This might be September in your world, but in Secret Sun World, this is Schiz-tember. Deal with it.
Philip K Dick was perhaps the ultimate Schizoid, the Schizoid’s Schizoid. And as I've said many times, he correctly prophesied that the Voice of the Divine would come through by way of the Trash Stratum. And I ask you again, what could be trashier than howls into the Void from the marginal, most isolated corners of our so-called social media landscape?
Even as bleak and dull and spent as everything seems to be these days, something is stirring something is stirring deep in the Collective Dream. It's too soon to say exactly what it is exactly where it will go, but the mystery and the uncertainty is part of the excitement. If we knew where it was going, we wouldn't care as much. And worse, all the narcs and Normies might be able to head it off at the pass.
That will not do, my friends. That will most definitely not do. The only way we can outsmart the Lesser Archons is to bewilder them. And to bewilder them without pretense or subterfuge. The beauty of bewilderment comes with the knowledge that the Bewildered are being bewildered. They know it, and you know it, and they know you know it.
There are too many suckers out there, who still believe that the tactics and strategies of the Past can be applied to the Present. They can't. The Lesser Archons know how to counteract the direct assault (see J6 for proof of that). You can't beat your breasts and frighten them anymore. Their control is too complete.
But at the same time, that same Control Matrix is as fragile as the shell of a rotten egg. Their only defense now is to lure their opponents into the same old tactics, the same old gestures, and the same old games. Only fools take that bait.
So, yeah; the Machine is too big and too well-shielded to take on in the old ways. The only thing to do now is to infect the Machine with the Ghosts of Anti-Reason. And the Schizoid Memers are doing just that.
Make no mistake: I’m not saying that the Schizoids are our saviors. They don’t seem to have any interest in the position. Which paradoxically, makes them all the more dangerous to the false power of the snitches, schoolmarms, and narcs who control all the levers of the Archontic System.
So, are you ready for a fresh batch of Schizoid Memery? Well, you better get ready, because here it is. And there's a lot more where that came from, believe it.

Ancient historians were schizoid trailblazers.
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You know the old saying: "Come for the scholarship, stay for the fellowship."