Katy Perry, who sitteth beside many waters, is like a thermometer.
If I want to know what the social-engineering/media mind-control climate is as the moment, I just see what our friend Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson's up to lately and it gives me a pretty good read.
If I want to know what the social-engineering/media mind-control climate is as the moment, I just see what our friend Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson's up to lately and it gives me a pretty good read.
And knock me down with a feather if Katy isn't just gaga over Mermaids. Has been for years. Even before Mermaids became mandatory.
Even back in the dim, dark ages of 2009, Katy was plugging the Mermaid Apocalypse. Either that or she was paying tribute to the 'Bluebeard' music video.
Or perhaps both!
And "Katy Perry Planks as a Mermaid" is the most 2011 headline ever. I think PopCrush actually won an Pulitzer for it.
And, of course, Katy is now transforming women into Mermaids.
One by one, mind you.
No, Katy hasn't been dabbling with her CRISPR DNA editing kit (she hasn't even taken it out of the box yet), she's launched her own Mermaid makeup line.
It's a modest effort but if she can leverage her celebrity into brainwashing 'tween girls into believing they can actually be transformed into Mermaids, then it's all worth it.
Someone told me Perry has a streaming deal with the bone-grafting clinics, so the test subjects can bop along to chart-toppers like "I Kissed a Girl" and "Last Friday Night" while their torsos are being sewn onto swordfish tails.
Don't quote me on that, though.
Well, Katy Perryfarrell is taking the Mermaid meme to the next level with 'Tsunami.' So it's a memetic combo platter, the Mermaid Apocalypse plus the Ring of Fire Apocalypse. It's off the same album as "Bon Appetit," which is pushing along the Cannibal Holocaust.
She's such a trouper. A real giver, our Katy is.
Here's the actual track. Do make note of the Frasereye icon in Perry's mouth. Been seeing a lot of those lately.
So the lyrics are pretty much what you'd expect. Lots of ripe sexual innuendo couched in aquatic double entendres.
But there are all kinds of little, um, pearls here:
Please don't tip-toe
Come close, let's flow
Anchor in me, and get lost at sea
The world's your oyster and I am the pearl
Open waters
Sink into me slowly
Come close, let's flow
Anchor in me, and get lost at sea
The world's your oyster and I am the pearl
Open waters
Sink into me slowly
She is the Pearl. Because our world is your oyster. "You," meaning the Pearly Dew-Drops AKA the Watchers.
Or as Lady Gaga sang in Houston last year, this land is their land.
Or as Lady Gaga sang in Houston last year, this land is their land.
Now, listening to Katy Perry music is usually about as enjoyable for me as chewing on a roll of aluminum foil, but I actually kind of like this song. Katy Hudson River actually makes for a half-decent Fraserling when she's not getting all histrionic on you.
Of course, I liked 'Tsunami' better when it was called 'Watchlar' and was the third track on 1990s Iceblink Luck EP.
Yes, that's the song where you don't even notice Our Lady is repeating a childhood psychic driving session the same verse over and over for 3:17. And over some more.
As you can tell, both 'Tsunami' and 'Watchlar' share the same basic structure- a repeating synth bass riff/loop, a chill tempo and heavily reverbed and delayed "ethereal" vocals.
In fact, 'Tsunami' actually quotes the second measure of the 'Watchlar' loop on its choruses (compare 'Tsunami' 01:30 with 'Watchlar' 00:22, et al).
No shame in it, given that 'Watchlar' probably inspired the entire Trip Hop movement, if my calculations are correct.
You're in good company, Katy HudsonValleyUFOFlap.
In fact, 'Tsunami' actually quotes the second measure of the 'Watchlar' loop on its choruses (compare 'Tsunami' 01:30 with 'Watchlar' 00:22, et al).
No shame in it, given that 'Watchlar' probably inspired the entire Trip Hop movement, if my calculations are correct.
You're in good company, Katy HudsonValleyUFOFlap.
Add that into the lyrics and it's pretty clear we have another possible Cocteau cultist in the wind.
Because the second track on Iceblink Luck is 'Mizake the Mizan', which is a little toe-tapper about a Mermaid and being forcibly drowned ('Hoist and thrown me down in the water/Drowning') in a lagoon.
It also features the chilling verse, "So until the hour/My coeur cheri paiaa/ Honey/ Grey water, hoist and throw me down in the water..."
It also features the chilling verse, "So until the hour/My coeur cheri paiaa/ Honey/ Grey water, hoist and throw me down in the water..."
"My coeur cheri paiaa" being Fraserese for "my sweetheart boy."
But wait-- there's more!
Dose of Frasereye from Katy Perry's new stage set
The lyrics to 'Tsunami' are tantalizingly congruent with the lyrics to 'Flock of Soul', a song we looked at in a post that thrilled dozens of readers.
Here's the chorus to 'Tsunami':
So baby, come and take a swim with me
Make me ripple 'til I'm wavy
Don't be scared to dive in deep
And start a tsunami
And here is the chorus to 'Flock of Soul':
So find me, come into me
Come feel the deep, it's my little friend
Come feel the deep
It's love in a flood
Come feel the deep, it's my little friend
Come feel the deep
It's love in a flood
You get two coincidences, Katy Periodontitis: Mermaid, 'Watchlar' rip and lyric lifts like that and you've been outed as a Crypto-Fraserling.
Sorry, but all your Satanist friends like the Clintons know the truth now, Katy Perrymason. Deal with it.
Katy Hudson River feels the Derp
'Flock of Soul was included on the EP officially known as Tishbite (Orange).
Tishbite (Orange). was released in March 1996 (oh Christ, give me a fucking time machine already), mere days after Jeff Buckley and his new ladylove Joan Wasser nearly drowned during a midnight swim at a beach on Australia's Gold Coast.
Which gives us our very first look at the now-familiar Fraser Locality-Alignment Pattern (FLAP).

Ha-ha, I'm insane.
That's some song Katy Perry's small army of producers fixed up for her, eh? Maybe they left a couple clues in there intentionally for OCD casualties Synchromystics like yours truly.
Hearing that The Weeknd is involved in this thing doesn't exactly dissuade me of that.
Now a lot of people have speculated that in cases like this that producers are reading my blog and nicking themes for their own work.
If they are, they must have really bitchin' time-machines because all this stuff was made before I got on this particularsick, all-consuming obsession investigation.
If they are, they must have really bitchin' time-machines because all this stuff was made before I got on this particular
Interesting to note however that 'Tsunami' is off the album Witness, and the Wall of Frase in the Cocteau Twins Sex Dungeon as seen in the French noir series, The Witnesses.
Witnesses to what? one must wonder.
And as pure, dumb happenstance would have it, it looks as if a new pressure campaign is afoot designed to intimidate encourage male actors/ directors/ producers/ etc into wearing pearl lapel pins (no, seriously) to the Oscars.
Oh, they don't have to wear them. And they don't have to continue working in this business either, hehe. LOL JK. ;-)
Not actually kidding; put that fucking Pearly Dew-Drop on your fucking lapel, bitch.
It's for a beautiful reason, you miserable little fucker.
See? Now everyone's happy.

And wouldn't you just know it? Jason Al'Din of Harvest 91 Festival fame and his wife are celebrating the birth of their son, Memphis.
You know Memphis; the other city with a tacky fake pyramid?