Saturday, December 30, 2017

Space is an Altar: Heaven or Lux Vega

I had no idea what a big deal this was but American Doll just released its new "Girl of the Year" for 2018.

Meet Astronaut-in-Training, "Luciana Heaven or Lux Vega." 

AKA "Luciferia Dew-Drops' Drop."

AKA "Anno Lucis of the Vegas."

Friday, December 29, 2017

Apocalypse This Week®: "As Easy as Ordering a Pizza"

Apocalypse means "to uncover." From a Gnostic perspective that means to uncover the hidden truth of a sick and fallen world beneath the manufactured reality we're spoon-fed with since birth.

And the truth is that our Archons are working day and night to create a Hell on Earth in which the bulk of humanity-- particularly children-- becomes nothing but chattel and sexual livestock. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

From Ecto-Genesis to Transgenic Revelation

Ladies and Gentlemen we are floating in space

For over 50 years, researchers have been screaming into the wind that a massive conditioning program has been underway in order to acclimate people to UFOs, aliens, exoplanets and the rest of it. 

According to this line of thinking, this is precisely why we've been carpet-bombed with movies, books, comics, toys and TV shows beating the alien/UFO/AAT drum.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

It's Called "the Never-Ending Ritual" for a Reason.


Am I in a coma? The reason I ask is that everything seems to be getting very weird out there. 

But not weird in a random happenstance kind of way, weird in a very sequential and choreographed way.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017

Foo Fighters and the Never-Ending Rockefeller Ritual

A few insightful readers recommended I check out last night's episode of Saturday Night Live, since there were apparently some very Secret Sun-worthy bits scattered among the brain-gouging unfunniness that has been the hallmark of this show since the early 90s.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Tom DeLonge's UFO Two-Step

The fun never stops, does it? 

In the wake of Las Vegas I went way out on a limb and suggested that the events there and the announcement of Tom DeLonge's CIA-Pentagon-Lockheed-backed To the Stars project were connected and part of the unfolding we were struggling to decipher. I think a lot of people thought I finally popped my cork on that one.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Let's Play Secret Sun Scrabble!

So the big news was that NASA--with the help of Google Brain-- discovered a twin of our solar system is distant space. When I first heard that NASA was going to make a big "mystery" announcement on Thursday, I knew we were going to get hit with some 2017-proof high-ritualism and I was not disappointed.

In fact, it downright felt like they were playing a round of Secret Sun Scrabble...

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

"The BEAST Awakens at KEK"

I realize I've been bombarding everyone with information for the past several weeks but you know the old saying; fish while they're biting. 

Saturday, December 09, 2017

CERN Watch: Are CERN and D::Wave Overwriting Time?

So I'm sure all of you are familiar with the Mandala Effect. For some weird reason I seem to remember most of the things that people swear didn't happen ( I quite clearly remember having a discussion with my mother about the "Berenstain" thing when I was about nine), but I have my own examples of time getting unstuck.  

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Babylon's Burning

Well, California wildfires are back in the news, this time in the south. Because these fires are striking at a major nerve center, so to speak, they seem to be getting a lot more attention in the news. And because of this we're getting a flood of truly terrifying images, film and video. 

Terrifying and apocalyptic. Is 2017 working up to a Hollywood climax?

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

The Never-Ending Ritual: Putting the Fallen in NFLim

Amazing- it's been nearly three years since Katy Hudson (aka Katy Perry) did her little Mystery Babylon the Great LARP at the Super Bowl. Little did we realize that this wasn't entertainment, it was a statement of intent.  

I hear Justin Timberlake is set to do the Halftime Show this year, having kicked off the Overt Ritual Age of the N-ph-L with the notorious "wardrobe malfunction" (sic) routine with Janet Jackson back in 2004.  

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Beauty and the Beast (of Revelation), Part 2

Darker Than You Think...

Any serious study of magic or occultism is going to eventually lead you to the stars.  I can't quite explain it yet but the mystery of the stars seems to take you way beyond Astrology or Astrotheology and drops you off in a twilight zone, where you're stuck with a lot more questions than answers.

And seeing that the stars and prophecy seem to go together like socks and shoes, that eventually leads you to the Apocalypse, meaning the painful transition into the Age of Aquarius that we're all about to be thrown into. 

Whether we want to or not. 

So what does it  have to do with occult sex magic, the surveillance state and the War in Heaven? Keep reading and I'll tell you.

Friday, December 01, 2017

Beauty and the Beast (of Revelation)

Well, it's nearly 6 AM and I've been up all night poring over this material. And I have to say it's taken me in a direction I was not expecting. I really am beginning to wonder if we actually are all video game characters in some large-scale version of The Nines, because I feel as if this entire narrative was written long in advance of me stumbling onto it. 

Other than the ways you might think, in light of the subject matter.