It's not your imagination: 2024 has been a great year for memes, with a new generation bringing fresh energy and fresh ideas to the field. So whaddya say we wrap it all up with a particularly dank assortment of the 21st Century's native artform?
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2024 was the year that the old Bush/Clinton/Obama wing of the Deep State finally lost its mojo, in every sense of the term. All the old tricks and scams failed spectacularly across the board, from Hollywood to the Harris campaign.
The problem is that the evil-genius gerontocracy pulling all our strings all these years has finally succumbed to the ravages of Father Time, and their Machiavellian strategy of enfeebling their underlings has left the old demons without a competent new generation to carry on the work.
That's not to say there isn't a new wing rising, and therefore a new wave of ops, but for now it looks like the old guard is slinking back to the pits from which they were spawned.

What part of "dogs are better than us" don't you understand?
Well, these memes might bring you up to speed...

Neurosis is the toll that modern society takes from us all, so let the memes flow and begin to restore your sense of self...

It's still early, but I'm thinking the douche-chilling Olympic cringefest this past summer dealt the final blow to the mystique of elite ritualism. Too many people are hip to occult shenanigans these days. Certainly not a majority, but maybe enough to extend an umbrella of herd immunity.
The irony of it all is that the occult has always been campy and cringe, but its proscribed nature lent it an aura of transgression it doesn't deserve. Sure, you still have your truly dark occult horrors clustered at the base and peak of the social pyramid, but the kind of nonsense we've been bombarded with the past ten or fifteen years or so seems to be on the wane.
Thank God for that - my cringe muscles are well past the point of infarction.

This year may well mark the end of Woke's glory days. The ten-year social experiment on the part of the satanic Oligarchy to get (even more) rich and (even more) powerful by utterly annihilating the heart and soul - and even the bodies - of entire generations has ended the only way it ever was going to.
With the era of free money over, with the Woke stanning for Hamas and Hezbollah, and now with the exit polls confirming that Woke madness played a huge part in motivating traditional Democrats to vote for Trump, the Woke project has become a Golem that has turned on its creators, as Golems always do.
There's a massive cleanup effort being made to shut down the Wokenstein Monster before it bleeds any more billions from the ledger. But given that the core constituency of the Democratic Party - namely, Woke AWFLs - is still gulping down the cherry Woke-Aid, I really don't know how successful that effort can be.
As insane as it may be, Wokeness gives life meaning and a sense of mission to its adherents, and you can't try to take that away and expect to keep the Karens on-side. Let's just say it's going to be an interesting 2025 for the contagion, its carriers and its creators.
So let's make the most of what may be our last rodeo...

I've burned a lot of bandwidth singing the praises of the Schizospiritual and schizjacent shitposters this past year, so I'll just let the memery flow...

A thousand thank-you's to the Meme Masters and Meme Mistresses out there - you have brought light and joy to a bleak and anhedonic stretch of the timeline. Looking forward to what you have gestating in those tortured brains in 2025.
And now, a benediction...