Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Crystal Skull of "Knowledge"


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is one of those films that absolutely defies synchromystic analysis by shoving it all in your face, down your throat, out the other end and back again. 

I'm not going to go into too much detail right now, but suffice it to say that everything we've been discussing here- and at several other stops on the synchronmystic circuit - is put out there right in the open: ancient astronauts, remote viewing, automatic writing, channeling, alternative history, Stargates and on and on and on. 

In fact, I'm not sure I didn't fall asleep and dream all of that- is that in the same movie you saw? I've talked a lot about my patron goddess and muse Ka-Hathor-Ein Eloah-Isis Blanchett, and she plays exactly the role I would have picked out for her myself. In fact, the entire thing sort of plays like a bunch of smarmy skeptics writing a parody of a synchromystic film, it's so completely over-the-top. 

There's also a scene in the film that you see a snippet of in the trailer that reminds me of the drive to Esalen. I love the closing benediction that the real treasure is "Knowledge," ie, Gnosis. Especially what the Gnosis is of in this case. 

I've always seen the ancient Gnostics as mostly a bunch of poseurs, but I think the original idea came from knowledge of something tangible. Think about it- all of the conspiracies, all of the wars, all of the time and trouble and sacrifice all of the secret societies and priesthoods and all the rest have gone through- what is it really for? Spiritual enlightenment? 

Is this some metaphysical secret or is this something that could be exploited- and perhaps even weaponized- if you had it? All of this stuff we talk about has something incredibly powerful and profound at its core- not something ethereal. Bet the farm on it.

Anyhow, the last film that put it all out there in the open- National Treasure- turned out to be telling another story entirely. So I'll have to sit down with the DVD and watch Indy 4 a hundred times or so before what's really being said in this film is revealed. 

Just the fact that we've gone from Old Testament (Raiders) to New Testament (Last Crusade) to frickin' ancient astronauts is pretty remarkable on the face of it, and I didn't notice anything offhand, but these things take time, as Morrissey once sang. 

My other question is why now, and why an Indiana Jones film? I admit I hadn't paid a lot of attention and had no idea there was so much hardcore A.A.T. stuff in this film. And it's not like we've been seeing a lot of this in the movies lately. Why now, and why so over-the-top explicit? 

And has there ever been a human being more obsessed with aliens than Steven Spielberg?