Thursday, September 15, 2011

Idiocracy is Here and Now

You know, liberal, conservative, moderate? I don't care. It all comes out in the wash, just as long as the lights stay on and the toilets still work. The real threat to this country is not fascism or socialism or even terrorism, it's stupidity, which is bipartisan and ecumenical.

  But a particularly malignant strain has been fertilized by a certain breed of demagogue and is now growing like a cancer. It's also literally on the march, as some of you've probably noticed. 

What's worse, the non-stupid are under siege all over the world. Which may be why Mike Judge's Idiocracy was absolutely buried by the parent company of Fox News as well as the media in general. A prophet is never welcomed in his homeland and prophecy-wise, Judge leaves Nostradamus in the dust. 

I'd like to say Idiocracy is a sci-fi comedy, but at this point in time it's more current than the 10 o'Clock News.