Monday, April 24, 2017

Chaos Magic vs. The Robot Revolution

There are two divergent streams at work in the Idea-o-Sphere, currents that are not only divergent in size, strength and assumption, but are in fact antithetical. 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Chaos Mysticism vs The Purposeless-Driven Life

Calls Creationism "child abuse,"
Hung out with a notorious child molester

The core belief of the religious paradigm that is straining to exercise such total control over every aspect of our lives today is the random, accidental nature of life and human existence. It's the basis of all the musty old 19th Century European ideologies- all of which were the inseparable products of Imperialism- that are being dragged out of the crypts and repackaged for postmodern use.

Sunday, April 09, 2017

The Cold War Kabuki

Well, you all know what the big story was this past week. I wasn't going to post on it but enough people have asked and it seems germane to the ongoing Reality Show we're all unwitting (and unwilling) extras in. 

Saturday, April 01, 2017

The Holy Fool

The jingling of bells during the dance is meant to frighten evil spirits and the clashing of sticks represent the fight between good and evil.