Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Meme Shall Inherit the Earth

We live in a culture dominated by snitches, finks, teacher's pets and schoolmarms. This is the Tyranny of the Mediocre, the soulless vessels who are useful only to the satanic oligarchs pulling all the strings, and toxic to humanity. 

Yet, like a breath of fresh air blowing through a fetid swamp are the schizoid memers, as well as a new wave of schizjacent memers. 

I probably sound like a broken record, but I'm not lying when I tell you they are the only thing that gives me hope anymore, the only signs of creative life in a dead and degenerate Internet culture that is fit for nothing but the dustbin of history.

We became a sick and dying civilization when no one was paying attention, though by all rights we should be in a golden age. Sadly, a lot of skin-suited demons like it that way because it grants them wealth and power few have ever seen in human history. 

But everything has been said and done, all the stories that can be told, have been told. Many have lapsed into mass psychosis, and only the truly schizoid can lead us out of the muck and mire.

Moreover, schizoid memeing is showing signs of ushering a potent new spirituality, one that can't be pigeonholed and neutralized. Why? Well, because the people who would do so are too feeble-minded and linear to grasp what is happening. It's beyond their useless programming

It's here when I think more and more about the OG Schiz, Philip K. Dick. There can be no reasonable or rational disagreement to the immutable fact that the reincarnated Cumaean Sibyl whose return PKD prophesied walks among us, and has in fact been on this world since before many of you were born. And I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the Trash Stratum of schizmemes will be how the Logos - the vox dei - reinserts itself to our tired and sick world.

So let the memes flow....

And here are some other memes that led me to momentary satori:

After that, I can say with utter confidence that you are now ready for the world's only Sync tutorial:

The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook is the world's first instruction manual for understanding and using the full scope of synchronicity in your daily life. 

The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook is a comprehensive guide to learning and using the tools and techniques of Synchromysticism, based on the art of recognizing and understanding meaningful coincidence. The history of synchronicity is explored and explained, ranging from the groundbreaking work of Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli to the work of modern mystics and rebel semioticians.

The Secret Sun Synchromystic Handbook explains how you can methodically evaluate and utilize synchronicity, using a detailed set of criteria that will help separate signal from noise and revelation from delusion. It will also help keep you from getting lost down those pesky rabbit-holes.

Got all that? 

• This is the book for everyone who's interested in Synchromysticism and related fields of inquiry. 

• This is the book for everyone who feels overwhelmed by synchronicity welling up in their own lives.

• This is the practical guide for navigating the nooks and crannies of synchronicity's perilous chapel and staying sane.  

Go on, treat yourself to a trove of useful, practical instruction and information and you too can be initiated into the dark and dastardly cabal of Sync!

Print book:
