Below


 A bit simplistic in some spots, but generally fair and objective. Watch and learn.

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Watcher Worship at the Great Pyramids

Well, 'tis the season for Watcher worship. And you can count on the Watcherite extremists running the odious high fashion racket to try to outdo each other with ostentatious displays of total subjugation to the Angels Who Kept Not Their First Estate.

Monday, December 05, 2022

It's Beginning to Look a Lot like ChrisMemes

I don't know about you, but I sure could use some zany larfs and boffo yuks. Whadd'ya say we forget about all the rituals and the gaslighting and the sickos for a little while, and get a few giggles and grins from a totally random selection of hilarious memes? 

C'mon, lets!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Ba'al, Balenciaga and Knowles' First Law


A lot of readers had been asking me about Balenciaga, but I'd shied away from the subject on account of the fact of my blinding, burning hatred for Satanists, kiddie fiddlers and high fashion freaks.

But I repeat myself.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Spare Us the Qatar: World Cup Watcher Worship

The 2022 World Cup is upon us, much to the delight of the world and the crushing indifference of uncultured Yanks like myself. And since it is indeed 2022, the goings-on are positively drenched in the high ritualism of the worldwide Watcher cult. 

All slathered with a thick and viscous glaze of Knowles' First Law, of course.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

It's Not Easy Being Meme

Operator, get me the police. I need to report a mass murder. Yeah, some weird billionaire dude just mowed down all the whiny drama queens on his platform. It's a bloodbath!

Oh, the humanity!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Our Gods Wore Spandex: Last Supper for Superheroes

Our Gods Wear Spandex hit the shelves fifteen years ago this month and prophesied the coming rise of the superheroes, back before the Spandex Age of Cinema took off with the releases of Iron Man and Dark Knight. The age which is now most definitely drawing to a close.

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Pick Your Own Apocalypse! Plenty to Go Round!

Well, quite a 36 hours we've experienced, ay? Where do you even start? Well, the obvious place is this ominous portent in the Heavens, one that proved that red moons don't make Red Waves.  

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Nothing is Ever Quite as it Memes

An OG Sunner and I were discussing meme magic recently, since he'd recently become a believer in the power of Memo-O-Mancy. I suggested memes were the new sigils, since the good meme-makers expertly boil down complex issues into simple yet comprehensive icons, after a fashion. 

Hopefully, they don't charge their memes the way some people charge their sigils.

Friday, October 28, 2022

The Musky Aroma of Fresh Memes

Well, we've all heard the news. As I've said I'm not getting my hopes up too much. The rot in our culture is so deep, so complete and so pervasive - most especially at the elite level that dominates the conversation on Twitter - that I can't see this changing much. 

That said, let the larfs commence!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Gotta Hit Me (Hit Me) Hit Me with Your Laser Meme

The results have been tallied: we have found the Meme of the Century. 

Let's look at some of the other finalists...

Monday, October 17, 2022

You Should Be Having More X

Medical and psychological experts agree: people aren't having nearly enough X these days. Perhaps it's chemicals in our food or just the stress of living under the ever-present threat of a global slave state. We at The Secret Sun are here to help, so come have intense and passionate X with us.

Monday, October 10, 2022

WatchTober: Talking Vril, Watcher Cults & Pulp Magic on Rune Soup

Our Gordon and I planned a while back to do a show on the pulp heroes and the occult, using the unjustly-obscure 1994 film version of The Shadow as a starting point.  But by the time we got it on the air I had a whole new body of background information to explore, specifically dealing with Vril, elite Watcher cults and their incalculable influence on the modern pop culture we take for granted today. 

Friday, October 07, 2022

Keeping an Eye on the Watcher Cults on Tin Foil Hat

Had a real hootenanny with Sam, Johnny and Anthony on Tin Foil Hat, talking the Watchers and elite Watcher cults. It's a two hour-plus gabfest chock to the brim with nutrient-dense information and a eye-opening slideshow, pun abso-friggin-lutely intended.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Who Watches the Watcher Cults?


Back in September I talked about the Watcher cults - and a certain Tuesday that shall live in infamy - with Robert Phoenix. I know the idea of a Watcher cult is a strange notion for a lot of folks, so I'm posting this excerpt from my recent presentation on Vril and its connections to the Cthulhu Mythos and said Watcher cult. 

Monday, October 03, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Vril: The Coming Race, or How Lord Lytton Ensorceled the 21st Century

Weird revelations began bombarding me out of absolutely nowhere concerning Lord Lytton of Knebworth's seminal superhuman novel Vril: The Power of the Coming Race (or whatever you choose to call it). This all arose out of a stray line from Dope Inc. (of all places) and has set me off on one of my patented OCD benders. So fasten those seatbelts, kids.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Those Weird Old Windsors and Their Fiendish Friends

The ascension of King Charles III to the throne heralds a whole new age for the UK, and for rest of the world to boot. See, as much as you may experience daily life just grinding on as usual, major tectonic plates are shifting deep below our feet and the political, military intelligence and economic power of the Crown and the City of London is playing no small role in these changes.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Yass Meme Slay

I think anyone watching the news is starting to feel the same way. 96 years is nothing to mourn; it's something to celebrate. We should all be so lucky.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Watcher Cults at Ground Zero


Robert Phoenix had me on his live cast on Sunday to talk about 9/11 star maps, Watcher cults and ritual alignments. I brought the charts and graphs. 

Codes were broken and truths were spoken.

Monday, September 12, 2022

God Save the Meme

Disrespectful? Yes. Vaguely blasphemous? Yes.

Hilarious? Also yes.

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

The Siren: It's Coming Back Around Again

You can't understand the present until you understand the past. In our case, the ancient past (in general) and ancient religions (in particular). You may well be confused and mystified by what you see going on all around you but only because you're probably not familiar with the ancient precedents. 

Watch and familiarize yourself..

Saturday, September 03, 2022

Skull & Bones: The Parapolitics of Ten Thirteen's Millennium, Part 2

A stewardess prepares to bring a plane down in "The Innocents"
The ”Grillflame” remote viewing program at the “Stanton Research Institute” was based on a real-life program of the same name that was a very hot topic indeed at the time in the conspiracy underground (we looked at it here a few years back). From the article “CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing At Stanford Research Institute” by H. E. Puthoff, Ph.D., we read the following:
In July 1995 the CIA declassified, and approved for release, documents revealing its sponsorship in the 1970s of a program at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, to determine whether such phenomena as remote viewing ‘might have any utility for intelligence collection.’ Thus began disclosure to the public of a two-decade-plus involvement of the intelligence community in the investigation of so-called parapsychological or psi phenomena. The words ‘threat assessment’ were often used to describe the program's purpose...much of the remote-viewing activity was carried out under conditions where ground-truth reality was a priori known or could be determined, such as the description of U.S. facilities and technological developments, the timing of rocket test firings and underground nuclear tests, and the location of individuals and mobile units.
Later, her sister remote-views in her hospital bed.
The RV director in 'Exegesis' is based on Russell Targ, who ran the program at Stanford. Targ believes that RV could be explained through the concept of "non-locality":
Non-locality is a description of the space-time we live in which under certain conditions twin particles and twin people have much more connectivity that you would think they have. The Buddhists say the separation is an illusion. There are many bodies and one consciousness would be the metaphysical interpretation. In quantum mechanics we say the emission of two photons or two elementary particles from a common source are entangled even though they travel away from one other at the speed of light. If you grab one of them, the other one shows the effect of that. Einstein’s special relativity said that things traveling away from each other at the speed of light are disconnected and there’s no way to communicate between them so the idea that non-local connections permit such a connection between the elementary particles contradicts special relativity. General relatively pertains to gravity and has nothing to do with this. Special relativity pertains to the connection between things traveling at the speed of light and the nature of space-time. This has now been well demonstrated. David Baum, one of the pioneers in modern quantum mechanics, called this quantum interconnectedness. Henry Stapp, who is chair of the physics department at UC-Berkley, said that non-locality may be the most important discovery in all of science because it shows that we misperceive the world we live in.
Grill Flame subject 512, their mother
Targ also believes that RV is a skill that anyone could learn, under the proper conditions:
The teaching of remote viewing is principally giving people permission to do it. Society says it’s nonsense, there is no such thing. What the remote viewing teacher has to do is use his conviction to convince a person to suspend their disbelief, quiet their mind, and describe their mental impressions of whatever the remote viewing teacher is offering as a hidden target. People quickly learn to separate out their mental noise -- the memory, imagination and analysis -- from the information that’s surprising and unfamiliar looking in order to do remote viewing.
Given that one of the main tasks remote viewers were given was to locate missile sites, it’s interesting to note that ‘Exegesis’ ends with a shootout in an abandoned missile silo in Virgina. There, the target of the group-- an elderly woman who was the most prodigious of the fictional Grillflame remote viewers-- reveals the Group want to kill her because she has seen that they want to bring about the Apocalypse. This would be a thruline with the retooled mytharc. Remote viewing had a strange connection to apocalypticism in the Ten Thirteen Universe. In The X-Files episode ‘The Sixth Extinction’, Pentagon operative Michael Kritschgau is called in as exposure to an alien virus is causing Mulder to lapse into a psychotic state when triggered by radiation embedded in an alien artifact. Kritschgau was enlisted by Skinner to help, which he does by injecting Mulder with an anti-seizure drug he claims was used to medicate CIA remote viewers.
'The Sixth Extinction' where Mulder's alien RV abilities manifest
All of this takes place while Mulder's blood was being used to create a vaccine against an virus intended to kill off most of humankind, yet another sub rosa connection between the mythologies of The X-Files and Millennium. In many ways, the ‘Sixth Extinction’ three-parter can be twinned with ‘The Innocents’/’Exegesis’, in which a family of remote viewers are the only thing standing in the way of the radicalized Millennium Group. Obviously, the issues raised in the Millennium two-parter seemed to get under Chris Carter’s skin. Coincidentally, the themes in Season Three of Millennium preceded a real-life report released by the FBI in October of 1999 called Project Megiddo, that dealt the Bureau’s concerns about the militia movement, the “Christian Identity” movement and other apocalyptically-obsessed groups. Quoting from the report:
Apocalyptic cults see their mission in two general ways: They either want to accelerate the end of time or take action to ensure that they survive the millennium...(an) analysis of millennial cults by the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit describes how rhetoric changes depending on whether the leader's ideology envisions the group as playing an active role in the coming Apocalypse or a passive survivalist role... Under these ideologies, many extremists view themselves as religious martyrs who have a duty to initiate or take part in the coming battles against Satan.
That last point would be brought to bear in the Season Three mytharc in a particularly dramatic fashion. WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT In their first work for Millennium since the first season, ‘TEOTWAWKI’ (an acronym for ‘the end of the world as we know it’), Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz took on both the survivalist meme inspired by the Y2K hoax and the rash of high school shootings across America which peaked with the Columbine High School Massacre in Littleton, Colorado a few months after the episode was aired. As with the episode that followed (‘Closure’, based on a 1997 standoff between extremely well-armed bankrobbers and the LAPD), Millennium was taking story idea directly from the headlines, in much the same way that The X-Files had done in its earlier seasons. And by combining the Y2K scare, survivalism and school shootings, the Millennium writers were also tapping into and recombining then-current issues obsessing the extreme conspiracist right. First, survivalism... Unable to cope with the fact that the very same military, economic and political overlords that they were so submissive to during the Cold War were now selling them out and leaving many of them in considerable financial straits, many on the fringes of the Religious Right found comfort in a new combination of political and religious extremism based more in comic books and Hollywood thrillers than established political theory. “Survivalism” became a passion and organizing principle for the militia movement that arose from all of this ferment, and many within the movement actually openly hoped for the end of civilization at the millennium, an event only they would be prepared to survive. Ultra-right Christian polemicist (and former Ron Paul staffer) Gary North worked tirelessly to spread terror about the mythical bug in which computers would be unable to recognize dates starting with 20- and instantly crash and bring all of technocratic society to a grinding halt at the stroke of midnight, 2000 AD. North was quoted as saying in 1997, "Of course I want to see Y2K bring down the system, all over the world. I have hoped for this all of my adult life." North typifies the paranoid, xenophobic mindset of the far Religious Right in parts of America. His basic philosophy—Christian Reconstructionism, which seeks to establish a government based on Old Testament principles—is functionally indistinguishable from the Taliban or Al-Qaeda, and his social, political, sexual and economic agenda is identical as well. Quoting North from “Gary North, Y2K, and Hidden Agendas” by Mike Lorenz:
"When I began writing about Y2K, hardly anyone had heard of it. Today, the media cover it sporadically. In a year, there will be a tidal wave of articles. And, month by month, fear will spread. Doom and gloom will sell, as it has never sold before. I have positioned my name, my site, and Christian Reconstruction in the center of this fear. All I have to do now is to report bad news. That's just about all the Y2K news there is. One by one, the media sources will move in my direction, for two reasons: (1) it's as bad as I say it is; (2) the public will begin to panic, and then there will be a feverish demand for more and more information. The ‘moderates’ -- whose position cannot square with the facts of Y2K -- will be drowned out in a wave of panic.”
And it was all a hoax. North was never called into account for his lies. North believes that reconstructionists-- like jihadists-- must take advantage of the rights and freedoms of an open society so they can sieze power and deny those rights to their enemies. As North writes in "The Intellectual Schizophrenia of the New Christian Right: The Failure of the American Baptist Culture”:
”So let us be blunt about it: we must use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for Christian schools until we train up a generation of people who know that there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government. “Then they will get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political, and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.”
Frederick Clarkson detailed the rise of the Christian Reconstruction movement in the March 1994 issue of Public Eye Magazine in an article entitled “Theocratic Dominionism Gains Influence.” (The founding father of the movement was R.J. Rushdoony, who we discussed here a couple years back). Working from their own writings, Clarkson outlines the vision of America that Reconstructionists continue to work towards:
Generally, Reconstructionism seeks to replace democracy with a theocratic elite that would govern by imposing their interpretation of "Biblical Law." Reconstructionism would eliminate not only democracy but many of its manifestations, such as labor unions, civil rights laws, and public schools. Women would be generally relegated to hearth and home. Insufficiently Christian men would be denied citizenship, perhaps executed. So severe is this theocracy that it would extend capital punishment beyond such crimes as kidnapping, rape, and murder to include, among other things, blasphemy, heresy, adultery, and homosexuality.
In other words, an America no different from Iran or Saudi Arabia. Maybe even worse. Now, to the shootings: rather than understanding the rash of school shootings as the inevitable result of readily-available weapons of war and a provincial culture that still actively condones bullying of the weak and the unpopular (particularly if the kids being bullied are perceived to be sexual or religious minorities), the school shootings were explained as the work of the “New World Order,” (which morphed into a term denoting a cabal in the conspiranoid lexicon, rather than what it actually is--a corporate plan for unfettered global dominance) for reasons never made clear. How were all of these shootings orchestrated in all of these different locations? The prevailing theory across the Internet had it that the school shooters were all the targets of a government mind control program. From a December 1999 piece by one “Newshawk” on
There IS a reason why people-- to an increasing degree, often teenage boys--who've never given the slightest indication of being capable of such behavior suddenly go homicidal with deadly weapons on defenseless people. The reason in MANY, though of course not ALL, cases is MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMMING; of which there are a staggeringly great number and variety--operated primarily by malevolent, clandestine units of the intelligence, law enforcement and military agencies of both the "overt" federal government AND the "covert", globalist, crypto-Nazi New World Order government.
Obviously familiar with these theories (theorists like Newshawk may well have gotten their theories on the school shootings from X-Files episodes like ‘Blood,’ ‘Wetwired’ and ‘Three of a Kind’ in the first place), Carter and Spotnitz lead the viewer in ‘TEOTWAWKI’ to believe that there was a deeper conspiracy behind the shootings, but finally undermine the conspiracy narrative by ascribing the motive to the personal turmoil of a teenage boy who believes so thoroughly in an inevitable apocalypse that he decides it’s better to kill the object of his desire--as well as his classmates-- rather than let them suffer in a post-civilized world. And since all of the adults in his life-- employees of a computer company-- were in full panic mode, he had every right to be. Never mind that the Y2K hoax had already been debunked since all of the banks had no problem issuing credit cards with "2000" expiration dates two years prior. THE ORDER OF DEATH Lance Henriksen made it known that he was unhappy with the new directions Millennium had been taking after Chris Carter had left the series to work on the first X-Files movie. In fairness, however, there were a lot of complaints over the “serial killer of the week” (SKOTW) format during the first season, and the Legion mytharc had not yet established itself despite the enthusiastic reception given to the ‘Lamentation’/’Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions’ two-parter. Those were followed by a derivative SKOTW (‘Broken World’), an unremarkable Legion entry (‘Maranatha’) and yet another SKOTW which merely acted as a setup for the kidnapping of Catherine by the stalker known as the “Polaroid Man.” When the Wongs took over, their obvious disinterest in both the SKOTW format (despite having written three of the very finest entries in the genre; ‘Dead Letters’, ‘52666’ and ‘The Thin White Line’) and the Polaroid Man storyline (which they used merely as a pretext to bring back Doug Hutchinson, who played Tooms in The X-Files) was merely a preamble to the radical makeover they had in mind for the series. As mentioned before, the Wong dispensed almost entirely with the Legion mytharc (‘Room With No View’ was handled by the second-line production team of Ken Horton, Chip Johannessen and Michael Perry that also offered up “Luminary’, ‘The Mikado’ and ‘In Arcadia Ego’) to make room for the Owls/Roosters/Odessa mythology. All of this culminated in the Marburg virus outbreak in ‘Horseman’ and ‘Time’ Given these grave events, it made sense to retool the Group as a villainous conspiracy, along the lines of the Syndicate in The X-Files. It also facilitated the obvious need for conspirators when dealing with conspiracy-themed episodes. With that in mind ‘Skull and Bones’ not only worked to put the conspiracy in stark relief, it also presented an actual conspiracy theorist through which the audience could measure the new face of the Group. Veteran character actor Arye Gross played the theorist, a brilliant yet extremely paranoid man who witnessed the Group do away with a dissenter outside his apartment building and began tracing its footsteps through news stories and obituaries. The “caper” of the episode dealt with the discovery of human remains dug up during a highway excavation in Maine. Hollis and Baldwin are tasked with leading the investigation and soon Peter Watts mysteriously shows up as well. Frank suspects that one of the victims was Cheryl Andrews, the Millennium Group pathologist played by CCH Pounder first introduced in ‘The Judge.’ The investigation eventually leads Emma to a literal chopshop- a rural farmhouse in which human remains were dismembered by a contractor hired out by the Group. Watts shows up there too, rather suspiciously, if only to demonstrate that he has drunk deep from the Rooster Kool-Aid. To the newly-converted Watts, “The End” justifies all means, and anyone who stands in the way of the mission of the Group to save the world from itself will soon find herself rotting under the blacktop in the backwoods of Maine. The title itself is a statement of purpose- it’s taken from the extremely powerful secret society based at Yale University, which has tapped the “best and brightest” to its ranks, including both Presidents Bush, Senator (and multimillionaire) John Kerry, plutocrat Stephen Schwarzman of the Blackstone Group and several other members of the ruling elite. Excerpted from the book The Legend of Skull and Bones by Alexandra Robbins:
Sometime in the early 1830s, a Yale student named William H. Russell - the future valedictorian of the class of 1833 - traveled to Germany to study for a year. Russell came from an inordinately wealthy family that ran one of the United States' most despicable business organizations of the nineteenth century: Russell and Company, an opium empire.
While in Germany, Russell befriended the leader of an insidious German secret society that hailed the death’s head as its logo. Russell soon became caught up in this group, itself a sinister outgrowth of the notorious eighteenth century society of the Illuminati. When Russell returned to the U.S., he found an atmosphere so anti-Masonic that (Phi Beta Kappa) had been unceremoniously stripped of its secrecy. Incensed, Russell rounded up a group of the most promising students in his class … (and) out of vengeance constructed the most powerful secret society the United States has ever known.
Fast-forward 170 years. Skull and Bones has curled its tentacles into every reach of American society.... Skull and Bones, in fact, has been running the United States for years. There is a Bones cell in the CIA, which uses Skull and Bones as a recruiting ground because the members are so obviously adept at keeping secrets....(Skull and Bones) control the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission so that they can push their own political agenda.
FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS The words of real and fictional conspiracy theory collided again in the mytharc episode ‘Collateral Damage’, which starred James Marsters as an embittered Gulf War veteran named Eric Swan who kidnaps the daughter of Frank’s former Millennium Group partner Peter Watts in order to force a confession from the government concerning germ warfare testing on US troops in Kuwait. During the investigation Frank discovers that Swan used to call into the real-world AM radio talkshow Coast to Coast AM, hosted by Art Bell. Bell put the wildly popular Coast to Coast on the map in the 90s as a clearinghouse for all kinds of conspiracy and paranormal-related topics. Frank arranges to appear on the show to try to coax Swan onto the air and locate his hideout. With this appearance, a kind of snapshot of the 90s conspiracy culture zeitgeist was taken, with the mighty Ten Thirteen Productions joining forces with Art Bell, though Millennium was nearing its end and Bell’s own career had become marked with controversy and mysterious absences from the airwaves. But here again, Millennium was reaching into the deepest recesses of the conspiracy underground. An inflammatory tract of uncertain provenance titled "A Lecture by Captain Joyce Riley on Gulf War Syndrome, Biological Warfare C0nducted on US Military Members, and Corporate Bio-genocide Levied on the Planetary Population" made the rounds on conspiracy newsgroups at the time (and seemed to be the primary inspiration for the episode), but so did a more cogent essay titled “The Gulf Bio War: How a New AIDS-like Plague Threatens Our Armed Forces,” by Alan R. Cantwell, Jr., M.D.: A year later, in 1996, the Department of Defense finally admitted that 400 soldiers (later changed to 5,000; still later to 20,000) may have been exposed to toxic agents when, after the war had officially ended, the military blew up an ammunition storage depot in Kamisiyah in southern Iraq on March 4 and again on March 10, 1991. After the bombings, a U.N. inspection team informed Pentagon officials that the buildings contained chemical weapons. However, the Pentagon immediately classified the U.N. report and the troops were never alerted about possible exposure to toxic chemicals. Despite the cover-up, exposure to chemicals cannot account for so many sick soldiers. In the search for a cause of GWS, epidemiologists have been looking for a common factor that could have exposed so many Gulf War vets. ...(o)ne factor common to all the troops is that they were given experimental and potentially dangerous drugs and vaccines employed to protect them against Iraqi chemical and biowarfare agents. As early as December 1990, there were warnings about using our servicemen as medical guinea pigs...(s)oldiers who rejected the injections were given them forcibly. And just to show how canny and sophisticated the Millennium writing team was in their understanding of the deep, dark corners of the conspiracy underground, the subplot of the FBI using Art Bell’s show to smoke out a genuine dissident spoke to a deep and abiding fear among the militia factions of the movement: that Bell was a shill being used to discredit and expose any dissent against the New World Order- which in the mind of the true believer was a conspiracy to install a one world government and an (imaginary) one world "new age" religion which would exterminate the white, middle-aged, conservative Fundamentalist males who made up the bulk of the now-waning militia movement. Christian Fundamentalist -- and self-confessed ‘former’ Naval Intelligence asset-- Milton William Cooper (author of the landmark conspiracy text Behold a Pale Horse, which Chris Carter cited as a favorite source for story ideas) summed up these fears best in his 1997 online tract Majesty Twelve:
(Art Bell’s show) dish up nightly servings of ridiculous, outrageous, and fantastic conspiracy fantasies. Occasionally Bell stirs in legitimate, real and dangerous conspiracies. Although Art Bell pretends to be serious, the mix of incredulous fantasy with fact serves to debunk all conspiracies. Bell effectively implants the idea that anyone who believes in any conspiracy is a whacked out nutcase that should be locked up in a mental institution. He is a most effective change agent operating on behalf of our enemies.
The layers of subtlety at work here are so dense as to be nearly impenetrable. But it shows a level of sophistication unseen on network TV when dealing with these esoteric topics. Except, of course, for The X-Files. TO BE CONTINUED

Monday, August 29, 2022

I'm Not Crazy. You're the One That's Crazy.

My main man Mark had me back on My Family Thinks I'm Crazy to discuss the Sorcerarchy, Siren cults, and successor ideologies, but we also spent quite a lot of time discussing the Mystical Mindset, the reality of the Spirit World, the glory and beauty of Nature, ways to stay strong and positive, and a whole lot more. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

My Final Word on Anne Heche (for now)


The Anne Heche case continues to create more questions than answers and the contradictions continue to pile up. It's all so surreal yet utterly predictable at this late point in the timeline. A lot of researchers are on it, and some are doing better work than others, so take your pick. 

That said, you expect a more skewed perspective from The Secret Sun and that's what's on the menu today.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Anne Heche Addenda: BabaLAon is Burning

A reader pointed out that four days after Anne Heche's purported fatal crash that there was another mysterious immolation across town in Griffith Park. And this one is even sketchier than what allegedly when down in Mar Vista.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Lucifer Risen, Celestia Fallen: Anne Heche Sheds This Mortal Coil

Like most of you, the Anne Celeste Heche drama threw me for a loop. Having read her book, I knew all about her mental health and substance abuse issues, so the basic facts of the initial incident didn't shock me overmuch. It's when you start getting into the weeds that it all gets a bit disturbing.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Stanley Kubrick and the Roswell Ritual

The SSI is going deep on 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Roswell Ritual, Lucifer's Technologies and the Watchers, this Saturday night, August 13, at 10 PM Eastern.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Smile Like You Meme It

Funny because it's true. Also, not funny because it's happening now.

Monday, August 08, 2022

U2 What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law

Roasting Bono these days is like shooting fish in a barrel. No one cares about U2 anymore and Bono's tireless bootlicking of the rich, powerful and demonic has absolutely shredded his credibility with every sentient being on the planet. Bono doesn't even rise to the level of laughingstock any longer; he's just a total cringe factory now.

Saturday, August 06, 2022

Dog Day AfterMemes

Nothing earth-shaking, just a selection of clever little memes floating around the social control media platforms that made me chuckle or made me think. Is that really too much to ask these days?

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Beyonce, the Bomb and the Land of Molech and Honey

Oh, hello there. Nice of you to drop by. What's that, you say? You came here for some hardcore, old school, holy-crap-this-guy's-off-his-meds Secret Sun megaposts like you got back in 2017 and 2018

Well, you just hit the jackpot, Tiger.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Secret Sun Goes to Phoenix


The Friday FARcast with Astromythicist Robert Phoenix, that is. He's a very sharp guy, highly capable interviewer and outstanding conversationalist. Really enjoyed this one, and I know for a fact that you will too.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

People Say I'm Lazy, Memeing My Life Away

You all know what this and how it works: a prime selection of memeish hilarity floating around the Interwebs. Sit back, pour yourself a cold one and laugh at the absurdity of it all. 

Remember what Sri William Hicks once said: "It's just a ride." 

Saturday, July 23, 2022

A Lot More Sirius Than You Think

Today is the traditional date of the helical rising of the "Dog Star" Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, as well the traditional opening of the Dog Days. Which means it's the perfect time to get together and talk about Sirius and the long history of worship of it.

Warning: for such a bright and beautiful star, the adoration for it can get a lot more serious than you think.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Galaxy Gate: Heaven's Gate and the Secret Origin of Galaxy Quest


Heaven's Gate, the San Diego-based cult that committed mass suicide in 1997 in hopes of hitching a ride on a UFO trailing a passing comet, were in many ways a surprisingly traditional Gnostic cult. But at the same time they were ultimately a product of Hollywood, particularly Hollywood science fiction franchises like Star Trek and Star Wars.

So it's no surprise they showed up in a number of Hollywood productions, some openly acknowledged, and in one particular instance, not so much.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Secret Sun Shines on Freeman Fly Once Again

My brother-from-another-mother Freeman Fly had me on for a freewheeling meeting of the minds. We cover a number of different topics, with the general theme being the calm before the apocalyptic storm...

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Druid's in the Details: Talking the West Memphis 3 with William Ramsey


William Ramsey asked me back on his show to discuss the West Memphis Three, specifically to walk through the specific ritual aspects of the murders. I think you'll agree with me that these crimes were not big "S" Satanic, but were in fact Druidic. Give it a watch.

Saturday, July 09, 2022

A Midsummer's Night Meme

Well, it looks like the E. Lon Hubbard bid has shit the bed on the Twitter buyout, so it's only a matter of time before the Woke Robespierres there start purging millions of freethinking accounts in order to create a virtual safespace for Sorosian CIA shills and the retired kakistocratic Karens who love them.

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Post-Gnosis and Imperial Collapse on The Higherside Chats


The free portion of my recent Higherside Chats appearance is available on YouTube now. I always love talking to Greg and this one may be my favorite THC so far...

Monday, July 04, 2022

Stranger Things 4 Livestream

Depressed the holiday's over? Don't be: we'll be capping off the long weekend tonight (July 4th) at 10 PM ET with a deep dive into the unspoken subtexts of Stranger Things 4...

UPDATE: Archived stream now live on the SSI!

Friday, June 24, 2022

Let Meme Entertain You

This conversation is taking place literally everywhere these days. Bet on it.