With Disneycorp - and indeed, ALL of the major pop-culture pimps and panderers - currently in serious danger of falling forever to the inevitable wages of weaponized Woke, I thought it might be fun to look at how the Knights Templar -- the founding fathers of modern banking, remember -- figure into the birth of mass entertainment.
No, that's not a typo.
First, I just want to let you all know we'll be looking at the roots - and possible future - of Corporate America's new favorite technopagan harvest festival on Saturday night over at the Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism.
How can you join in?
Well, just click on that big ol' moon there and enroll for the fall semester. For as little as three bucks a month you can get access to more high-density esoteric edutainment than you can shake a stick at.
And don't forget to observe the sixtieth anniversary of the Novum Aevum Sibyllinum by clicking on this link, which will take you to the new Sibylline Books. You literally can't afford to skip this one. Bookmark it and consult with it often.
Now, on with the show....
33rd Degree Freemason Jack Warner then bought a 25% share in the complex and the studios became a hotbed of both British and American film-making.
Beginning in 1959, the legendary British firm Hammer Films also used the Elstree Studios for their string of classic comedies and horror films, including the seminal ancient astronaut epic Quatermass and the Pit, the Bram Stoker adaptation Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb and The Satanic Rites of Dracula, which seemed to have an enormous impact on the work of David Icke, among others.
In the 60’s and 70’s, the Elstree studios became the place to shoot big-budget American movies, since the favorable exchange rate helped reign in production costs. Blockbusters such the Star Wars films (themselves drenched in Templar symbolism), the Indiana Jones films (likewise), Murder On The Orient Express, Never Say Never Again, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Chariots of Fire, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Last Emperor - among many others - all made use of Elstree’s soundstages and production facilities.
station/cave when remade in Hertfordshire
In the early 90’s the land was subdivided for retail usage, and a portion of the old studios were converted to use for television. But it’s not only the movie industry that has found Hertfordshire to be an amenable place to do business.
In the Middle Ages, Hertfordshire was also the British headquarters of the Knights Templar. It was there they had built a perceptory that has come to be known as Temple Dinsley.
The land had been granted to the Templars by an English king, and it was at Temple Dinsley that the Templars held their national meetings. Following the disbandment of the Templars, the land was given to the Knights Hospitalers, and was finally appropriated by King Henry VIII when he broke off from Rome.
In the town of Royston, there is what is known as the ‘Royston Cave’. This underground temple was discovered in 1742, lying beneath a block of shops. It was known that the Templars ran a market in that same area in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. It is believed that Templars used the cave to keep their foodstocks cool, but that they also used it to conduct their prayer ceremonies. Templar Carvings have been found on the walls, including their two knights on horseback seal and a picture of Jacques De Molay burnt at the stake.
Other carvings depict Mary Magdalene, the head of John the Baptist, St. Catherine, St. Christopher and St. Lawrence. However, others carvings are of pagan origin, including sunwheels and a pornographic image of the Celtic fertility goddess Sheela Na Gig.
Royston Cave offers us a compelling link between the Mithraists and the Templars. Most observers agree that the religious decorations indicate the cave was used for ritual purposes. These rituals were no doubt secretive, else the Templars would have built a chapel nearby. Ultimately, what the Royston Cave shows us is that these Knights Templar worshipped in a cave exactly as the Mithraic knights did.
The saints chosen are an interesting mix. Lawrence was said to be the guardian of the Holy Grail. Some have noted that the carving of St. Catherine resembles ancient depictions of Persephone, and that St. Christopher is seen with an engorged phallus.

St. Catherine (Ka-Hathor-Ein) emerged from the Sinai in Egypt, and her shrine is located on the same site as an ancient temple of Hathor.
Christopher was also identified with the god Anubis by early Egyptian christians and was pictured as being dog-headed even outside of Egypt. It is believed by some that the carvings were made while the Templars were hiding from arrest, and that they were praying to Catherine and Lawrence because both saints had become martyrs through the very same methods of torture that the Church was now using on the Templars.
However the Templars actually saw these saints, it is clear that these Knights held to a quite unorthodox and syncretic variety of Christianity.
Several groups over the years -- whether Christian, Masonic or Occult -- have claimed to be the “true” remnants of the Knights Templar. Several sizable organizations refer to themselves as Templars, and use Templar iconography to identify themselves.
But in 2004, a shadowy group emerged and claimed that they were the true Knights Templar, and in a formal letter to the Vatican, demanded an official apology from the Catholic Church for their suppression.
What separates this group from all the others is that their announcement became a major news story in the British news media and garnered feature stories in major UK papers like The Times of London and The Guardian.
An article ran on November 29, 2004 in the Times, saying:
The letter, signed by the Secretary of the Council of Chaplains on behalf of the Grand Master of the Poor Fellow Soldiers of Jesus Christ and the Temple of Solomon Grand Preceptory...formally requests an apology “for the torture and murder of our leadership”, instigated by Pope Clement V.
“We shall witness the 700th anniversary of the persecution of our order on 13th October 2007,” the letter says. “It would be just and fitting for the Vatican to acknowledge our grievance in advance of this day of mourning.”It was said that the Pope John Paul II had been given the matter serious attention before his death and that the current Pope, Benedict XVI, had been investigating the British Templar group while as the Cardinal in charge of the Office of the Congregation of the Faith (formerly known as the Office of the Inquisition).
So, where in Britain is this Templar group headquartered?
Why, Hertfordshire, of course.