Odds of Life on Newfound Earth-Size Planet '100 Percent,' Astronomer Says An Earth-size planet has been spotted orbiting a nearby star at a distance that would makes it not too hot and not too cold — comfortable enough for life to exist, researchers announced today (Sept. 29). If confirmed, the exoplanet, named Gliese 581g*, would be the first Earth-like world found residing in a star's habitable zone — a region where a planet's temperature could sustain liquid water on its surfaceGranted, this puppy is a long way away- 120 trillion miles, to be exact- but scientists are already trying to figure ways to study it more closely, maybe even communicate with its inhabitants. But as the Fates would have it, it turns out they may have already been trying to communicate with us:
An astronomer picked up a mysterious pulse of light coming from the direction of the newly discovered Earth-like planet almost two years ago, it has emerged. Dr Ragbir Bhathal, a scientist at the University of Western Sydney, picked up the odd signal in December 2008, long before it was announced that the star Gliese 581 has habitable planets in orbit around it. A member of the Australian chapter of SETI, the organisation that looks for communication from distant planets, Dr Bhathal had been sweeping the skies when he discovered a 'suspicious' signal from an area of the galaxy that holds the newly-discovered Gliese 581g. The remarkable coincidence adds another layer of mystery to the announcement last night that scientists had discovered another planet in the system: Gliese 581g - the most Earth-like planet ever found.That, my friends, is more than a coincidence. I'd say it's even more than Synchronicity. It could well be the reason they looked in that direction in the first place (just like the Stanford remote viewers allegedly spotted the structures at Cydonia years before the Viking mission) but are spinning it all as a big coincidence.

Who, or maybe WHAT, is behind the Stuxnet worm?
The infamous Stuxnet worm is surrounded by cloak and dagger reports and conspiracy theories worthy of a movie plot. However, it's time to break out the tinfoil hats as some people question if nuclear systems have been attacked by an extraterrestrial cyber-worm. Wait, it gets even more bizarre than alien written worms because psychic spies are in on it too.
The "some people" are not named in the piece. Then the remote viewers come into it, fresh out of nowhere, but with an up to date transhumanist spin:
The American Chronicle wrote, "Sources to STARstream Research have reported that U.S. government intelligence agencies targeted Iranian underground nuclear facilities using 'psychic spies' -- a method left over from the cold war, when the Defense Intelligence Agency collected psychic intelligence against the Soviet Union."
Furthermore, the article talks of a Department of Defense report. "Questions of interest to the members of the intelligence community include discovering ways of reading the human mind (artificial telepathy), improving human cognitive performance, remote control of mental states, and machine-mind interfaces."
There's no reason to believe this bug is anything but the product of some perfectly terrestrial intelligence contractors. And this isn't much in and of itself- just some journo hypothesizing on what is most likely a dangerous and exotic but otherwise conventional bit of malware. If this is meant to be some kind of disinfo feed, it's a very clumsy one (the writer is all over the place with the conjecture and argues herself to a standstill).
But it helped feed into my 90s nostalgia- which seems to hit hardest on Fridays for some strange reason- and for that I'm grateful.
UPDATE: Sheesh, did I just say AoL? They've gotten a lot more interesting since they split from TimeWarner (and since Facebook essentially stole their 90s thunder). Picking up the memory lane vibe, they interview Rev. Barry Dowling, of all people:
"If UFOs are some type of intelligent power from another world, they may have been around for millions of years and may have been involved in the development of the biblical religion, and I do believe that is the case," said the Rev. Barry Downing, a retired Presbyterian minister. The Rev. Barry Downing, a retired Presbyterian minister, believes Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials, with accounts of encounters going all the way back to biblical times.
In his 1968 book, "The Bible and Flying Saucers" (Marlowe), Downing suggests that extraterrestrials in technologically advanced spaceships played a major part in events depicted in the Bible. "You can go through the Bible and look for signs of things that hover in the sky and seem to be intelligently controlled and interact with the biblical people," Downing told AOL News.Things must really be changing behind the scenes, since this kind of talk had been relegated to the far corners of the Internet, at least in the Bush years. Of course the story is in the "Weird News" ghetto and it may all switch back after the elections, but it all of this 90s nostalgia makes me want to pull out my old Porno for Pyros records.