Monday, June 28, 2010

Secret Sun Picture Parade: Post-Solstice Edition

The big story is still the BP Gulf spill, yet another real-life fiasco foreshadowed on The X-Files. While working up the big XF post over the weekend I remembered that the rig in question was called the 'Orpheus', yet more descent-to-the-underworld Mystery symbolism in the XF Mythology.

Speaking of our cosmic progenitors, a honest-to-God Nephilim (who appeared in episode 5x17 of X-Files) made an appearance at the SF Gay Pride parade this past weekend...

A less-festive march up in Toronto protesting the G-2o confab has resulted in civic unrest. But it also produced this iconic shot, tailor-made for album covers, t-shirts, etc. Undoubtedly staged, but so have been many of History's most iconic photos.

Also this past weekend was the Glastonbury Festival, which takes place around the Solstice every year in Arthur Pendragon's old neighborhood. Note the iconic Pyramid Stage with the illuminated capstone. 

The headliners this year were Gorillaz, replacing U2 who've been sidelined because of Bono's back injury. The Gorillaz' sleepy jams didn't go down too well, by all accounts.

Here's an ad that's been showing up a lot lately on the web featuring another illuminated pyramid, this time in Vegas. But, really; is this the image that best captures Las Vegas for most people?

Back on the topic of iconic shots, there's this mysterious deep space image that astronomers are brushing off as a asteroid collision. But I was poking around some old Sun posts yesterday...

...and discovered this image of a discarded rocket stage used in the 1976 Bowie vehicle. Not entirely dissimilar, no?

Sunday night saw the season premiere of HBO's Ari Hearts Vinnie 4ever, as well as episode three of season three of The Jessica Show, starring Deborah Ann Woll's perfect alabaster skin, long, elegant legs and flowing red locks. She has a striking counterpart in Rutina Wesley, with her iridescent, coffee-colored skin and strikingly-hypnotic black eyes.

And there were also some vampires and werewolves and psychics and stuff like that. And that girl who used to be Rogue is in it, I think. Not sure.

Speaking of Black Madonnas, how about that interesting silhouette of Isis lurking behind that televangelist there?

She is a Phoenix? Well, not quite Jean Grey (there's a name for the cryptoetymologists), but here's another set of hypnotic eyes for you. BTW- There's a U of P in Braintree. Just take Route 3 to exit 17. It's at end of the off-ramp.

Did someone say Isis? I desperately want a repro of this amazing statue entitled Egyptian Rocket Goddess. Siriusly- does it get any more Secret Sun than that?

Anyway, I finally took the plunge and watched a Nu Who ep, this one was called 'The Pandorica Opens' and featured a guest appearance by Cleopatra. Well, actually it was a time traveller dressed as Cleopatra. And the new Doctor's companion is another tall, beautiful redhead. It also takes place at Stonehenge, just up the road from Glastonbury.


But I thought this shot was particularly interesting- it's the oldest planet in the universe with the first known sample of writing anywhere. The TARDIS mosies on over to have a look and lands in a primeval forest filled with giant mushrooms. Someone's been boning up on their McKenna, I'd bet...