I realize it's it was a holiday weekend and everyone is busy with other things, but a random search threw me down yet another rabbit hole and I felt the need to share it.
So let's revisit a few familiar topics because some fresh connective tissue seems to have grown after we last spoke. Plus, more insane, impossible updates.
So let's revisit a few familiar topics because some fresh connective tissue seems to have grown after we last spoke. Plus, more insane, impossible updates.

So, we discussed how a reader informed me that "Chris Cornell" equals 408 in Jewish Gematria, and that 4/08 was the date that the body of Cornell's friend, Kurt Cobain, had been discovered.
Do note that 8/16, or August 16th, seems to be a black-letter day for catastrophic air crashes, as there've been several on that date.
And as I've pointed out before, Our Lady and Her Unmercenary Musicians made their national televised debut in the US on the day Cobain's body was discovered.
It wasn't a very good time for it. Not only because of the obvious, but also because the Sibyl was in between trauma hospitalizations and seemed to disappear onstage into a weird inner world in order that she might sing to exotic alien birds in their native language.
It was kind of like one of those nasty British sketch comedy shows doing a Cocteau Twins parody, like that brutal Kate Bush skit back in the day (which namedrops Jean Cocteau, believe it or not).
Fans used to call it her "dolphin in distress period," but "Yoko with a toothache" will do just as well. Oh well, at least she seems to be enjoying herself.
Fans used to call it her "dolphin in distress period," but "Yoko with a toothache" will do just as well. Oh well, at least she seems to be enjoying herself.

But another piece of the puzzle fell into place when I considered the song the band were (ostensibly) performing, "Bluebeard."
The song was written during her split with Robin Guthrie, who was ostensibly recovering from a brutal cocaine addiction and referenced the old French folk tale. We can get into the connections with this story at a later date, but I thought it was interesting how it ended.
Meaning, the Bluebeard folk tale ends with Bluebeard's wife having him killed in his personal mancave (not a greenhouse, mind you, but variously a closet, basement, cabinet, etc) and going on to inherit his vast fortune.
So let's get this straight: in addition to the mind-crushing avalanche of other premonitions, synchs and prophecies, the day the body of the biggest rock star in the world was discovered, Our Lady makes her first appearance on national TV in the US and sang a song based on a story that ends with a man being murdered on orders of his wife, who then goes on to claim his riches for herself.
I have no idea why that might be significant. Do you? Share your theories in the comments section.
UPDATE: Of course there's a "Cobain Evidence Blog" written by a lawyer named "Kurt Fraser." Do you seriously expect anything else at this point in the timeline?
Now, I've been heretofore resistant to Chris Cornell murder theories, based on the fact that the man had admittedly suffered from severe depression and the theories I've read weren't especially well-argued.
I haven't watched this entire video here but if you'd like to present a compelling counter-argument, I'd be very happy to hear it. I'm always more interested in knowing the truth than "being right."

Enty at CDAN seems to think there might be something to the theories, and tends to drop them into posts now and again.
I have no idea what he's referring to here, but my radar always goes up when people connected to investigations start dying.

This headline got me wondering as well, wondering if maybe Ann Wilson is trying to say something without actually saying it. Again, if you can shed some light on this, please do so.
But maybe I don't need to hear anyone else's theories; maybe I only need to consult with our beloved Sibyl.
What might she have to say about all this?
I'm admittedly insane, but my strong feeling is that the gut-ripping lament, "Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires," can be seen as a prophecy of Cornell's death.
And in light of the "Bluebeard" sync, I might not be as inclined to dismiss it as a simple suicide.

Some of you might remember my breakdown on this. Let's review.
• 'Frou-Frou' is a French term pertaining to high fashion. Chris Cornell owned a restaurant (Black Cavalados) in the Paris Fashion District.
• Foxes is the Fox Theater, where Chris Cornell gave his final performance
• Midsummer Fires take place on St. John's Day, and a St. John's Church is just catty-corner from the Fox.
• The original time-code for the song -- 5:35-- can be broken into 5/18/17 (18+17=35)
• "Frou-Frou" follows "Wolf in the Breast" and "Road, River and Rail," both rife with Jeff Buckley omens.
• Note the repeated refrain, "In day, and night to come," indicating the Sibyl is prophesying.
• This may sound like a reach but I can't help but notice her repeated singing of "cherry colored." Why?
CHeRry COloREd -- CHRis CORnEll
Because the spirits don't speak proper English and that reminds me of how someone might play with a name that keeps popping into their head.
The Midsummer Fires are famously documented in Sir James Frazer's Golden Bough, in the same chapter we get the story on the wicker men.
It's roughly the same ritual, based in ancient Celtic human sacrifice rituals pertaining to fertility and sun worship and all the rest of it.
Our Lady is referencing the burning of foxes in the Midsummer Fires, in place of witches who might curse the harvest.
(Contrary to unresearched neopagan delusions, the ancient pagans were no more fond of witches or witchcraft as were the Christians who'd supplant them).
So, if we take into account the clues in the song, might we assume that the Sibyl is once again uttering cryptic prophecies of ritual blood sacrifice in the distant mists of the apocalyptic future (meaning our present)?
Maybe I should run a poll on it...
Maybe I should run a poll on it...
One of the meanings of "Cornell" is "from Cornwall," one of the Celtic nations within the British Isles.*
Today, Cornwall is known as the predominant center in Britain for celebrating...
... oh hey, look: the Midsummer Fires! (Note Ouroboros and Twins).
The Midsummer Fires aren't quite the big-budget blowout the Edinburgh Fire Festival is, but give it time.
Plus, the area around Edinburgh is more effectively supernaturally charged by... well, you know.
All this pagan revivalism was the focus of a recent horror movie, Midsommar, dealing with roughly the same kinds of traditions. Only more murdery.
Like my mother used to say, it's always fun until someone is ritually sacrificed. (Then it's a blast! lol jk)
Midsommar could just as well be called Garlands, since it has more garlands per square foot than any other film ever made. Chaplets do in fact see many drugged, but I don't know if anyone dies in a rosary per se.
Incidentally, we saw how "Frou-Frou" syncs to Chris Cornell's connection to the Paris Fashion District, but "froufrou" also carries-- or did once carry-- a gay connotation.
Now, mind you, I'm not saying Chris Cornell was gay...
...but I'm not saying he was totally straight, either. Do the math, is all I'm saying.
So, yeah: quite a few mind-searing syncs lit up by a song title that most people think is just whimsical nonsense. Hell, I was one of those people for decades. It's actually one of the most sophisticated ciphers I've ever seen in my life.
Maybe now you will see the astonishing genius of the dire oracles channeled through Our Lady. And then maybe start thinking about what that might mean for your own future. The clock is ticking, friends.

Ivor Raymonde isn't really remembered today, but a lot of his work certainly is. Foremost amongst his legacy is his music direction on the first Walker Brothers album, which featured the definitive version of "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore."
Inevitably, that song is itself connected to murder, in this case a very well-known murder, at least in the UK.
And that's the murder committed by infamous gangster Ronnie Kray of one...

And of course, Ronnie Kray was one of Twins, along with his brother Reggie. Both were played by Tom Hardy in the 2015 film Legend.
So, Cornell, Twins, Ivor Raymonde... hmm, what's missing?
Oh yeah, George Cornell's partner-in-crime was one...
Frankie Fraser.
No seriously, Cornell's partner's
name was Fraser.
name was Fraser.
No, really. "Mad Frankie" Fraser.
And since Our Lady is the Oracle of the Apocalypse, it only makes sense that this Sibyl-jacent recording of "Sun Ain't Gonna Shine" was used for the original trailer for The Walking Dead.
Which recently starred Samantha Morton, who for some unknowable reason keeps weaving in and out of our tale.
UPDATE: Our friend Chay informs us thusly: "Also "Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore" is played at the end of the world in Seeking A Friend for the End of The World (2012). It never ends my dudes, apparently Seeking A Friend for The End of the World (2012) is named after a line from Chris Cornell's song "Preaching the End of the World" from his 1999 debut solo album Euphoria Morning."
* Some historians link the Cornell surname to "Cornelle," the French word for a crow. Don't forget that Our Lady prophesied on The Crow soundtrack, in which another GenX luminary was taken from us. Her vocals were added after the fact (to Medicine's "Time Baby"), leading me to wonder what the producers knew about her oracular gifts (and when did they know them.