This story ran last week, but just caught my attention. This didn't run on UFO Mystic or Filer's Files, it ran on Reuters, one of the world's largest and most respected news organizations. Interesting in and of itself, but I couldn't help but notice that an IBM ad discussing their work with "future threats" in Dubai was running when I visited the page.
Quite a sync.

Sure enough, Fox ran this image of Will Smith cradling a baby Chthulu, subtly reinforcing the Obama/alien meme, given the two men's association and Smith's quasi-presidential attire here.
Trick or treat- it's Jaz Coleman, the anti-GaGa! Killing Joke have a stormer of a new album out called Absolute Dissent and Jaz has been making the rounds on the interview circuit, talking apocalypse and conspiracy.
The new Killing Joke album is the first in 28 years to feature the full original lineup (which includes a druid, a Kabbalist, a martial artist and a Jaz Coleman). After an acrimonious split the band first mended fences to compile this greatest hits (sic) compilation, which featured this notorious photograph of Pope Pius being saluted by a SS phalanx.
This not only ties into the marathon debate on the Occult Nazi issue, it was also made timely when the Pope visited the UK and claimed that the Nazis were atheists, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Did someone say druid? The Pope prays with Archdruid Williams during his UK visit.
Helpfully showing us that sex scandals are an ecumenical phenomenon is Eddie Long of the New Birth Baptist megachurch. The surname tosses the late night comedians a softball pitch; he's lucky his first name isn't Willy.
And we do have a kind of Transhumanism already on the market, in the form of steroids and other hormone treatments as well as all kinds of cosmetic surgery. And this is usually what is done with it (though this looks more like trannie-humanism to me).

Speaking of syncs, this story broke on the 17th. I really don't know what to make of it, but I must say the gathering drumbeat of UFO/alien stories in the press makes me a bit nervous.

Then there's this image of Megan Fox playing a flying object of a different kind, leaving faint traces of the lady-in-red and Nephilim memes in viewer's subconscious. Note the ET logo, speaking of syncs. Identifying ETs with angels was something we saw in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, also starring Megan Fox.
And here we go with the privatization of space, with United Launch Alliance's Atlas V launching a spy satellite. Gee, I was just thinking there aren't enough spy satellites in space these days. The thing that makes me laugh about this new class of rockets is how much they look like vibrators, which would pass muster with at least one newly-minted political celebrity...
Well, autumn is upon us and that means we're in for two of America's favorite holy days. Both of them synthesize the ridiculous and the terrifying and are all about putting on masks and shaking people down.
Yes, Halloween and Election Day always fall within a week of each other for good reason- we get the tricks and they get the treats.
he narrative is the GOP wave rolling into town to take control of Congress back from the Democrats, which at least one wag has realized has been Barackobamun's plan all along.
I've advised my liberal friends to vote Republican for three reasons- the actual policies won't change one whit, you won't have to defend those policies anymore, and GOP sex scandals are always immensely entertaining.
I really hope Christine O'Donnell is elected- she's a walking trainwreck whose inevitable sex scandal is guaranteed to be pure hilarity.
This "witchcraft" thing is just a sneak preview. I also have a strange feeling that it could well be a lesbian sex scandal- a first for a GOP Senator.
Which brings me to the Gagger, who Huffpost crowned as the first lady of gay rights. I'm sure all of the activists who've spent their lives in the streets appreciated her coronation. I'm not sure what's more risible- the Gagger or her sycophants in the media.
Here's a semiotic mindf**k for all of the Palinites- Bristol Palin scores a 666 on Dancing with the Stars.

Jaz makes David Icke sound like Tony Blair and he's also more than a little nuts, but as long as he and the Jokers keep making killer album after killer album, the press seems to put up with it all. This is from the metal mag Terrorizer. I can't tell what Jaz was referring to with this cryptic Heath Ledger quote since it wasn't included in the interview.
The new Killing Joke album is the first in 28 years to feature the full original lineup (which includes a druid, a Kabbalist, a martial artist and a Jaz Coleman). After an acrimonious split the band first mended fences to compile this greatest hits (sic) compilation, which featured this notorious photograph of Pope Pius being saluted by a SS phalanx.

I'm sure this staged photo produced a lot of gooseflesh in some quarters. We usually don't get to see a photo like that without a bonfire and a giant stone owl.

UPDATE: You knew this was, uh, coming (I'm sorry, but this whole story's a minefield):
Robinson's suit alleges that "Defendant Long would use Holy Scripture to discuss and justify the intimate relationship between himself and Plaintiff Robinson."
The suits allege that various staff members working for Long, his church and the Longfellows Academy -- which the suit describes as an offshoot ministry of New Birth -- "knew of Defendant Long's sexually inappropriate conduct and did nothing to warn or protect [the plaintiffs].

Did someone say owl?
I've been working on a post called "The Trouble with Transhumanism" which will look at how TH will increase inequality of opportunity. It could also damage a whole host of human endeavors such as sports and the arts, if - and mind you, this is a very big if - the technology ever makes it out of the lecture halls and into the applications stage. (And I mean for real, not just a few token gimmicks here and there.)
Being an old Cyberpunk and massive sci-fi maniac, you'd think I'd be all over it, but Transhumanism is almost always seen as being deeply problematic in sci-fi (see Cybermen, Borg, Terminators, etc), and certainly in William Gibson's work. Good scifi writers are aware of the prohibitive costs of the technology and its inevitable weaponization.

The problem is that without doing a lot more work on the human, the Transhuman is going to be built on a very, very faulty foundation. It will be like tricking up a rotted-out old Model T. No amount of gimmicks will save you when the chassis collapses.
Unfortunately the Jihad being waged on Transhumanism from Evangelical quarters is only going to encourage the movement and accelerate whatever is coming down the pike. More on that later.