Schiztember may be winding down, but Schizmemes are forever. And now we're seeing the rise of Psychotomemes, as well what all the kids are calling "spiritual sh*tposting." Are you ready?
Better be. It's all coming for you either way.

Kali Yuga Schizomysticism.

More Kali Yuga Schizomysticism.

Boy, do I have the perfect band for you, Charlie Brown.

Kaczynski-schiz? Schizynski, perhaps? Interesting hybrid, either way.


Glad we got that cleared up. Do you take Venmo?

click on the Moon for details
Click on that Moon there to enter a whole new world of mystery, wonder and divine inspiration.
For as little as three dollars a month you can join in the most immersive and elaborate database of Synchromysticism anywhere in the world.
You know the old saying: "Come for the scholarship, stay for the fellowship."

Strong candidate for new SSI motto. Maybe it should be in Latin.
Looking for more weirdness? Check out part one of a look at the birth of the New Wave movement in 1979, and all its prolific permutations and perambulations.
Dig even deeper with world's only Sync tutorial:
• The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook is the world's first instruction manual.
• The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook is a comprehensive guide to learning and using the tools and techniques of Synchromysticism.
• The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook explains how you can methodically evaluate and utilize synchronicity.
Go on, treat yourself to a trove of useful, practical instruction and information and you too can be initiated into the dark and dastardly cabal of Sync!
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