Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Yahooccultism: Dog Days Are Never Over

Well, it's after-Labor Day (the autumnal equinox is a good two weeks away). 

Time to put away your white slacks and dresses and get out your schoolbooks. Happily, Yahoo is still lobbing softballs at symbol watchers, just like they did throughout the Dog Days.

David Icke fans are familiar with Draco, said to be home of the infamous Reptilians. Shame there wasn't something on the Wolf constellation, since the wolves in sheep's clothing are on the march yet again.

Cosmos-watching is bigger than ever before, what with all of the satellites keeping an eye on the skies. This image crossed my path and I was struck by its sheer psychedelic-ness. 

If you saw that in an episode of Star Trek you think it looked too fake. Something about it reminds me of old UFO photos. Don't ask me why.

Yahoo also headlined this story, about the sad fate of the USS Olympia, one of America's first modern battleships. It seems to go well with the cosmic imagery, especially that Kubrickian nebula above.

And what's Olympia without Demeter? One of the week's big stories was some bikini pix that Demetria Moore put up on Twitter. Which just goes to show you how impoverished the public discourse has become.

You gotta love the name of this Yahoo personality, which makes me think of Wayne Herschel's recent revelations, for some strange reason.

And then there's this strange juxtaposition on Huffpost, with a Birth of Venus-type visual set for a report on college rape, and Venus herself standing in front of that oddly common flaming ball motif.

Huffpost continues to use the dome-and-obelisk visual for the Iran nukes story, raising all sorts of questions what that story is really all about. I was so struck by it that I thought back on the Glenn Beck revival meeting...

...where the Mormon rabble rouser spoke to a crowd in front of the Washington Obelisk/holy rocket launching pad. Remembering how obsessed the Mormons are with aliens and outer space, I can't help but wonder if Beck's speech on the mall wasn't just about trying to cop MLK's legacy.

No one has adequately explained the symbolism of the Washington obelisk and the reflecting pool, but it's worth noting that the same motif can be seen at Cape Canaveral.

Appropriately enough, cinematic sun god George Clooney had the number one film this weekend with yet another portrayal of an intelligence operative. Note the "17 dead" headline, a number that's certain to be amended in tomorrow's followup.

UPDATE: Obama rings out the Dog Days in typical style. There's not a single shred of doubt in my mind that Obama wants to lose the Congress to the GOP, since it was the best thing that happened to Clinton's presidency. 

Thanks to Yacarete for this one.

And the big story today is...

Then this, too.

And this.
And this.