Monday, August 28, 2023

SecretSun DogDay Rerun: The Siren, World War 3... and King of the Hill?


September is going to be a month to remember in Secret Sun City, including on the Mothership here. 

In the meantime (meaning "pre-Labor Day meantime"), please dive into this very timely DogDay Rerun leading up to the sixtieth anniversary of the Novum Aevum Sibyllinum.

If you wish to curry the favor of the higher powers who speak through Our Lady - and who wouldn't, right? - I'd recommend you slap down a few shekels and pick up the expanded Sun's Signature CD or LP set, which just dropped this past Friday. Your ears and your soul will thank you.
Now on with the show...

Now that World War Three has officially begun, I believe the phenomenon we like to call "the Shimmer" is going to be especially active in the coming days. It's not only going to be overwriting past events, it will be revealing heretofore hidden connections. Let's have a look at how it works, shall we?

I knew straight away that we were in for a rough ride as soon as I heard the Sibyl was singing again, having over forty years of evidence - including some of the hairiest events of the Cold War - and a few thousand years of literature to back me up.  And I suspected we were on the cusp of something bigger and more serious than the usual kind of crisis, something that would have profound and lasting implications for the entire world.

And it wasn't even 24 hours before that suspicion was confirmed, and then some. I mean, I figured it was something big but I wasn't expecting World War Three. And make no mistake - that's precisely what we're looking at now. I just don't think it's going to play out like in Hollywood movies or RAND Corporation papers (but I repeat myself). So don't panic. 

I was a bit taken aback by the cover art for Sun's Signature (I know, right?), especially seeing how the hot white dome and the wisps of smoke reminded me quite a lot of images of mushroom clouds. It seemed a bit incongruous with the sweet and lush music it contains (most of which was premiered onstage all the way back during the 2012 Olympics). But sweetness leavened with foreboding is what the Sibyl is all about. 

I need a higher resolution image to work with, but after playing with the color levels a bit it seems there actually is a mushroom cloud embedded in that image, as you can see in purple here. That's simultaneously thrilling and terrifying, I have to say.

I guess now we know why all those Silicon Valley billionaires have been buying boltholes in the South Pacific.

Of course, there were other powerful portents - the destruction of the Millennium Dome wrought by Storm Eunice and the death of the Sibyl's fellow 1996 Lollapaloozan Mark Lanegan (of Screaming Trees fame) - but let's not get too ahead of ourselves.

See, people have been asking me over the past five years what the point of it all is, and I think we're seeing the answer here. And there are reams of prophetic utterances left to decode. Which is the point of it all for me.

What's more, the Sibyl's most recent solo voice performance was her cover of Yanka Dyagileva's "My Sorrow is Luminous," sung in what sounds like rather excellent Russian during Massive Attack's set for 2020's Minecraft Festival. 

That video seems to have disappeared, so here's a version from just a few short weeks before a gangsters led by George Soros overthrew the pro-Russian Ukrainian government during the Maidan color revolution.

Note the vintage shot of one of the Twin Towers at the end.

If you're new to all this, I'd strongly recommend you start reading up on this iron-clad phenomenon by reading this rather massive chronology

If you're still in denial about it, I strongly recommend you put your ego aside and just accept the truth. It could save your life.

The Sibyl emerged from her cloister during the Siren Saga back in 2017, when Chris Cornell's death and his close relationship to the Sibyl's Shepherd Boy - AKA Jeff Buckley - kicked off a synchro-storm the likes the world has never seen, culminating in the Heaven Upside Down or Las Vegas events.

But this profound archetypal drama has been sending shockwaves backwards and forwards in time since, well, forever. Most recently we saw it in connection to the murder of Lil' Dolph in Memphis.


This particular portent came to my notice after I'd mentioned the "Parable of the Strawberry" - or fraisier - during a livestream for my Patreon. Diver Chay mentioned that that same parable had been mentioned on an old episode of King of the Hill.

Buckley dies - as all archetypal Buckleys must - in the second season finale, titled "Propane Boom." This Buckley buys the farm because of his own stupidity and carelessness, but with the Wal*Mart setting and the subtext of depressing realities of the 90s global economy, it seems all too appropriate today. 

And not just today apparently:

"Propane Boom" and this episode were temporarily pulled due from re-runs on September 11, 2001 due to the terror attacks on U,S, soil and the explosion of the Mega Lo Mart and the aftermath being too similar to the terror attacks. These episodes returned in syndication later in October 2001.


Kahn tells the Parable of the Strawberry during Buckley's funeral - I mean, come the fuck on already - in the third season premiere. Here's the plot from a fan wiki:

Mourners gather at Arlen cemetery to pay Buckley their last respects. Dale thinks the casket is empty, and opens it up to prove it, but instead finds what is implied to be Buckley's badly-burned body, causing him to vomit in the casket. 

During the service, Luanne seems unhinged, using the funeral as a forum to speak out against starvation in Ireland as if channeling Sinead O'Connor (whom she now resembles, having lost her hair), but when she shows a picture of a "starving Irish child", she unfurls a rolled-up poster of Bobby in his underwear, causing the shocked funeral-goers to think Luanne has lost it.

The minister becomes anxious and pleas for anybody else who may have known Buckley. Kahn, out of respect, comes to the front and states that annoying Hank changed his attitude towards him. Then Kahn breaks down in a mock-outburst about whether a world without Buckley is a world worth living in. He then lightens the mood and delivers a poignant Buddhist story that relates to Buckley’s death. 

An anxious Hank hopes that Ladybird will be able to pick up Bobby’s scent. As soon as Hank leaves, Luanne claimed there were bigger problems in the world than one lost boy. Kahn tires of Luanne’s "strange Sinead O'Connor act" and tells her off for it. He wonders why she doesn't share his remorse over Buckley’s loss. Luanne enters the den, where she discovers a birthday card sent to her from Buckley. She is suddenly overwhelmed with grief.


OK, Sinead and the Buckley's funeral? That's a slam dunk.

UPDATE: Of this men shall know nothing.

What's that? Not enough, you say? Everyone and their grandmother has covered that song in the past 20 years? OK, then try this one on for size...

See what I mean? Trust the Twan.

One thing you should keep an eye out for is the use of Fraserlings like Sinead, Grimes and Shirley Manson as archetypal stand-ins for the Sibyl in TV shows and movies. A good example is Bjork playing a Sibyl in Robert Eggers upcoming film The Northman.

The Buckley returns to Luanne as an angel in a later episode. He's still a dick. Maybe he fell in with the Angels Who Kept Not Their First Estate in Heaven.


Longtime readers know that wherever the Sibyl goes, The X-Files is never far behind. Which makes sense, seeing that DNA Scully is kind of immanentized version of The Sibyl, as is her host, Gillizabeth Anderfrase (spelling?

It's a long story. Ask me about it later.

Anyhow, King of the Hill's little Siren saga was aired the same night as The X-Files' quite apocalyptic fifth season finale, "The End." 

Oh, and hey, look how that episode kicks off...

... with the assassination of a Russian chess champion! Fancy that.

We talked about this episode before, in the context of otherworldly heralds and oracles. Go back and read that. Seriously.


"The End" in turn ties back to The Rapture, which first brought David Duchovny and Mimi Rogers together, also in an apocalyptic setting.

Oh, and guess what?

11 days before Jeff Buckley swam to the Siren, we had an episode filled with archetypal foreshadowing entitled "Gethesemene" (speaking of Good Shepherds).
"Gethsemane" is the twenty-fourth and final episode of the fourth season of the American science fiction television series The X-Files. It premiered on the Fox network on May 18, 1997. It was directed by R.W. Goodwin, and written by series creator Chris Carter. "Gethsemane" featured guest appearances by Charles Cioffi, Sheila Larken and Pat Skipper, and introduced John Finn as recurring character Michael Kritschgau.  
Not only did we have lots of submersion symbolism, we had the assumed death by suicide of Fox Mulder as a cliffhanger.

A spray-can of Sibyl


Philip K. Dick produced so many syncs and prophecies pertaining to the Sibyl that I can't even keep track of them anymore. But in light of all these portents showing up in what many might see as disposable pop culture, I keep going back to what Dick said: the symbols of the Divine will initially show up in what he calls "the trash stratum." 

Or that vox dei - the Voice of God - will speak to us through things most people ignore, like TV commercials or discarded newspapers.

"The Voice of God manifesting itself to us through the trash stratum and TV commericals," eh? Gosh, maybe ol' Phil was crazy after all.

The Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism  

is waiting for you to take the next step in your synchro-journey. Come level up. 

There are three amazing, 100% heavyweight cotton T-shirts that 
true-blue Secret Sunners are definitely going to want.