Sunday, July 02, 2023

Surveying the Controlled Demolition of Civilization with Gordon White

I wanted to talk about Archonology with my man Gordo, but current events intruded on our discussion. Little did we realize how much worse it would get...

This discussion took place a month ago but arrives at just the right moment, as we witness the first fruits of the deliberate and engineered destruction of civilization - from the besieged and brutalized cities of France to the pointless killing fields of the Ukraine - by imperialist/corporatist entities such as the Open Society Foundation and the World Economic Forum.   

Here's Gordon's pitch:

The one, the only Christopher Knowles returns to the show this week for a breezy romp through our near-term future. No, seriously. The end of the west offers perhaps the best time in centuries to be a weird kid.

Chris and I talk about the latest UFO nonsense, modern parallels to the fall of Rome, just how long collapses actually take and what they look like for those of us who came to earth to live through one.

Combined with last week’s astro forecast, this is a really great discussion to have and a collection of worthy points to table in the lead-up to the final AI solo show. There’s just one more piece to play coming up and then we can release those particular robot hounds.

But until then, settle in and enjoy the Gospel according to Knowles!

The video is a bit jumpy so you may want to opt for the audio version. Your choice.

Go visit Rune Soup for post-collapse survival strategies.