Operator, get me the police. I need to report a mass murder. Yeah, some weird billionaire dude just mowed down all the whiny drama queens on his platform. It's a bloodbath!
Oh, the humanity!
The brand-new 2022 ePub edition of The Endless American Midnight is now available with a mind-staggering 270 NEW PAGES OF MATERIAL.
And it's the same deal as before: NAME YOUR PRICE.
Whatever The Endless American Midnight worth to you, whatever you can afford, you tell me.
You can order by clicking on the Donate button on the desktop version of The Secret Sun, or just PayPal me a donation at secretsunCK@protonmail.comIf you want to use Venmo, I'm @Christopher-Knowles-14.
People write to me all the time to tell me how much they got from this book, feedback I never really received from Our Gods Wear Spandex. I think it will help keep a lot of things in perspective in the chaotic days to come.
The Endless American Midnight is available in either ePub or phone-friendly PDF format.And don't forget: The Endless American Midnight is still available in paperback and would make a great holiday gift for your favorite truth-seeker.
Also, don't forget the epic Donnie Darko livestream on the Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism. This one is jammed to the ears with high-potency syncs, from start to finish.
There's also a bounty of new Vril material coming up soon at the SSI, which you are going to need to see. Why? Because Vril is closely connected to the Watcher cults and their fake UFO disclosure efforts, which we're seeing being rolled out a near-daily basis now.
Which is why we'll be looking at those pesky old Space Brothers first in a livestream on Saturday night. You're definitely not going to want to miss this one. You have my word as a Synchromystic.



I had spent more days than I can count in agonizing pain and misery so overwhelming all I could do was pray for the sweet release of death. I thought nearly every day - for quite a long time - that if this was going to be the rest of my life, then I'm done. There just wasn't any point to it.
Instead, I got off drugs that are universally notorious for their diabolical addictive powers. It wasn't easy: I basically spent months in bed, my head buried beneath the covers. The fear, pain and depression I felt every minute of every day were at levels I didn't believe existed outside of bad horror novels.
I got through it. I never thought I would - I never thought it was even possible - but I got through it. I had a lot of help (read: "the Sibyl") but ultimately it came to down to a simple choice: did I want to live or die? I chose the former and doing so plugged me straight into a circuit of spiritual numinosity I thought I'd lost contact with a long time ago.
Don't ever give up. If you get beaten down, get up, break out of your patterns and go in search of fresh experience. If you have nothing left, you have nothing to lose. Go all in for a change. Roll the dice and keep rolling until you win or die trying.
Just be aware that you already won the cosmic lottery just by being here. This world is full of wonder, beauty and mystery, so go get some. And smash anything that stands in your way to absolute fuck.
Especially your own programming.