Jake Kotze reviews the basic tenets of his Synchromystic exegesis in this must-see video. Jake's muse Robin Tunney is heavily featured as is The Wizard of Oz. As Synchronicity would have it I'd been poring through some old YouTube clips of The Brady Bunch Hour (don't ask) just when Jake unleashed his new manifesto.
So just like the old days, I thought I'd celebrate Jake's new vid by offering up a taste of the old school K/K flow.
As with Jake's vid, Oz is also the basis of this morsel of insanity from The Brady Bunch Variety Hour, one of the most insanely terrible TV shows ever made and a show whose awfulness more often than not bordered on the psychedelic.
In this mind-bending clip, Marcia plays the role of Dorothy in an inexplicable performance of Car Wash, the theme song to a 70s comedy which co-starred George Carlin.
Let's get this started then, with a eye on firsts...
• Marcia was played by Christine Taylor in The Brady Bunch Movie. Taylor also played the witches' first victim in The Craft.• Fairuza Balk - Robin's frenemy in The Craft- made her big screen debut playing Dorothy in Return to Oz.

• Jake starts off his video with the title card from Lost. The penultimate episode of The X-Files was called 'Sunshine Days', a Gnostic parable about a telepath who uses his powers to live as part of the Brady Bunch.
The telepath is played by Michael Emerson of Lost fame.• Jake flashes to Jodie Foster right after his Synchromysticism title- Foster played a murderous hallucination on The X-Files. Foster and Anderson are close friends- Anderson was originally tapped to replace Foster as Clarice Starling in Hannibal but the part went to Julianne Moore.• Moore played the Scully role in two other films Evolution (with David Duchovny) and The Forgotten.• Jake shows clips from Vertical Limit, which co-starred Nicolas Lea - aka Krycek, the agent who replaced Scully on The X-Files when Anderson was pregnant.• Lea appeared in Bad Company with Lawrence Fishburne, co-star of the first film Jake flashes to in the video.• Jake cites Josh Hartnett as Robin Tunney's symbolic Osiris. Hartnett starred in The Faculty, a story about an alien invasion that also starred Robert Patrick, aka John "Anubis" Doggett of The X-Files. It was Hartnett's first lead role.
The Faculty also featured Jon Stewart, whose next acting gig was as Gillian Anderson's love interest in Playing by Heart.• Patrick famously played the liquid Terminator opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger (another of Jake's favorites) and also appeared in Stargate: Atlantis. Just to mess up the semiotics, Patrick is also the new voice of Hawkman.• Christian Slater, Tunney's costar in Julian Po also read for the role of John Doggett.
• Tunney's first recurring role was Class of '96, where Gillian Anderson made her first TV appearance.• The 9/11 "Mega-Ritual" has always been a central theme in Jake's work. The event was prefigured in the first episode of The X-Files spinoff, The Lone Gunmen.

...and Zeus.
The Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism is waiting for you to take the next step in your synchro-journey. Come level up.
And don't forget the all-night 90s lotus party over at SHRR. We're presently up to 1998.