One of my favorite 90s films is The Rapture, written and directed by Michael Tolkin, and starring Mimi Rogers and David Duchovny. Instead of the usual Hollywood sneer-fest, the film treats the topic and its subjects with the utmost seriousness and then goes whole-hog in the climax, which I have to admit I was definitely not expecting.
I love this scene in particular, seeing how it has a fellow freed prisoner ask a petulant Mimi Rogers, "What more do you need," as Gabriel blows his horn and the big show begins. See, I often think the same thing when it comes to the endless signs and wonders connected to another apocalyptic herald, one you may have heard a thing or two about around these parts.
Of course, that particular connection pops up in a symbolic way, with the plot hinging on collective dreams about a Pearl. Rogers' character, a bored and depressed swinger, is finally inspired when she hooks up with a couple and meets a young woman with an elaborate Pearl tattoo just a'dewdroppin' all over her back.
The tattoo not only has the Pearl but a depiction of Gabriel, blowing the clarion call on his trumpet.
And some of you may recall, said Apocalyptic Herald has a rather compelling connection to a clarion call...
... and to a Gabriel.
Now, I've kept this work off this blog for the most part so as to not try some of my readers' patience. But that doesn't mean this process has stopped, or even slowed down. On the contrary, it's accelerated beyond anything I could've conceived of just a few short years ago. This has been a very busy summer, as a matter of fact.
It's starting to look like whatever is driving this phenomenon is either revealing connections that I've overlooked for years somehow or -- as I'm coming to suspect -- it's reordering the timeline to convey whatever message it seems to have for the world. It all sounds rather delusional until you actually do the math. Then the very concept of "consensus reality" is the thing that sounds delusional.
I'll give you just the most recent example of how this thing has been going.
I said this in a recent post on the Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism site:
It all boils down to one simple fact: something has entered into our Reality and for some reason of its own chose a wee little Scottish chanteuse as its herald, kind of like how Galactus chose Frankie Raye as his new herald, Nova.*
I'm not certain of much, but of that fact I have not a scintilla of a micron of doubt about.
Not exactly sure why I brought Frankie Raye up, but I was reaching for a Herald character and she was the first one that popped into my head.
And not long after, I added this footnote:

* Which happened in Fantastic Four #244, cover-dated July 1982. Which BECAUSE IT NEVER, EVER ENDS was the same month the first Cocteau Twins record was actually released.No, seriously: it never ends.
It really doesn't. Let me walk you through what came next.
Frankie Raye first appears in Fantastic Four #164* as Johnny Storm's date. Note she works as a translator (languages being a major part of the overall narrative) and that Johnny starts singing the old standard, "Frankie and Johnny."
Which was also the title of a 1966 Elvis Presley movie about riverboat gambling on the Mississippi.
Note that 1966 was also the birth year of another major player in our overall drama, whose death was connected to the Mississippi, riverboats and Memphis, the city where Elvis also died.
And like the real-life Apocalyptic Herald in question, Frankie Raye also ran away from home at age 14.
Frankie later offers herself up as herald to Galactus on the condition that he spare the Earth from destruction. He transforms her into Nova and she takes off for the stars.''
I find it odd she wasn't renamed "Supernova," on account of there already was a superhero called "Nova" and she could've synched up with SN1987A, which is a major part of our real-life herald's drama.
That said, here's where causality starts to go a bit wobbly.
The "When Calls Galactus" storyline was adapted for the Fantastic Four cartoon, which aired on the morning of November 18, 1995.
What's the significance of that date?
This is.
"When Calls Galactus" also aired about 12 hours after "Oubliette" aired, which was yet another of Chris Carter's obsessive Persephone allegories. It was based on the Polly Klaas tragedy and featured a young Jewel Staite.
And I hope I don't need to convey the significance of "Oubliette" airing on Jeff Buckley's penultimate birthday, in light of the events you're looking at there.
The Oracle of "Oubliette," Lucy Householder, was the victim of severe childhood sexual abuse, kind of like another Oracle. She's played by Canadian Tracey Ellis, or as I like to call her, "Fracey Ellisbeth."
UPDATE: Brandon points out a rather salient fact about Lucy...
Like other said Oracle, Tracey Ellis is also connected to The Crow franchise, having played in the 1996 sequel The Crow: City of Angels. And here's where it gets interesting...
Ellis plays an Oracle in that film as well, named "Sybil," of all things.
The picture was directed by Tim Pope, who made all The Cure's big videos. I don't know if there's any significance to that per se, other than Robert Smith is a long-time acolyte of the real Sibyl.
Neither the film nor its soundtrack were the smashes the first Crow were, but it's worth noting the soundtrack features some people we've talked quite a bit about on the Sibyl board, including a certain alleged Satanic witch, allegedly.
After "Oubliette," Tracey Ellis returned to The X-Files in the ninth season as yet another oracular character, Audrey Pauley. At this point, I'd say she's what we call in the Sibyl business a "Frasonator," specifically one of moderate frequency.
Getting back to Frankie Raye, remember she made her original debut in a story in which the character The Crusader is the villain. The Crusader was originally known as Marvel Boy, the scantily-clad young hero who hailed from the planet Uranus.
Yeah, I know. That's comic books for you. So don't get me started on Jimmy Olsen again.
While Elizabeth and Gillian Anderson were simultaneously playing the roles of the Mitochondrial Eves of a new race of Nephilim (in Millennium Dome Show and TXF, respectively), Grant Morrison was reviving Marvel Boy for a six issue miniseries.
Bearing in mind that Frankie Raye made her comics debut in a comic in which the original Marvel Boy was the villain, and that she made her television debut mere hours after TXF ep "Oubliette" aired, would you care to guess as to the name of the new Marvel Boy's lady-love there?
That's right: Oubliette.
No, seriously. Grant Morrison actually named her "Oubliette." As one does.
Oddly enough, she's a redhead and a languages expert, like Frankie Raye.
With me so far? Good. Let's wind the clock back to 2008, and my very first post on the Sibyl, titled "Not Quite Human."
No, I'm not being facetious. Well, maybe a little.
The X-Files was originally meant to last five seasons. In the episode titled 'The End,' Chris Carter introduced us to a character named Gibson Praise, who had psychic powers and alien DNA. As Secret Sun readers should expect by now, Carter used a Jack Kirby derived image to visually signal Gibson's alien origin.
The name 'Gibson' ultimately comes from the Germanic name Giselbert (mean "bright hostage," which of course Gibson Praise became).
The X-Files' living proof of alien intervention in human life, Giselbert Praise, reminds me a lot of my own candidate for evidence of possible alien/ inter-dimensional intervention, Elizabeth Fraser (say both names together).Cassandra's role as the "key to everything in the X-Files" was later supplanted by super-psychic Gibson Praise, whose latent alien DNA was activated (ours is dormant).Gibson derived from Giselbert. "Giselbert Praise." Say it out loud.
So what does this have to do with our little exercise here, other than The Cocteau Twins and The X-Files are provably and inarguably the literal key to all mysteries?

Well, as it happens Gibson Praise not only makes his debut in an episode where the stars of The Rapture are reunited onscreen, we also see him watching an episode of The Silver Surfer cartoon where -- wait for it -- Frankie Raye returns to the Marvel Tooniverse.
Frankie Raye appeared as a recurring character in Silver Surfer, voiced by Tara Rosling. In a departure from the comics, she is first introduced in last installment of the 3-part series premier as an Earth teenager with latent mental abilities that allow her to find whatever it is she's looking for (which she simply chalks up to luck), rather thank flame powers. She encounters the Silver Surfer when he arrives on Earth, and is healed by his Power Cosmic after being injured.
Frankie and the Silver Surfer are later reunited in the second Fantastic Four movie, but this time she's an Army Major played by actress Beau Garrett.
Bearing in mind again that Frankie Raye first appeared onscreen mere hours after Jeff Buckley's second-to-last birthday, do note that the big screen Frankie appeared on an episode of Memphis Beat (a show I'd never heard of) called, what else, "At the River."
And if all that weren't enough, Memphis Beat star Jason Lee is a major Fraserfarian, going so far to name his collection of photographs after one of the Cocteau Twins' most epic epics.
Remembering yet again that Frankie made her TV debut within hours of the initial airing of "Oubliette," do note that Frankie works as a waitress in a diner, much like Lucy Householder.
But a funny thing occurred to me, in light of all this synchronization: you can't spelled "Frances Raye" without F-R-A-S-E-R, kind of like with "The Frodis Caper."
Think that's a bit of a stretch? Yeah, maybe you're right.
Maybe there's really nothing to this connection, or any of it, really. Just a crazy notion run amok.
OK, then. Maybe I'll see you all around sometime ... oh, wait.
There's something else about Frankie Raye's rebirth that slipped my mind.
Shit, what is it? It's on the tip of my tongue.
Well, it must not be very important, right?
Never mind. Forget about it.
Oh, wait... that's right.
The story in Heralds in which Frankie Raye is reborn? Frankie Raye, the cosmic herald I'd originally named to make a comparison to Elizabeth Fraser?
Want to know what the title of that story is?

Aww, you peeked.
Tell me when you're planning to believe in The Den of Intrigue.
* The cover of the comic in which Frankie Raye first appears was drawn by Jack Kirby, whose birthday is the day before the Sibyl's.
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