So we recently looked at the ridiculous and inexplicable parade of Secret Sunly syncs with the Luigi Mangione story, but they just keep coming. I gotta admit I'm stumped why this is all showing up with this particular case, but here we all are.
The first installment of this series was a big hit, far outpacing the past month's other posts here by a considerable distance. If you haven't read it yet, read it now.
In fact, it's not a bad idea to read it again if you have before.

By now you've seen this photo, which is yet another instant icon relating to Luigi Mangione, the Healthcare Avenger. I can't say for sure that someone isn't trying to make a folk hero out of this guy - or a martyr - but I can't not say that, either.
But then it happened...
A Twitter follower sent me this video, which is a stunningly eerie foreshadowing of the Luigi insta-icon. It's a single from the 1997 album Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space by the band Spiritualized, who couldn't possibly be more Secret Sunnish.
Watch the whole thing for the full effect.
The Spiritualized video concludes with a take on the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. What that all portends in the mind of the video's makers, I can't say.
But I can remind you that legendary DJ/unrepetent pedophile John Peel was, by sheer happenstance, standing in the booking room of the Dallas Police Station at that very moment Oswald got iced.
What some Limey shorteyes was doing deep in the heart of Texas at that particular time is another story for another time.
Seeing as how Peel was the DJ who "discovered" the Cocteau Twins, I think it's time to remind you of the Secret Sun Synchronicity Rating System:
Level One: Simple Coincidence
Level Two: Acausal Coincidence
Level Three: Meaningful Acausal Coincidence
Level Four: Symbolically-Supercharged Meaningful Acausal Coincidence
Level Five: A Cascading Series of Symbolically-Supercharged Meaningful Acausal Coincidences
Level Six: A Cascading Series of Symbolically-Supercharged Meaningful Acausal Coincidences connected to major events in real time
Level Seven: Elizabeth Fraser
Oh man, the haters are rolling their eyes already. Well, that's tough luck, because we got some Shimmering to attend to. What do I mean by that?
I mean, for reasons far beyond my ken, Reality is bending around this woman at an increasing rate, whether anyone believes it or not.
Like I've told you a million times now - this phenomenon gives not one single fork who believes in it. It doesn't care if you find it ridiculous or cringe or anything. Laugh, whine, mock, roll your eyes - do whatever you like. While you still can.
The Shimmer is eventually going to come for you, sooner or later, whether you believe it or not. Trust me on this.
Now, I'm sure you're wondering what the thread is here...

Like I said, Spiritualized couldn't possibly be more Sunnish.
How's that, you ask?

This is how - the Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space lineup of Spiritualized is her band now.
How many more insane syncs are there going to be with this story? Or should I not ask?
Let's go back to McDonald's - figuratively, I mean.
We've seen all the stories about the McDonalds' arrest, which I have to admit still sits wrong with me. But we'll leave that aside for now and get back to Brian Thompson - the actor, not the assassinated UnitedHealthcare CEO.
Because as Brother Brandon - AKA the Ninja of Twinja - reminded me, Brian Thompson appeared in the X-Files episode "Talitha Cumi," which opens in...wait for it...
... a fast-food restaurant. Not a McDonalds, alas, but an A&W redressed as a Brothers K, short for The Brothers Karamazov (don't ask).
It may not be a Mickey D's, but it's got a lone gunman fixin' to plant some stiffs after getting fired from his job all the same.
As it happens, a police sharpshooter takes the guy out, but not before he guns down a few innocent lunch-havers. Luckily for all and sundry, alien hybrid/miracle healer Jeremiah Smith is on the scene to administer some real quality health care.

But in the vein of the mirrored dream logic that is plastered all over this latest Shimmerly eruption, one of the shooting victims is this guy, who looks very much not unlike a Hollywood recasting of...
... Saint Luigi.
The lucky shot-then-unshot dude is played by Angelo Vacco, whose name-game opportunities are rich.

I mean, we got Bacchus in the house, better known as Dionysus.
So the "Angel Dionysus," is it? Damn.

We also have a link to vacca, which is the root word of vaccination. See what I mean with this one?
Now, ol' Cancer Man is not happy about Jeremiah Smith doing his laying-on-of-hands bit in public, so he rounds up a Deep State posse to haul Jerry's ass to the pokey. So we get another mirrored dream-logic take on Luigi's perpwalk.
And that's where Brian Thompson - the Alien Assassin, not the assassinated CEO - comes in. But he's shit out of luck, since Ol' Smokey cut Jerry loose after he cured his lung cancer.
More quality health care, free of charge. No deductible.

And speaking of John Peel, The X-Files and other things of which men shall know nothing, Billy Connolly did his own spin on the Luigi perpwalk in Boondock Saints, where he played "Il Duce," which of course was Mussolini's nickname.
The episode ends with a bit of a wan cliffhanger, as Mulder, Scully and Jerry face off with Brian Thompson in Luigi's homestate of Maryland.
Where else, right?
Greg and I recorded our epic year-end talkathon before this story hit the wires, and it sure is timely. Something weird is going on here, and I'm wondering if both these chaps are heading for the boneyard. I'd hate to be their life insurance agent, is all I'm saying.
Now, remember it was the magic name that started this whole thing in the first place, just as it did with the Chris Cornell schizathon...
... then remember that Luigi Mangione was said to be a fan of Uncle Ted there.
Got it?
Good, then have a look at this...
Kaczynski's first mail bomb was directed at Buckley Crist, a professor of materials engineering at Northwestern University.
On May 25, 1978, a package bearing Crist's return address was found in a parking lot at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The package was "returned" to Crist, who was suspicious because he had not sent it, so he contacted campus police. Officer Terry Marker opened the package, which exploded and caused minor injuries.
See? The name-game is off the charts.
Let me also drop this factoid: there's some link between Uncle Ted and Cornell College, apparently having to do with Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.
Speaking of the Apocalypse.

And speaking of John Peel, The X-Files and other things of which men shall know nothing, Billy Connolly did his own spin on the Luigi perpwalk in Boondock Saints, where he played "Il Duce," which of course was Mussolini's nickname.
Looking forward to what the Shimmer's got cooking up in the kitchen next. I'm sure it'll be a show-stopper.