Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Friday the 13th Scenario


Is it just me or does it seem as if there is a massive and well-coordinated propaganda war being waged on the entire global banking system? Even The New York Times is calling the biggest banks "Dead Men Walking," and Arianna Huffington is screaming that the banks are "zombies" that should be "killed off." 

And we just saw the nation's top bankers getting called in for a spanking in Congress

Given this general anti-banker media blitz, it's pretty clear who's being set up to take the fall for the economic downturn. Into all of this finger-pointing comes The International, an anti-bank propaganda film starring King Arthur himself, Clive Owen. 

I know that the bank is based on the BCCI, but I'm not interested in the plot per se, I'm interested in its release date. That's Friday the 13th

Ring a bell? We recently talked about The Last Templar mini-series, and we also looked at the rich symbolism of the recent Templar Bowl, all broadcast from Rockefeller Center on NBC. I've blogged about the Pope wearing the Templar cross on his yoke and the strange semiotic signals we saw in the media surrounding the 700th anniversary of the Templar suppression. 

Whether true or not, the subliminal message being sent seems to be that the Templars are back. Which is fascinating at this point in time, seeing how they were the creators of the modern banking system in Europe:
The chief legacy of the Templars was the banking system that they developed. In addition to making loans to individuals and governments, the Templars established complex systems for the transportation of wealth to and from the Holy Land... 
The Templars' banking system became the foundation for the banking systems developed by merchants during the Renaissance. Though the Knights were not revived as a religious institution after their dissolution, the order was later incorporated into the York rite of the Masonic order.
What it all means is beyond me, but the symbolism and the timing of it all is fascinating. And that's what The Secret Sun is all about. It's also about aliens. 

The Vatican has become surprisingly interested in aliens over the past decade, and several high-ranking officials there have become virtual ET cheerleaders since... well, since around the time that they "absolved" the Templars

 And shockingly, a Vatican astronomer is taking the pro side against a NAZCA NASA astrobiologist at a debate on aliens next week:

The Vatican is to go head to head with Nasa over the possibility of life existing anywhere else in the Universe except Earth.

The discussion is actually likely to be rather convivial when Lynn Rothschild, astrobiologist at NASA's Ames Research Center, debates the topic with the Vatican Observatory's director emeritus George Coyne at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco next week. The chat is happening under the florid banner of Are We Alone? The Dance of the Fertile Universe.- The Register

How fascinating, the Vatican vs. a "Rothschild" on the subject of ETs. Though this Rothschild (no relation to the New Jersey-born plutocrat) seems like little more than a sacrificial nerd in the larger production- the thesis/antithesis charade between NASA and the Vatican.

More Secret Sun crazy talk?

Well, remember this: Ames is the new home of Ray Kurzweil's Singularity University, which we looked at last week. I wondered then if "singularity" was somehow related to "disclosure" and the semiotics- hell, the very existence- of this little debate doesn't exactly dissuade me from that suspicion.

And as a reader helpfully reminded us, Kurtzweil (played by Space:1999's Martin Landau) was the name of the whistle-blower in the X-Files feature film, which launched the AAT meme the series would follow from that point on. And as we looked at more recently, Landau played John the Baptist in Salome, which featured none other than Earth Akhet in the title role. And we all know Chris Carter's birthday by now.

I know there are all sorts of legends and myths out there about the Templars, and I don't believe most of them either. But neither do I buy the orthodox history of the Order, either. Not for a second. And I can't shake the fact that the distinctive Templar cross long predates the birth of Christ, and was identified with the sun god Shamash.

In an earlier post, we saw what we call the Templar cross worn by the Assyrian king Shamshi, the husband of the real-life Semiramis. And the Roman historian Diodorus Siculus claimed that Semiramis was actually the daughter of a fish goddess, which brings us back to Oannes and the Persian Gulf and all of the rest of it.

Which in turn ties back to John the Baptist and to the Templars (who worshipped John the Baptist as Bapomet) which in turn takes us back to Ten Thirteen Productions (who did their own take on Salome in episode 3.17 of Millennium) and The X-Files.

Who we'll allow to have the last word, via Dr. Barnes...

UPDATE: Shekinah Again. See the Yahoo headline- "The recovery plan: shock & awe for a shaken nation." UPDATE II: Andre reminds us that the Sirius XM bankruptcy issue that we looked at last week is coming to a climax on Tuesday the 17th. Why is this pertinent? Their name reads to me as Sirius 10/13, which reminds me of the fact that ill-fated, pseudo-Templar cult the "Order of the Solar Temple" worshipped the star Sirius:
Jouret's more advanced members believed that he was a Knight Templar in a previous life and that he would lead his followers to a planet orbiting Sirius. The Solar Temple founder also believed that he was a third reincarnation of Jesus Christ, or at least that is the image he put forth to the rank and file member. The beliefs of the Solar Temple, which changed from time to time, seemed to be a blending of neo-Templarism, New Age philosophy, Christianity and survivalist paranoia. The cult taught that life was an illusion and that followers would be reborn on a planet revolving around the Dog Star Sirius.-
Just another cult, right? So why do we see this same symbolism in a major corporation? Especially one that seems to be doomed as well, though not quite as dramatically. From HuffPost:
Financially strapped Sirius XM Radio Inc. said Friday that it could file for bankruptcy as early as Tuesday if it cannot successfully negotiate with the holders of its debt. While the satellite radio company said it has exchanged $172.5 million of debt maturing in December for new debt due in 2011, it still has about $175 million coming due this Sunday.

There's some bad blood at work here, involving Sirius' CEO and EchoStar CEO Charlie Ergen:

In 2004, when Karmazin was head of Viacom Inc. and in a dispute with Ergen over the fees Dish had to pay to carry Viacom channels, Dish published Karmazin's home number and told subscribers to call him.

This time, Karmazin is in a much weaker position, with Sirius' debt coming due that the company is not in good shape to repay. In total, Sirius has about $3.3 billion in debt maturing between now and 2014.

What fascinating numbers. For some bizarre reason, Karmazin thought Howard Stern was worth $100 million a year, which is yet another example of the hypercapitalist madness that is destroying the American economy. But there are even deeper parallels at work here.  

The now-defunct Solar Temple was actually an imposter group, which became the flash point in a bitter struggle. There was a powerful, pre-existing secret society with political ties among the European far right called the Sovereign Order of the S0lar Temple (OSTS):
OSTS'origins date back to the so called "Arginy Renaissance", a mystical experience of June 12, 1952*, when French esoteric author Jacques Breyer (1922-1996) and two companions were contacted by secret "Masters of the Temple" and asked to establish a "Templar Renaissance". 
The "Renaissance" eventually materialized -- after many years of esoteric activity by Breyer and his friends -- into the OSTS, established on June 24, 1966 and incorporated under Monaco law in 1967.- cesnur
The OSTS practiced a form of sex magick and included Princess Grace of Monaco as an initiate. This powerful group were probably none too pleased when a new Solar Templar order appeared in 1984, led by Luc Jouret, especially when journalists later confused the two and claimed Kelly was in Jouret's sect:
The faction who recognized Luc Jouret (1947-1994) as Grand Master did not have the legal right to use the name ORT and eventually re-incorporated under a succession of names leading to "Order of the Solar Temple"... 
What is clear is that in 1982 Di Mambro, although he knew Marsan, was not authorized to initiate anybody into Marsan's OSTS, and certainly cannot initiate Princess Grace into the not yet existing OTS.
More on the real Solar Templars here

UPDATE III: It never ends- Sirius Radio was founded May 17, 1990. XM launched two weeks after 9/11. 

 UPDATE IV: So how long ago do you think this was all scripted? 


Reader Jay alerted us that modern-day Templar wannabes Blackwater announced on Friday that they were changing their name to "Xe." Interesting timing for that move, huh? Note that the X was sacred to the Mithraists, very much the spiritual forefathers of Blackwater.

* Don't forget there was a major UFO flap in that summer of '52.