There’s an old saying that millionaires don’t believe in Astrology, but billionaires do. I think that needs to be updated, given how many billionaires are running around out there these days.
There’s an old saying that millionaires don’t believe in Astrology, but billionaires do. I think that needs to be updated, given how many billionaires are running around out there these days.
I've been sifting through The Secret Sun archives, which is a lot harder than it sounds. There are thousands of posts that got scrambled by Blogger interface changeover, resulting in walls of unbroken text, multiple fonts and text sizes, misaligned images and paragraph breaks, and all other kinds of digital mischief.
But if you go to the archive listing on the main page you'll see I'm slowly but surely getting a carefully-curated selection of posts back up.
Nietzsche once said, "All great things must first wear a terrifying and monstrous mask, in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity."
Surely he must have been prophesying the rise, fall, and remarkable afterlife of one Edward Alexander Crowley, aka Greast Beast 666, aka Creepy Ol' Uncle Aleister.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: Next time someone mocks you for your interest in Synchromysticism, remind them the machines that control the entire world economy run on codes, symbolic language and pattern recognition.
Well, the Egyptian government held a big parade today, where 22 (Twinty-Twin, in Secret Sun parlance) royal mummies were put on display while being driven across town for some contrived reason or other. The prevailing opinion is that this is all meant to goose up the tourist trade, which has been hit hard by global shutdowns.
That could certainly be true. But I'm getting a strong vibe that there may be some Freemly frolics and secret society shenanigans afoot in the Victorious City.