2024 is the year it all begins to fall apart, and here's a perfect example of how the Empire will eventually collapse.
I've been warning people that our complex systems cannot survive the institutional stupidity and overall loss of expertise that is the direct, permanent and irreversible result of the insane social engineering inflicted on the entire world through (not by, mind you) totalitarian cult-freaks in positions of power. And he we are.
Another example of me hating being right.
From CNN:
Shortly after takeoff, a panel, including a window, popped off, passenger Kyle Rinker told CNN. “It was really abrupt. Just got to altitude, and the window/wall just popped off. A whooshing sound and all the oxygen masks deployed instantly and everyone got those on”
Boeing - which has been completely infiltrated and taken over by extremist DEI cultists - is inarguably paying the price for their childish, utopian delusions:
Between March 2017 and March 2019, the global fleet of 387 aircraft operated 500,000 flights and experienced two fatal crashes, having a fatal accident rate of four accidents per million flights, whereas the previous Boeing 737 generations averaged 0.2 fatal accidents per million flights.
Like Lockheed's ridiculous lemon - the F-35 - it's very much starting to look like the 737-MAX will be the sad and dismal legacy of a once-admired organization:
The Boeing 737 MAX groundings have had a deep financial effect on the aviation industry and a significant effect on the national economy of the United States. No airline took delivery of the MAX during the groundings. Boeing slowed MAX production to 42 aircraft per month until in January 2020, when they halted until the airplane is reapproved by regulators.Boeing has suffered directly through increased costs, loss of sales and revenue, loss of reputation, victims litigation, client compensation, decreased credit rating and lowered stock value. In January 2020, the company estimated a loss of $18.4 billion for 2019, and it reported 183 canceled MAX orders for the year.
This insanity is not being driven by human beings. We are looking at a truly demonic delusion, almost certainly the spellcraft of hostile ultraterrestrials/ interdimensionals. Demons of the air, if you like.
Every organization that takes the DEI (Divide et Impera) poison pill greatly suffers and/or self-destructs because of it. Even the almighty Blackrock.
Why, it's almost like how the elite cabal called "The Syndicate" went to their ultimate destruction because of their alliance with similar entities, isn't it?
Which brings us to the fact that Boeing's latest self-sabotage eerily mirrors a classic Mytharc two-parter in The X-Files:
• Alaska Airlines 737 *Max* had an exit door break off and depressurize the cabin over the Pacific Northwest.
• X-Files episode "Max" (1997) depicted the same situation and was filmed in the Pacific Northwest.
• Both the real and the fictional planes were new aircraft.
And because The X-Files is the oracular counterpart to a certain someone, let's look at the passenger who filmed the footage from the disaster...

Footage from inside the cabin was provided to media by Elizabeth Le, who calls herself "Strawberrvy" on Instagram.
And because The X-Files is the oracular counterpart to a certain someone, let's look at the passenger who filmed the footage from the disaster...
Footage from inside the cabin was provided to media by Elizabeth Le, who calls herself "Strawberrvy" on Instagram.
Elizabeth/Strawberrvy = "Elizabeth Fraser"
We are living in the world Philip K Dick prophesied, even if many of the details vary. Prophecy is an inexact science. But the underlying themes are terrifyingly on target.
Happily, we have the Sibyl and the prophetic texts men call The X-Files. They are deeply and intimately connected in ways you can hardly imagine.
Sometimes I wish I could tell you differently. So does my wife. So does my accountant. But you know the old saying: in for a penny-penny, in for a pound.