This time last year we were all agog, having been pounded by a procession of bizarre events that I chronicled in the "Stairway to Sirius, Revisited" series (that you can read here). In the midst of that blowout, we saw the Isis Gate raised from the murky waters of Alexandria Harbor (on the 17th, no less).
This year we saw a similar event, ostensibly an act of nature, of the goddess invading the shores of the cradle of patriarchal monotheism.
The ancient soothsayers would have been working around the clock trying to decode this message from the gods. Are their modern counterparts doing the same? Probably not.
But they should be.For comparison's sake, here's a typical Roman depiction of Isis-Sirius. You'll see much the same dress in the images from Ashkelon at the link. You'll also see the goddess leaning against a column...
...similar to this depiction from Pompeii, a somewhat discomforting precedent. Isis - the Star of the Sea - was the patroness of sailors in Roman times, which explains why her statue would have been by the shore. The Ocean has a mind of its own, as we've discussed here.
Random intuition: Things are much quieter than they were last December, but it's kind of like the quiet before the storm. A worldwide storm.
I can't help but think of this image, which resurfaced recently. This is another portent that should be keeping the priesthoods of the current status quo in a state of mortal terror. It won't, of course, because they've been conditioned all of their lives to believe that phallocentric reductionism is the only acceptable yardstick (or micrometer, more accurately) of interpreting the world around them.
Thought for the day: History teaches us that hegemony is always the immediate precursor to collapse and ruin.
Those dogs have star quality! Another omen for you. An incredibly cute omen, but you get the drift. Yahoo, of course.
Yahoo, again: The NeFiLim's most explosive duos. No mention of Sirius A and B, but perhaps that's not really necessary at this point. Speaking of Sirius, that's dog-killer Michael Vick of the Phila(e)delphia Eagles, formerly of the Atlantis Falcons. Sensing a pattern here?
Also on the 17th we saw a host of images of strange objects flying over Manhattan, apparently unaware of the flyover ban. Or maybe they don't care. Or maybe they were sending someone a message. Who can say? I don't know anything anymore.
More signs and portents- a lunar eclipse on the Solstice. It's like an ancient Mystery play in the sky. Plus, the Freemies and their zany obelisks. Someone tell those nutty cargo cultists that obelisks are just misinterpretions of rockets!
Wait- I think some of them got that memo.
Speaking of rockets. Not a comforting image, by my reckoning. Huffpost, of course.
We're also hearing news of a possible real estate crash in China. Apparently, they've built dozens of massive cities from scratch that lie completely uninhabited. Maybe it's not just speculative madness; maybe they believe their current cities might be themselves uninhabitable. Does that ominous black sun there give a clue?
You tell me.
Did someone say "Freemies?" Are you trying to tell us something, Jon? Seeing how your brother is the COO of the New York Stock Exchange, you'd know better than the rest of us. Allegedly.
On The Daily Beast, a writer suggests Obama cook up an alien invasion to bolster his sagging credibility. I'd love to know what that image Obama is showing us is. Santa and his reindeer, it looks like.
Of course, the keystone of Obama's space policy has been to avenge Gus Grissom by outsourcing space travel to private companies, which the President did on the 42 anniversary of Grissom's death. Coincidence, I'm sure.
SpaceX and its Falcon 9 booster (I'm still wondering if I'm hallucinating that one) are slated to rendezvous with ISiS next year. Bringing this all full circle I can't help but notice that the SpaceX logo looks vaguely Hebrew on its side like that. Maybe another secret Enochian alphabet?
At this point nothing this company is involved with would surprise me.