Thursday, May 04, 2023

Charles the Third, King of the Druids, Lord Protector of the Baphomet

The Queen died so long ago I actually had to look up the exact date. And now here we are, the week of Beltane (or more accurately, Beltanes - there are actually several) and King Charles is finally being corona-nated. 

So, why the wait?

Elizabeth Regina in her Druidic finery

Here's the scoop from the AP (American Pravda) wires:
LONDON — While King Charles III, 74, has ruled since his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, died in September, on Saturday he will be crowned monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, also becoming the largely ceremonial head of the Commonwealth. 

The U.K. is the only country in Europe to hold a lavish coronation ceremony — other countries, such as France, have either abolished the monarchy, opted for a more simple affair, such as Norway, or have never had coronations, such as the Netherlands.

This will be the 40th coronation at Westminster Abbey, a tradition dating back to 1066. Charles’ wife, Camilla, previously known as the queen consort, will officially become queen.

Elizabeth, who died at the age of 96, sat on the throne for a record-breaking 70 years. 

1066 is the year of the Norman Conquest, of course. 

The year French-speaking Vikings (AKA Northmen, AKA Normans) wrested power from the Anglo-Saxons, who wrested power from Romanized Celtic Britons, who wrested it from the Picts or someone else. 

And as we've seen, the Normans were very fond of their secret societies. Very, very fond indeed - four of the most powerful fraternities in history arose from one-time Norman kingdoms.

Which brings me to my next point...

We'll leave aside the blue butterfly and the Strawberries (she turned 13 on) for the time being to focus on the centerpiece of the coronation invitation: that big ol' Green Man.

There's always been a lot of controversy over the Green Man, with neopagans claiming it's an olde Celtic fertility god and traditional Christians arguing no it ain't neither. Given how the Windsors have deliberately and systematically dismantled the Church in their realms over the past 50 years, I'd have to go with the neopagan argument.

You see, nothing makes sense in this madhouse of a time such as ours until you look to history, specifically the history of religion. When you do, the scales will eventually fall from your eyes and you'll see the deliberate doings of a worldwide cabal of extreme religious fanatics. 

It's just that the religion they're re-establishing isn't always recognized as such, seeing as how most people believe it was put to rest some seventeen centuries ago.

So, about that Green Man...

The earliest known example of a Green Man can be traced back to Hatra, in modern-day Iraq. It was the realm of the Seleucids, the one-time henchmen of Alexander the Great. Which means Hatra was the realm of worshippers of the Horned and Hidden God, who we know today as Zeus Ammon (or Jupiter Ammon). 

Some call him Pan, some identified him with CERNunnos, Banebdjedet and other gods besides.

I can't also help but wonder if some called him "Baphomet." 

Here's why...

Let's start with this factoid from the Templar-linked Roslin Chapel:
‘Green men’ are faces with foliage sprouting from their mouths and are a common feature found in many medieval churches, although they have been found in important buildings since Roman times. There are said to be around 100 green men inside and outside Rosslyn Chapel. 
Historically, the green man symbolised the capacity for great goodness and the parallel scope for significant evil. The vines or foliage sprouting from the mouth are said to represent nature’s growth and fertility. 

The Lady Chapel is a particularly good place to spot green men, including one on the end of a boss protruding from the east wall. You can also see them in between carvings of angels, at the tops of the pillars.
Let's get back to Banebdjedet, who came to be called "the Goat of Mendes" under Ptolemaic rule (those Macedonian generals again):
Mendes is the Greek name for the ancient Egyptian city of Djedet. 

At several places in the Delta, e.g. Hermopolis, Lycopolis, and Mendes, the god Pan and a goat were worshipped; Strabo, quoting (xvii. 1, 19) Pindar, says that in these places goats had intercourse with women, and Herodotus (ii. 46) instances a case which was said to have taken place in the open day. 
The Mendisians, according to this last writer, paid reverence to all goats, and more to the males than to the females, and particularly to one he-goat, on the death of which public mourning is observed throughout the whole Mendesian district; they call both Pan and the goat Mendes, and both were worshipped as gods of generation and fecundity. 
So far, so good, allegedly. So how did the sicko occultists of the Imperial Age adopt Banebdjedet into their weird, cringey drug orgies? 

Well, as their "Baphomet": 
(Eliphas) Lévi equates his image with "The Goat of Mendes", possibly following the account by Herodotus that the god of Mendes was depicted with a goat's face and legs. Herodotus relates how all male goats were held in great reverence by the Mendesians, and how in his time a woman publicly copulated with a goat. E. A. Wallis Budge writes: 

The link between Baphomet and the pagan god Pan was also observed by Aleister Crowley as well as Anton LaVey:

Many pleasures revered before the advent of Christianity were condemned by the new religion. It required little change-over to transform the horns and cloven hooves of Pan into a most convincing devil! Pan's attributes could neatly be changed into charged-with-punishment sins, and so the metamorphosis was complete.
With that in mind, let's go to the transcript and see how the Knights Templar themselves described Baphomet:
The indictment (acte d'accusation) published by the court of Rome set forth ... "that in all the provinces they had idols, that is to say, heads, some of which had three faces, others but one; sometimes, it was a human skull ... That in their assemblies, and especially in their grand chapters, they worshipped the idol as a god, as their saviour, saying that this head could save them, that it bestowed on the order all its wealth, made the trees flower, and the plants of the earth to sprout forth." — Jules Michelet, History of France (1860) 

Baphomet, Banebdjedet. Goat of Mendes, Pan, Green Man. 


I'm sensing a pattern. You? 

If not, get an eyeful of this Green Man from Chartres..

So Baphomet was "sometimes one head, sometimes three." 

Baphomet "made the trees flower, made the plants of the earth sprout forth."

In other words, this "Baphomet" fit the Green Man's description to a T.

Has anyone else ever noticed this? I can't possibly imagine I'm the first. 

But wait, there's more!

The Corona-Nation not only comes after the day of Olde Beltane, it follows another pagan holy day. Now, keeping in mind the Normans being Vikings and all, read this:
May 6 is the day of Eyvind Kelda, or Eyvind Kelve, in Norse celebrations. Eyvind Kelda was a Norwegian martyr who was tortured and drowned on the orders of King Olaf Tryggvason for refusing to give up his Pagan beliefs. 
According to the tales of the Heimskringla: The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, one of the best known Norse sagas compiled by Snorri Sturluson around 1230 c.e., Olaf announced that once he had converted to Christianity, everyone else in his country needed to be baptized as well. 

Eyvind, who was believed to be a powerful sorcerer, managed to escape Olaf's troops and make his way to an island, along with other men who continued to believe in the old gods. Unfortunately, Olaf and his army happened to arrive there at the same time. 
Although Eyvind tried to protect his men with magic, once the mists and fog cleared, they were exposed and captured by Olaf’s soldiers.
Wow. You know what kind of reminds me of? Hiram Abiff:
Hiram Abiff (also Hiram Abif or the Widow's son) is the central character of an allegory presented to all candidates during the third degree in Freemasonry.

Hiram is presented as the chief architect of King Solomon's Temple. He is murdered inside this Temple by three ruffians, after they failed to obtain from him the Master Masons' secrets. The themes of the allegory are the importance of fidelity, and the certainty of death.
And Hiram Abiff reminds us of yet another Green Man. From the official Graham Hancock site....

This, in extremely abbreviated form, is the Egyptian legend of Isis and Osiris. It is without doubt, the basis for the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff. To support this "Egyptian connection," let's consider two things: a brief comparison of key elements in both stories and the conclusions of the Masonic authorities in Masonic source-writings.


"It (the Legend of Hiram Abiff) is thoroughly Egyptian, and is closely allied to the Supreme Rite (highest degree) of the Isianic Mysteries (Mystery religion of Isis and Osiris)." 
Albert Mackey, "Lexicon of Freemasonry," p. 195 


That all reminded me of the Masonic Tercentenary, back on Samhain 2017. I'd post a video, but they've all been scrubbed. For purely innocent reasons, surely.

But here's something curious: I looked up the duration from the Masonic Tercentenary to King Chuckeecheese's coronation and what before my wondering eyes did appear?


Anything jump out at you?

Yeah. Same here.


Feeling overwhelmed and discombobulated by all this Neo-Druidic and crypto-Masonic mischief?

click on the Moon for details

Why don't you come join us at the Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism, a place dedicated to finding the others and acquiring what I like to call "Pack Immunity."

For as little as $3 a month and access reams of information that will entertain, enlighten and fortify your spirit in these troubled times. 

Come for the scholarship, stay for the fellowship.