his own poster for the film
A secretive aristocrat at the head of a massive conspiracy involving mind-controlled sex slaves, a vicious death squad and a planned viral Apocalypse meant to bring about a new world order?
No, those aren't the minutes from the most recent Bilderberger meeting, it's the plot to Hammer's 1974 horror classic,The Satanic Rites of Dracula.
Rites stars Christopher Lee, Grand Moff Tarkin and the recently deified Joanna Lumley.
The film has some brief nudity so is probably NSFW. Available for viewing and download Google here.
And in a related story:

Marshfield, Mass- James P. Riva, who he was sentenced to life in prison for second-degree murder for the killing of his disabled grandmother in 1980, said at the time that he was a 700-year-old vampire who needed to drink her blood.
That was in 1980. A year later, he was sentenced to life in prison for second-degree murder and arson. Tuesday, he is up for parole.
Riva’s mother, Janet S. Jones, was the first to hear his sordid confession. Jones, in tears, testified during the trial that her son believed a 200-year-old vampire he met in Florida told him to paint the bullets he used for the murder gold. He also told her he tried to suck his grandmother’s blood, but could not because she was too old.
The Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism is waiting for you to take the next step in your synchro-journey. Come level up.
And don't forget the all-night 90s lotus party over at SHRR. We're presently up to 1998.