No doubt you've heard by now. I don't even know what to say about this shit anymore. I actually don't want to say anything at all, that's how bone-weary I am of these events.
But unfortunately, this all played out like the Secret Sun Scrabble game from Hell. And it's yet another example of something we all could have avoided if we took a holistic and synchromystic view of the world we're all stuck on.
Or maybe even just some basic common sense.
It's being reported that a "lone wolf" gunman stormed in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, FL and started shooting with an AR-15. 17 people are reported as dead with many more injured.
The alleged shooter, Nickolas Cruz, was a former student at Stoneman Douglas and was arrested, unarmed and apparently without incident, by police not long after the events.
17 is an interesting number for anyone who's been following this blog for the last 10 years or so.
Today was Valentine's Day, an ancient day of blood sacrifice dating back to the Etruscans and probably long before that as well.
But the first thing I thought of was David Bowie's final single during his lifetime, "Valentine's Day," which is itself about a school shooter.
Today was also Ash Wednesday, a day when Christians are told to remember the reality of death... having the Cross daubed upon their foreheads. Or in Spanish, la Cruz.
We're also in the waning days of the Year of the Rooster and on the cusp of a new moon and a solar eclipse. Just in case the rest of it weren't enough. Pretty heavy synchronistic weather, in other words.
And in a stunning plot-twist, the "lone wolf" turns out to be a known wolf, tagged by everyone who knew him as the kid most likely to go Columbine. He wasn't even allowed to carry a backpack to school, that's how concerned staff were about his potential for violence.
So what happened?
So what happened?
Cruz was also the victim of bullying and ostracism at the school, as is so often the case with school shooters.
A fact which you never hear raised during the tired and programmed partisan debates you hear about these horrific events.
A fact which you never hear raised during the tired and programmed partisan debates you hear about these horrific events.
And Cruz had been subjected to a number of traumas and stressors recently, including the loss of his family home and the death of both parents.
So his obsession with guns was well-known and he'd experienced a number of personal tragedies recently and yet law enforcement didn't seem interested, as far as we can tell.
So his obsession with guns was well-known and he'd experienced a number of personal tragedies recently and yet law enforcement didn't seem interested, as far as we can tell.
This is all starting to feel bit like the Book of Job here, only with a messed-up gunfreak in pre-Apocalyptic America instead of a prosperous merchant in the ancient Middle East.
I know; shocking, isn't it?
In fact Cruz is wearing his Stoneman Douglas JROTC shirt in the arrest photos. And was wearing his JROTC hat in an Instagram profile pic. I sure would like to know when this kid went through JROTC and when he started going totally off the rails. Simply out of curiosity.
As a sidebar, I'd like to just touch on the information coming out last week about accused Las Vegas shooter allegedly telling his favorite call-girl that he was a government mind control subject and that "they can hack his brain." Which as we know, has been a longtime goal of MK doctors.
Eldon Byrd of the Naval Surface Weapons Center has spoken about this technology for several years, as have many others.
And in a nearly-novelistic stroke of coincidence, Parkland is just a short drive from the Navy's Surface Warfare Center.
I don't know what that means-- or if it means anything-- but interesting nonetheless, don't you think?
Even if it didn't look as if this kid needed much entrainment, if everything we're hearing from students at the school is anything to go by.
Even if it didn't look as if this kid needed much entrainment, if everything we're hearing from students at the school is anything to go by.
Speaking of Las Vegas, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High was first opened in 1990, 9+9+9 years before the Las Vegas Shootings. And the same year Heaven or Las Vegas was released, as some of you may remember.
Incidentally, Parkland was established as a city in 1963, 9+9+9 years before the release of Heaven or Las Vegas. And interesting for other reasons, including the death of JFK.
And Marjory means "Pearl," derived from the Latin margarita. And in a weird turn of events, margaritas are all over the news lately. Maybe it's in anticipation of National Margarita Day on February 22nd. I had no idea that was even a holiday.
As I said, the Pearl is most definitely a rising archetypal dominant.
As I said, the Pearl is most definitely a rising archetypal dominant.
And apparently locals refer to the school simply as "Stoneman?" I couldn't really get a sense of that. But I do know that Douglas ("Dark River") is a name we've looked at recently as well.
But here's a weird sync for you: the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Eagles...
...use the same exact logo as Super Bowl Champions the Philadelphia Eagles. Pretty wild.
Are the two organizations connected in some way? I'll have to look into that.
The school is also the home of the Eagle Regiment, a well-regarded marching band that has appeared at a number of high-visibility football games.
Including the Super Bowl, oddly enough.
Nine months ago Cruz bragged on YouTube he was "going to what he did (sic)", referring to Charles Whitman and the University of Texas mass shootings that we looked at recently.
Whitman is the second mass shooter in American history, after Howard Unruh's killing spree in 1949.
Whitman is the second mass shooter in American history, after Howard Unruh's killing spree in 1949.
17 years later we have Charles Whitman, the University of Texas at Austin shooter. Whitman too was an Army vet and just happened to start at UT at the same time MKULTRA Subproject 138 did.
Whitman soon began a personal tailspin that culminated in the shootings in 1966. An autopsy revealed a brain tumor, which the medical examiner declared had not had an influence on the shootings.
Texas Governor John Connolly decided otherwise and had the inquest findings revised. So far as I know Connolly was no neurologist.I find it a little curious that Cruz used his real name as his YouTube handle, especially when making threats like that. But who can figure the mind of a madman, right?
Incidentally, the autopsy report for Stephen Paddock apparently lists his TOD as being several hours after police and every single, solitary media outlet on the planet claimed it as being.
What's more there are reports of extensive bruising on his extremites as well, a fact not attested to by any of the official narratives.
People are now starting to wonder if....
People are now starting to wonder if....
Oh, incidentally, Reader Jenny turned our attention to a story in the LA Times that cited some interestingly-named witnesses such as an "Ocean," a "Vega" and this...

"Hannah (read: 'Inanna') Siren." Weird; I've never heard "Siren" as a surname.
So, this is a bit odd. Cruz was arrested at the entrance of the Pelican Pointe development. So what, right?
Well, the big news out of Hollywood this week is the looming release of Anthony Pellicano, the notorious fixer known, rather uncreatively, as "the Pelican."
Apparently he's got a lot to say about the Hollywood execs who double-crossed him and more besides. I'll be watching that story, to be sure.
UPDATE: Yeah, they were warned about this guy. And did nothing:
At a press conference Thursday morning, the FBI confirmed that it had received and looked into a tip about the "professional school shooter" comment on Bennight's YouTube channel, but could not uncover any details from the account.
"No other information was included in the comment, which would indicate a time, location, or true identity of the person who made the comment," special agent Robert Lasky told reporters. "The FBI conducted database reviews, checks, but was unable to further identify the person who made the comment."Yeah, it's not like the guy signed his real name or anything. Oh, wait...
Even worse:
(AP) — The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee.
Jordan Jereb told The Associated Press on Thursday that his group wants Florida to become its own white ethno-state. He said his group holds “spontaneous random demonstrations” and tries not to participate in the modern world.
These groups are all heavily monitored and/or infiltrated by the FBI. There's an absolute zero probability that the Bureau didn't know exactly who this kid was and exactly what he was planning.
UPDATE: Well, well, well. Thanks to Reader Roel.