Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Hidden Experience of the Secret Sun

Impact caused a "seismic event," but left no trace of evidence

Mike Clelland and I had two marathon gabfests this past weekend on the Signal and the ECH.
One of which went over a cliff of sidebars and the other one was a keeper. Mike put it up on the Hidden Experience blog, which I hope all of you have bookmarked. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Thor: Fit for the King

  A typically-tardy, completely-biased review... 

 Every sci-fi and superhero movie of the past 30 years has at least a little Jack Kirby blood pumping in its veins (and most have a lot), as well as most action movies post-Die Hard. The same goes for most video games as well.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ockham, the Occult and the Ultraterrestrials

Ockham's Razor is one of those famous dictums that people use in arguments and often do so incorrectly. 

The whole story of it is pretty tangled and is better explained elsewhere, but for our purposes let's stick to the common distillation of it, being that the simplest answer to a problem is usually the correct one.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Jack Kirby, Stanley Kubrick and the SynchroSpace Odyssey

The first installment of this series dealt with the plasticity of memory, centered on the fact that my most vivid memories from my childhood were either nightmares or hallucinations, many of which had strands of commonality with abduction experiences.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Stanley Kubrick and the Reality Stargate

Gnostic scholar Jay Weidner has been making the rounds with a new film series called Kubrick's Odyssey. It's Weidner's contention that Stanley Kubrick was enlisted to help manufacture film and photography for a simulation of an Apollo 11 mission for public consumption, which would keep the real mission secret.


Our Elusive Companions: Reality Is as Reality Does

What is truly amazing to me is that even though there are strands of commonality between these ultra-vivid nightmares/memories of mine and abduction phenomena, there's no narrative commonality.

Monday, May 02, 2011

In Case You Haven't Heard...

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama announced tonight that the United States has killed Osama bin Laden and has custody of his body.

Obama said bin Laden, 54, was killed in a firefight by American forces outside a mansion in Islamabad, Pakistan today. No Americans were killed in the raid, Obama said.