In between we looked at a whole host of topics- Will Smith, Barackobamun, Indiana Jones, Masonic tracing boards and of course, the 17 meme.
I guess the 17 meme was so potent this week it carried over to the 18th. Yahoo (of course) had this puffpiece on its front page- an IBM employeee who's decorated his yard with 17,000 lights.
Speaking of Christmas lights, the old War on Christmas meme is back. Yeah, I know, ho-hum- but do I see a weird arboreal rendering of the Sirius hieroglyph there, or it that my imagination working overtime?
The BBC Day in Pictures feature today had a super-phallic shot of the Soyuz TMA 17 rocket, due to blast off to ISiS next week...

..and predictably also had a picture of an Egyptian coffin, proving the Secret Sun axiom that whereever you have space travel, ancient Egypt is never far behind. Note the name Nekhet-Iset-Aru; Iset is an Egyptian rendering of Isis.
Speaking of mummies, I came across this story, dealing with a CAT scan performed on a mummy. Note those nifty Solar disks there (I'm assuming this is somewhere on the Stamford campus).
Where did I find this shot?
On this site for the latest in teen fiction, Secret Society. Dan Brown for the junior high school set? It doesn't seem to be burning up the Amazon charts- maybe it's more of a boy meme (see The Skulls, The Covenant, etc).
Teenaged girls already have secret societies more insidious and vicious than the Illuminati ever dreamed of being- they're called 'cliques'.
Back to Sirius, a reader pointed out that the opening credits for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull run to strains of Elvis(h) Presley's classic, "Hound Dog." Sure enough, the first action we see in the film is a prairie dog, popping out of a vaguely pyramidical dirt mound.
Crystal Skull is a film that defies subtext, given that all of the high weirdness is in the text, but is all this dog stuff a little wink that the aliens are in fact extraterrestrials from the dog star Sirius?
As you might expect after a week of intense semiotic analysis, bizarre synchronicities have been popping up- A reader linked us Paul Schaffer on Jimmy Fallon's show, teasing the Roots about hiding their keyboard players on "the 17th floor." Where were the musicians in question?

And as I was writing these words; "Keep watching- there's no reason to believe to believe the syncs are ending," a tune called 'Egyptian Gardens' popped up on the Technicolor Web stream.

Check out the temperature on this link that Alan directed us to- the new year numerals being biked through Times Square on a gold and a blue bike. The funny thing is that the camera position here....
We talked a lot about Oannes and water in regards to Sirius and Yahoo had this interesting shot, as well as a story on a deep-sea volcano and both Barackobamun at the Copenhagen clownshow and the bluefolk of Avatar.
Reader Flossy noticed it too, and pointed us to vids of this installation from Copenhagen, a giant globe/projection screen for all of the useless CO2 being generated inside the summit itself. Note the Ferris Wheel
Hey- what's the Stairway to Sirius doing on that giant Earth model there (which is a "bit like magic," apparently)? And in blue-and-gold, no less? As a bonus, the vid name-drops Apollo 8 and references the seen-from-space meme. Interesting time-code there, no?
Kind of makes you wonder - what's this Copenhagen thing really about?
Perhaps there's some other purpose to it that has nothing to do with CO2 or the NWO. And maybe the people there aren't even aware of the true purpose.
Maybe no one knows who shot that "rocket" over Norway, but would prefer you to think they did and are covering it up.
In fact, I'm starting to have my doubts that the people ostensibly putting some of this symbolism out there are even consciously aware of it and what it all means.
But that's a topic for another day.