UPDATE: Elluminati has an interesting update on "Sol" Sender and Logogate. Terry is on the case as well.
UPDATE II: "CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Two big communications satellites collided in the first-ever crash of two intact spacecraft in orbit, shooting out a pair of massive debris clouds and posing a slight risk to the international space station." Follow the link and see if a certain number leaps out at you.
UPDATE III: Is David Icke the new online editor at the Beeb? Are we supposed to take away that Obie is half-African, half-reptilian? That mummy story is two days old. Why is it a top headline? Surely not because today was the Feast Day of Osiris in Ancient Egypt. Surely.
UPDATE IV: Secret Sun readers come through again. Tonight:
Darth Vader! The Beast! Falcon Crest! What hilarity! Check out a reminder in the comments section about Osiris and Abydos as well.WASHINGTON — Presidential present and past intersected again Wednesday night when President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama joined stars in honoring one of his inspirations: Abraham Lincoln.The Ford's Theatre Society held a star-studded reopening to celebrate the bicentennial of Lincoln's birth and award film greats George Lucas and Sidney Poitier with Lincoln Medals. The invitation-only ceremony was held at Ford's Theatre, where Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.
CBS News anchor Katie Couric and actors Kelsey Grammer, James Earl Jones, Ben Vereen, Jeffrey Wright and Audra McDonald gave a presentation of Birth and Rebirth, a tribute to Lincoln. David Selby (Falcon Crest's Richard Channing) portrayed Lincoln.
UPDATE V: This just about says it all. From Dubai...