Not to be Danny Downer, but this could all get much, much worse between now and November. There's a rough beast slouching towards, well, everywhere these days. It's a mortally-wounded and cornered beast, granted, but that just makes it all the more dangerous.
(H/T JB)
Funny how quickly the Pussyhats and Bootlicks went from "punch a Nazi" to "throw the untermenschen into concentration camps." New York is a quickly-sinking ship in so many ways, but I wasn't anticipating them going this insanely fascist on the cusp of an election year.
Spoiler Alert: a lot of people miss the pretext here, but this is all secretly aimed at black and brown people and Orthodox Jews, as much as Woke liberals want everyone to think it's about unvaccinated Trumpers (of which there really aren't very many left in New York). I can't see any of these bills passing constitutional muster, so either there's some weird hidden agenda or they've all gone totally insane up in Albany. Or both.
Also, demons. Demons are a definite possibility.
And this bullshit
continues to pile up.
I'm really not all that big on Joe Rogan, but it's amazing how clarifying these past two years have been. My general regard for mainstream entertainment has gone from disdain to absolute, total and irreversible anathema. Whatever dim hope I may have once held that the culture can be reformed in any meaningful way has been absolutely incinerated by these tools.
It's not quite Roddy Piper with the secret sunglasses yet, but it's very, very close. And I don't mean that metaphorically.
An insult to Herff's memory.
"You can only replace religion
with religion." - Carl Jung
This gets my vote for "most unsurprising 2021 headline." Even clueless corporate media consumers are sensing a disturbance in the Deepers' force with this sham. Will it change anything?
In the short term? No. In the long run, yes,
Ultimately, there's a limit for how much bullshit they can away with before the stench gets too strong even for the Bootlick bunch.
"Why," he says! LOL. Why do you think, Chuckles?
These agencies exist for one reason and one reason only: to protect people like John Griffin and institutions like CNN. Period. They have neither the interest nor the capability to do any actual crimefighting or legitimate intelligence work whatsoever. Never have.
Pretty much. Only not cute.
I hear they call this
Well, yes and no. Consciousness is just part of the equation. But the initial premise is unassailable.
Damn. It looks like Russia and China's military priority is getting the US and NATO out of Asia. From the looks of it, I'd say they're pretty serious about it.
Hmm. What's the US Military's priority in response to all this?
Oh, of course: the US Military's job number one is propagating worship of their supreme DEIty. What else could it possibly be?
Rest easy: the DEIty of Wokeness shall smite the armies of the East and bring them to his/her/their/zir/zer/zis/xer heel with the mighty sword of drag queen story hours and Robin D'Angelo ZOOM conferences.
I mean, who is like the DEIst? Who can make war with him/her/them/zem/xem?
Problem is those biblical angels don't look so hot on First Communion cards or wrapping paper.
Let me ask you this: do you believe in Heaven above? Do you believe in love?
Don't tell a lie. Don't be false or untrue.
The moral of this story? Be careful what you invoke for.
You too, "quantum mechanic." (sic) Your spellcraft ain't fooling me, Johnny Dee.
Obligatory Buckley-jacent joke. Sue me.
Yeah, I'm not really down with the whole Elon Musk adoration. Making Elizabeth Warren look stupid and cringey is like shooting dead fish in a barrel. Come to think of it, she really doesn't need anyone's help to look stupid and cringey.
Remember, this is the woman who not only lied about her ancestry to get a prime spot at Harvard, she also placed third in the Presidential primary in her own state.
And how is it the richest man in the world with all these corporate responsibilities has time to shitpost on Twitter all day?
What I said about Elon Musk and Elizabeth Warren? Well, same goes for anyone and Demi Lovato. She really shouldn't be encouraged with all this, poor kid.
By the way, who's keeping an eye on her money? That kind of mental health status and incipient poverty are a bad brew.
As you can see here.
Question, though: what exactly is the correlation between Die Antwoord haircuts and Taco Bell? I'm old, so I don't understand Zoomer humor.
Yeah, probably not. I think someone just wanted to put out an bitchin' poster.
Still: do respect wildlife, always.
We've all been there. Let it pass.
Well, for most people...
... for me somewhat more, because I'm old and set in my ways.
This? Much more for me. Or mostly me, but mostly you.
He's just using you, girl.
Don't despair, friend: you can get yourself back into the spirit of the season with the new, revised and expanded 2022 edition of The Endless American Midnight.
Features 100+ pages of additional articles, new photography, new cover art, a revised layout and re-edited text.
And don't forget to pay The Secret Sun Secret Store a visit!There are three amazing, 100% heavyweight cotton T-shirts that true-blue Secret Sunners are definitely going to want.
Pull up a chair and give this epic overview of the seventh season of The X-Files a listen. You'll get all the inside dirt, as well scintillating insights into the strange threads of mystical numinosity and magical reality that enliven what is a wildly-inconsistent but unfailingly-compelling string of episodes.
This is one of my favorite-ever X-Casts and I had an absolute blast chatting with my boy Kurt.
And don't forget my summit with Chris and Hunter on The Melt on a very wide-ranging slate of issues beginning with the AstroWorld and Young Dolph syncs, Satanic stupidity, Watcher-Nephilim cultism, the parallels in Heaven Upside Down or Las Vegas and Lil' Peep's death, and the insane Sibylline syncs kicked up in the wake of it all.
If you can't be home for Christmas, go hang out in the Den of Intrigue
The Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism is waiting for you to take the next step in your synchro-journey. Come level up.