We've looked at films that depict something from an alien world coming to ours and changing Earth in its own image. Science fiction, obviously, but what if these stories are allegories for a process that is actually going on, albeit a little less dramatically?
- The Zone is a mysterious, restricted area rumored to have been created by an alien visitation or cosmic event.
- The Zone doesn’t overtly mutate biology but warps reality in subtler, more existential ways. It’s said to contain a room that grants one’s deepest desires, yet it’s treacherous—full of invisible traps ("meat grinders") that kill or strand intruders.
- Its rules are unknowable and seem to shift based on human intent or subconscious will.
- The Zone is steeped in existential melancholy and spiritual ambiguity. It’s less about horror and more about introspection, radiating a quiet, oppressive mystery.
- The Zone’s purpose is tied to human psychology—it’s a mirror for the soul. The room at its heart allegedly fulfills desires, but only the truest, often unconscious ones, suggesting a judgmental or revelatory nature.
- In the film, the Shimmer is a mysterious, iridescent barrier that appears after a meteor strikes a lighthouse on the U.S. coast (Florida, specifically).
- This phenomenon creates an isolated zone, referred to as "Area X," where the laws of nature as we know them begin to break down.
- Inside the Shimmer, the environment undergoes radical and unpredictable changes.
- The film portrays it as a place where DNA—both human and non-human—mutates and refracts, leading to bizarre and horrifying transformations.
- The Shimmer appears to act as a kind of prism not just for light but for biology and consciousness, blending and reshaping everything it touches.

The original author of Annihilation, Jeff Vandermeer was reportedly unhappy with all the changes Alex Garland had made to the story in the film. But Vandermeer has also denied being influenced by Stalker, and the book that it partially adapted, Roadside Picnic. So there's that.
Regardless of what Vandermeer says, the connections between the book Annihilation, its film adaptation and Stalker seem pretty obvious to me.
They all involve mysterious terrestrial zones that have been affected in some anomalous way by an extra-terrestrial force (“Area X” in Annihilation and “the Zone” in Stalker).The intrusion of an alien object fundamentally alters the landscape, making it somewhat sentient and relatively hostile to humans.The government (whether Russian or US) has set up a perimeter, forcefully keeping citizens out the infested zone.Our protagonists access the areas, exploring the unique mutations to the flora and fauna.In Annihilation, the movie, the protagonists have names, but in the book, like in Stalker, our group of heroes are known only by their professions: the psychologist, the surveyor, the anthropologist and the biologist vs. the professor, the writer and the stalker.
"The Cocteau Twins cover (to Head Over Heels) was inspired by Andrei Tarkovsky's film The Stalker: Two scientists go in search for a forbidden zone and, in the forbidden zone, their worldly desires will become realized.
"They arrive at this lovely setting, this place, where there’s a floor surface and the camera is just flat over this water just a few inches deep and it’s a titled floor that used to be an interior with an object and a fishbowl." - Vaughn Oliver, 23 Envelope
The score was co-created by Geoff Barrow, of the group Portishead. The score here is also very similar to that of the Clarion Call mass ritual, also in 2018. The soundtrack for that featured Elizabeth, as well as Portishead singer Beth Gibbons.
Let's look at the specifics of "the Colour" in the film.
- An alien entity manifesting as a magenta-hued light, coming to Earth via a meteorite that crashes on a rural farm.
- Implied to be a sentient or semi-sentient entity with intent to consume or assimilate.
- Water and soil are tainted by the Colour, plants grow aberrantly, animals mutate, and humans suffer madness and bodily fusion.
- It warps perception with vivid, unnatural colors and hallucinations.
And I keep bringing up SN1987A for a couple reasons. One being that this:
The most significant supernova of the past century, and indeed one of the most studied, is SN 1987A, a supernova that occurred in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, and was visible to the naked eye.Here's why SN 1987A is so important:• It was the first supernova to be visible to the naked eye since the invention of the telescope, making it a rare and easily observable event.• SN 1987A was the first supernova to be detected through its neutrino emission, and the first to be observed across every band of the electromagnetic spectrum.• SN 1987A allowed astronomers to study the core collapse of a blue supergiant star in unprecedented detail, confirming theoretical calculations about what happens during such explosions, including the formation of elements beyond iron.
February 24, 1987: Supernova 1987A observed in the Large Magellanic Cloud in Dorado, exactly three years after "Pearly Dewdrops' Drop" premiered on The Old Grey Whistle Test.
Elizabeth chants "Ruby Star, Dorade, Star, Dorade" in the fade out of "Pearly Dewdrops' Drops," recorded in early 1984.
Just in case you missed the reference, the "Pearly Dewdrops' Drops" video depicts a gold fish at the same inclination as the Dorado constellation.
I hope you appreciate how insane this is.
Since SN1987A appeared months before the Harmonic Convergence, it was seen as not only a sign by crystal-kissers, but as the actual mechanism of the coming of the New Age. How so?Well, the effects of cosmic rays on Earth - and subsequently on humans - is a hot topic with some astrophysicists...

A recent study suggests that a supernova, possibly from the Tucana-Horologium or Scorpius-Centaurus star clusters, may have triggered an increase in viral diversity in Lake Tanganyika around 2.5 million years ago, potentially due to increased cosmic radiation from the supernova.These are two star clusters that are relatively close to our solar system, potentially within a few hundred light-years.Supernova explosions are powerful events that release vast amounts of energy and particles, including cosmic rays, into space.Around 2.5 million years ago, there was a significant increase in the diversity of viruses infecting fish in Lake Tanganyika, an isolated lake in the East African Rift.
The supernova would have released a surge of cosmic radiation that could have broken the DNA of living creatures, potentially driving viruses to mutate and diversify.
Eridanus is home to a giant cold spot (or supervoid), which vexes astronomers to this day. Basically there's almost nothing inside an unimaginably-vast stretch of space and it's colder than the rest of space.PLEASE note that date in the clipping there. I hope I don't need to explain the significance of it.I will explain the significance of the cold spot, because there are theories that it is where another universe is bumping up against our own.
A controversial claim by Laura Mersini-Houghton is that (the Eridanus supervoid/cold spot) could be the imprint of another universe beyond our own, caused by quantum entanglement between universes before they were separated by cosmic inflation.
Laura Mersini-Houghton said, "Standard cosmology cannot explain such a giant cosmic hole" and made the hypothesis that the WMAP cold spot is "… the unmistakable imprint of another universe beyond the edge of our own."
If true, this provides the first empirical evidence for a parallel universe.
As you can see, Eridanus (and its void) emerges from Orion's foot and ends at Phoenix. And don't forget Dorado and its supernova.
Then have a look at another still from the "Pearly Dewdrops" video, in which the three Cocteau Twins stand at the waterfall at Virginia (Virgo) Waters, eerily mirroring the the Belt of Orion atop Eridanus.Note Elizabeth is in the same position as the supervoid/coldspot in relation to the waterfall/Eridanus.This was filmed three years before Supernova 1987A was observed and 17 years before the Eridanus Cold Spot was discovered.
Actually, "coincidence" loses its meaning when comes to Elizabeth. She is beyond coincidence, beyond synchronicity. Some of you have realized that by now.
And please remember that Elizabeth is now immortalized in the Heavens, lest you still think this is all just some weird idée fixe on my part.
So let's return to Dorado for this very significant find...
TOI-700 d is a dense, rocky, near-Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting within the habitable zone of the red dwarf TOI-700. It is located roughly 101.4 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Dorado and is the outermost of 4 confirmed exoplanets around its star.
The exoplanet is the first Earth-sized exoplanet in the habitable zone discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).
Are you all with me out there?
- The Eridanus Supervoid/Cold Spot: Very possibly the portal to another universe
- The Lake Tanganyika Supernova: Possibly sent cosmic rays that changed life on Earth
- Supernova1987A: The most studied supernova to occur in a thousand years
- TOI-700d: The most Earth-like planet yet discovered
These are only speculations, granted, but I think you know exactly why I take them seriously by now. I can't imagine a scenario in which the prophecies about SN1987A in "Pearly Dewdrops' Drop" are just some random glitch in the Matrix.
From Gemini:
Eridu was an ancient Sumerian city in Mesopotamia, often considered one of the earliest cities in human history. It’s tied to Sumerian mythology as the home of Enki, the god of wisdom, water, and creation. Enki was associated with the life-giving rivers and cosmic waters, which ties into the broader concept of a "river" motif in ancient cultures.
The bright star Canopus was known to the ancient Mesopotamians and represented the city of Eridu in the Three Stars Each Babylonian star catalogues and later around 1100 BC on the MUL.APIN tablets.
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