The Twin Peaks codebreak continues at the Secret Sun Extension School as we celebrate the life and legacy of the Dream Ambassador...
In the latest installment, the symbolic significance of the Red Room is unpacked. A lot of the questions fans and critics have had about the over-the-top weirdness seen in the Black Lodge's lobby are answered quite comprehensively with just a wee bit of historical context.
Let's just say it very much looks like Lynch and Frost were telling tales out of school...
If this is all new to you, go check out "The Liminal Symbolism of Twin Peaks," the ongoing series at the newly-opened Secret Sun Extension School.
Don't be shy, now - it's all on the house.
You know, it just occurred to me that the Master crossed over to the next realm shortly after the Dream Impostor's vile and disgusting sex-pestery came to light in the media.
I don't know what it means yet, but it certainly means something.
David Lynch may or may not have been as obsessed with Elizabeth Fraser as I am, but the man certainly spent a lot of time and money chasing that sweet, sweet Fraserly dragon, right on up to the very end of his life and career.
For instance, there was that time he essentially formed his own Cocteau Twins...
The obsession is catalogued at The Secret History of Rock 'n' Roll blog.
While not explicitly Lynch-linked, I've taken the plunge into true crime podcasting with a show on the Giggler and other real-life evil clowns.
Stranger than fiction, and definitely in the tradition of the Master.
While you're at the Secret Sun Extension School, be sure to sign up for the free mailing list, then check out these amazing articles.
Then come follow me on Instagram, which I've finally got up and running.
Check out my David Lynch Dune head canon - you will not regret it.