Been a busy and stressful week or so here at Secret Sun Central and I need to refresh my soul. And you know what that means: Schizospiritual memery.
Accept no substitutes.
But first, check out this epic codebreak at The Secret Sun Extension School. The long-standing code that gets cracked this time is the Freemish demigod, Hiram Abif.
Click here to see the mystery unveiled.
That said, assume the lotus position and feel the cosmic powers of Schizmemes wash over you and renew your spirit. My never-ending search for cracked enlightenment has indeed been fruitful this month.

In case you're wondering, I did watch some clips from the Surpu Ba'al online. I found it all to be soul-crushingly depressing. The kind of depression you can only find in the detritus of a failing regime.
I might do something on it. Not sure yet. Depends on my tolerance for existential despair.
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Hey, you - have you got your
It's not too late to make 2025 the year you master the Art of Sync. Check out this action, Jackson:
The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook is the world's first instruction manual for understanding and using the full scope of synchronicity in your daily life.
The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook is a comprehensive guide to learning and using the tools and techniques of Synchromysticism, based on the art of recognizing and understanding meaningful coincidence.
The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook explains how you can methodically evaluate and utilize synchronicity, using a detailed set of criteria that will help separate signal from noise and revelation from delusion.
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