Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yahooccultism: Beyond the Sea

The China UFO story is still a hot topic. We're still hearing the military angle, without any evidence to substantiate it yet. The Yahoo story here is total puff, offering no insights either way.

Then there's also a lot of oceanic news afoot, including a host of new species at the Great Barrier Reef and beneath the Antarctic icecap. I can't help but feel the two stories go together.

As does this- a wrecked warship found beneath the WTC site. What are the odds of this? How did it get there? And here's some prime Yahooccultism for you- a link to a story on Da Vinci's Virgin of the Rocks, which features none other than John the Baptist.

In non-Yahooccultismus news, here's the art for the new M. Night Shyamalan film. Fascinating release date there.

Speaking of 17, here's an ad for Scottsdale, AZ tourism (near Interstate 17, Phoenix, 33rd parallel, etc.) that is driving me nuts trying to decipher. You have the spiral doubling as a sun, the androgynous cowgirl with a stargate-looking lasso and what looks like some kind of constellation done up in rhinestones. Does anyone recognize the pattern? Is it actually a real constellation?

The whole ad looks some surreal, southwestern icon of Hathor. And "Capture It?" What does that even mean in the context of the ad itself? Weird.

UPDATED: Here's some Friday Night Funk for you all. Pay close attention when the action shifts to Times Square.

UPDATES 7/17: I mean, how do you respond to something like this? 

What's the all of the fancy aerotech coming out of the UK lately? I love the company name QinetQ, where the 33 becomes 17s.

And Yahoo comes through on the 17th with this siriusly insubstantial dog headline.

And what's this I'm hearing that BP is saying today the well's been capped? On day 89, no less?

UPDATE 1608EST: This week's sightings from Notice a pattern here?

UPDATE: Virgin waits until the 17th to announce its maiden manned flight, which took place on Thursday.