"For nothing is concealed that won’t be revealed, and nothing hidden that won’t be brought to light."
Dunk you under
Deep salt water
Bring me, lover
All your power
I'll be no hell
Out of your spell
Over, under
Die of pleasure
In my dreaming
You'll be drowning
Hell's low, God above
All drunk on my love
You ought to hear my long snake moan!
You ought to see me from my throne!
It's my voodoo working
It's my voodoo working
It's my voodoo working
It's my voodoo working
PJ Harvey, "Long Snake Moan"

“The guy just made a big mistake — put some Led Zep on I’m going to go for a swim, I’ve got my Doc Martens on, what a great idea.
He’d actually gone swimming on the Gold Coast with his girlfriend Joan (Wasser) the year before he died. His tour manager John Pope said to me everyone talks about him dying in the river in Memphis but we had to go and pluck him out of the surf. "
Dunk you under
Deep salt water
Bring me, lover
All your power
UPDATE: Our Gordon pointed out that "In my Dreaming" aligns perfectly with Aboriginal spiritual practices of Australia where the Shepherd Boy was dunked under the deep salt water.
You breathing into my mouth
I'll take it, I'll take it for you
You wanna sing?
Then sing it through me
You got something left to say
Untimely, you were taken away
Unlikely, out of time
When you still got so much to say
I'll write it; a song for you
But oh, what a way to go
So peaceful, you're smiling (!)
Oh, what a way to go
I'm with you, I'm singing
In this same necromantic summoning "song," Polly Jean claims that Jeff Buckley wrote her a message while in Memphis.
You said there's a special place
And it's scaring the shit out of me
In Memphis on Valentine's day
You wrote it in a letter to me
"Well I wish I had given you more time
To say thank you, my beautiful friend
But sometimes you gotta send it away
To bring it, to bring it back again"
Unfortunately, the Buckley wrote those words for Elizabeth in a song called 'Morning Theft':
Your eyes and body brighten
Silent waters, deep
Your precious daughter in the
Other room, asleep
You know the meaning fitsThere's no relief in this
I miss my beautiful friend
I have to send it awayTo bring her back again
Whose title and lyrics reference a number of her lyrics, including this song in which Elizabeth sings about the man who began raping her when she was five years old (and most probably other victimizers).
The man is an offender
He took my value
And I give back his shame
And I take back my power
My body is my own
My body is mine alone
And I deserve protection
And I can create it for you
Is this what my body said?
"Use me, Drain me
Overwhelm me"
Is this what my body said?
"Engulf me
I'm already dead"
This was all known, all published. No decoder rings needed.
Ask yourself, what kind of person would be so fixated on a romantic rival that she would go to these lengths to publicly humiliate her, knowingly referencing her very painful confession of being the victim of systematic sexual abuse throughout her childhood?
"People paint me as some kind of black witchcraft-practising devil from hell, that I have to be twisted and dark to do what I am doing."
If the hoof fits, darling. If the hoof fits.
"I had a dream a couple of nights ago where, to cut a long story short this mad artist wanted to cut my skin into strips and weave me into rococo shapes. So I'd be like a living sculpture, beautiful in his eyes, but horribly disfigured and unable to do anything but die."
- Jeff Buckley, 1995
The band relocated to London in June 1991 when (PJ) Harvey applied to study sculpture at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, still undecided as to her future career. - Wikipedia