You've got a story written by alien contactee Whitley Strieber about an ancient Egyptian queen whose backstory sounds very much like one of the Nephilim ("Miriam Blaylock is in Thailand, looking to find a mate at the Asian conclave of Keepers. She is a Keeper, and Keepers are vampires, ancient extraterrestrials who cultivated humans for sustenance"). You've also got occult initiate David Bowie, goth gods Bauhaus and one of the greatest love scenes in the history of cinema.
A little too Mrs. Woodhouse for my liking.
Speaking of bad Rosemary's Baby remakes, I just remembered that the Hathor Graham stinker Blessed featured my old stomping grounds, One Penn Plaza, in a portentious establishing shot. My first job as a professional cartoonist was in this building, which now features an odd conjoined 11 in its logo. The character in Blessed had twins, which may explain the symbolism, though I'm hesitant to assign such sophistication to that film's producers.
Nephilim and Stargate buffs will be interested to know that Aleister Crowley's first contact with Lam took place a literal stone's throw from One Penn Plaza. Apparently, Lam's number was 71, the inverse of the magic number 17. I very much doubt Blessed's makers were aware of that fact either.
I kind of get the feeling that they were borrowing someone's apartment for the shot and that's the best they could do.
Hollywood's latest Eloah-Isis Lane, the miscast Kate Bosworth, first came to my attention with Blue Crush, a film I never saw but whose advertising campaign made a big impression on me. But all that aside, I was extremely amused to find this panel below featuring the real Eloah-Isis Lane surfing...
I'm not sure who the artist was on this but he sure drew these characters looking very boyish (or ladyboyish). But I suppose ritual androgyny needs to express itself somehow, and we'll be returning to this image soon in another context altogether.