Seattle, more than many other American cities, built its astonishing wealth on a witches' brew of military and intelligence contracting pork and sweatshop and prison labor.
The corporations (and denizens) of Seattle have caused more bloodshed, enslavement and human misery than many countries have done in their entire histories, so it stands to reason in this New Normal of ours that Seattle would also be one of the world's most aggressively Woke cities.
By now you've probably heard that an area of Seattle (in the heavily-gay Capitol Hill district) has been "seized" by protesters and declared an "autonomous zone."
It's generally referred to as the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" by occupiers, though there's been some controversy over that.
We're hearing a lot of biased reporting-- MSM declaring it to be the new Eden, right-wing media saying it's a post-apocalyptic hellscape-- but I think people are missing the implications of it all.
She's demanding that the police surrender their precinct station, which I would not be a bit surprised if they do.
Of course, Donald Trump is beating his chest and demanding they take back the CHAZ or he'll send in the Army to do it himself. I have to admit I fell for this gambit with Trump's threats to invoke the Insurrection Act, but now I see more clearly.
The truth is that Trump has no intention-- or desire-- to lift a finger to stop any of these actions in what he almost assuredly sees as a Blue-on-Blue civil war.
I get the distinct feeling he's having the time of his life watching all this unfold, and his threats against mayors invariably guarantee that they'll bend over backward to surrender to protesters' and/or rioters' demands.
Trump and his advisors have clearly settled on their approach to this nascent civil war and that's to kick as many hornets' nests as they possibly can as much as they possibly can (hence this mind-boggling decision to rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth) and let the Democrat mayors and governors deal with the swarms.
It's a cold-hearted and reckless strategy, but if we're talking about a guy who was mentored by Roy Cohn, aren't we?
But let's get back to the Autonomous Zone.
Am I the only one that finds it a bit strange to go from a very suspicious figure kicking this all off by smashing windows at at AutoZone in the Twin City to the declaration of an Autonomous Zone?
AutoZone to Autonomous Zone?
Does it seem a bit strange that the initials A Z represent the beginning and end of the alphabet, or the Alpha-Omega?
Does it seem a bit strange that the concept of a temporary autonomous zone was created by Hakim Bey AKA Peter Lamborn Wilson, a notorious proponent of pederasty?
It does to me.
If you haven't figured out that all these protests and riots are all being orchestrated and are means to an end to a goal we can only guess at, you're on the wrong blog. But what if the strategy here is to do what English colonists did when Native tribes helped them to defeat the French and later the Crown?
The tribes' reward were their own "autonomous zones," which later came to be known as "Indian Reservations." And we all know how that went.
So if this Revolution™®© is intended to do a postmodern take on what the 20th Century totalitarian revolutions did-- ie., they forcibly transformed agrarian societies into industrial ones-- what do you do with the rabble-rousers and malcontents who helped bring you to power?
The Communists and Nazis answered that question with purges and death camps, but that might not fly today. So why not follow the old colonists' models of reservations and homelands?
This is all pure conjecture on my part, of course, but that's what you come here for. Even so, I can't help but notice this model is being set up in Seattle, where so many big pieces of the Brave New World puzzle were birthed.
We've also talked quite a bit about Seattle vis a vis the Horned Christ, the Frou-Frou Fox consumed by the Midsummer Fires, right?
Just something to keep in mind.
Either way, I know who'll be the big winner of the riots and occupations: private security companies like G4S, formerly known as Group Four.

Here's a fascinating study for you, speaking of Seattle.
Yesterday, the Great Siren®™© declared supporting Black Lives Matter off-limits for its baristas. As soon as they did, the expected firestorm from Twitter erupted and mere hours later, not only was that policy reversed but the Great Siren suddenly had a new T-shirt design that they "suggest" (sic) their employees wear.
Well, that was fast. What did the Great Siren®™© throw together to appease their detractors?
Let's have a look....
Let's have a look....
Wow, they were able to design this screenprint here, pass it around to all their attorneys for clearance and print up a quarter-million of them in just a few hours?
If I were a cynical man, I'd almost think this was the plan all along and the controversy was ginned up simply to give the Great Siren®™© air-cover with any suburban moms who might find this all a bit too radical for their morning lattes. What do you think?
Speaking of sirens, our pal Dave Mathisen informed me that the woman who allegedly ran the nightclub that both Derek Chauvin and George Floyd allegedly worked at refers to herself as La Sirena Mayor, or --wait for it-- "the Great Siren."
OK, so let's get this straight.
A woman named "Frazier" posts a video from the Twin Cities (onetime home of Orthodox Fraserite Hierophant, Prince Rogers Nelson) of two men (one of whom has a Masonic Twin whose given name means "Garlands") who worked for "The Great Siren," unleashing a conflagration that has brought all the world's great city-states to a standstill?
Let me ask my haters and doubters a simple but important question: how many more times do you need to see this before you believe me?
I think the problem is that most people don't know how things actually worked in ancient times with the Oracles and Sibyls.
Well, maybe now you do.
Someone replied to my tweet with this, from the looks of it snapped from 4Chan or 8kun.
None of this surprises me a bit, if in fact it's true...
... as I pointed on the day of Our Shepherd Boy's martyrdom, Twin-Twin days after Floyd's death.
Oddly enough, we saw the Ascension of the Sacred Phallus the week of George Floyd's death and then we saw this story of an alleged Twin Earth (KOI-456.4) and an alleged Twin Sun (Kepler-160). Fascinating timing.
Where are these Twins of which they speak?
Oh, in Lyra. Where else?
By another stunning coincidence, we also saw this...
...a reported radical named Mason Lira, using the Latinate spelling of Lyra.
But you could also translate Mason Lira as "Masonic Money," which may allegedly give you an alleged idea what's allegedly at work behind the scenes these days, allegedly.