Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Book of RevElections: Always Start with the Stars

Whether you're a believer or an atheist or something in-between, you can never escape the stars. 

The question then becomes what did the stars represent to these people back then, and how did they encode them into their religious practices? 

Because if you really want to get back to the roots of religion - all Western religions, certainly - they're right above your head. Mind you, we're not talking Astrology here, meaning horoscopes and the like, but something else. More along the lines of Genesis 1:14.

Now, I'm not going to make any theological claims here, and there's literally nothing more boring and cringe than 90s USENET Astrotheology. There's something else going on here, something I expect as more to do with ritual and theurgy than just exalted pareidolia. It's a "mystery" in the classical sense of the term. 

But I'll just say now that if you think the stars are silly or trivial, then you've probably never seen them. And you've certainly never seen them the way the ancients did. Those people weren't superstitious savages - they were far, far smarter than most people running around today.

So do yourself a favor and go see the full night sky at some point in your life. Get away from the light pollution and look up. It will all start to make more sense to you.

All of which is to say that I don't believe this was all folklore. I think there's a much deeper meaning to all this, and was taken extremely seriously by some very intelligent people. And I want to know why.

But first, this bit of news....

Major codebreak on The Exorcist streaming this weekend. I'll just preface it by reminding you that William Peter Blatty had a front-row seat to the degenerate insanity of Hollywood, so the evil he was trying to expose wasn't theoretical, but in fact quite specific. 

Blatty may have downplayed the real story in the screenplay for legal reasons - and you really can't make sense of the real target of his rage from the film alone - but it's manifestly clear what he was going after if you read the book.

Once you notice all the clues hiding in very, very plain sight, the audacity of it all is literally breathtaking. Special guest cameos from all the usual suspects.

You don't want to miss this one. Very, very timely indeed. 


Well, first things first. 

I got back on all this because of the recent Heaven Upside or Las Vegas blowout at the Secret Sun Institute. There is something very specific about the Vega - and the constellation Lyra - that seems to have particular importance to the Sorcerarchy. 

And I believe that "Las Vegas" is some weird code for the star Vega. 

Lyra and Cygnus were the focal point of the Kepler Mission for the better part of a decade and their symbolism is all over the place.
Aside from the Great Seal - both sides of which encode Lyra - there's also the symbolism of the Phoenix, which is Lyra rising from the ashes of the Milky Way. 

Lyra is also the reason angels play harps, AKA lyres.
Lyra and Cygnus also correspond to the two Cherubim of Genesis, with the blinking star Deneb represented by the flashing sword (Genesis 3:24). 

Cepheus - the Gardener in the form of the Ark of the Covenant here - is "guarded" by Cygnus and Lyra, which almost ensures that the Kepler Mission was strictly ritualistic.

The "hat" of Cepheus is also encoded into the priestly raiments (Exodus 31), along with the square of Pegasus (or its "paddock" in Babylonian astronomy) and the knotted sash corresponding to Pisces.

We'll be getting deeper into it with the RevElection videos, but you can see the players of Genesis symbolized in the stars, with Cassiopeia demoted from being El's wife Asherah to the Second Eve. Both are "falling" away from Cepheus.

The First Eve was Lilith, who didn't make the cut in the Bible but is recognized in rabbinical and esoteric literature.

Andromeda is "born from Adam's rib" in that she appears to be emerging from Perseus's side.
The War in Heaven is symbolized by Draco (Satan, the Serpent), who contends with Cepheus (God, the Gardener of Eden) for control of the "Forbidden Fruit," or Polaris, the pole star. 

Draco is outside the Galactic Plane, or "the Garden." Draco then invades the Garden to tempt Eve, closest to Cepheus.

The Protoevangelium (Genesis 3:15) is mirrored by the struggle between Draco and Hercules, which is revisited in Revelation 12 with the Archangel Michael in struggle with Satan and his angels, or stars.
This isn't all coming out of nowhere, folks. We saw the alignment in Virgo and Leo pretty much universally accepted as the sign of Revelation 12, which is confirmed by the following verses of that chapter.

• Boötes is the male child who rises above the Zodiacal time to Cepheus, or God. 

The Dragon in front of the Woman is Serpens Caput, the Serpent's Head.

Ophiuchus symbolizes God's protection.

Serpens Cauda is the Dragon pursuing the Woman through the Wilderness, meaning the night sky off of the Zodiac, or Ecliptic.

Aquila is the Eagle and Aquarius is the Water spewed like a river.


Ophiuchus - AKA Serpentarius, the "Snake Handler" - symbolizes several characters in the Bible. In Genesis he is Jacob, who wrestles the Seraphim, AKA the Burning Serpent often translated as "angel."

Ophiuchus also represents the Apostles given authority by Christ (the Northern Crown) to trample snakes (Serpens) and scorpions (Scorpius).


Scholars and laymen alike have been arguing about for centuries what the various superstars of the Book of Revelation represent.  

Well, not to be a big ol' buzzkill, but they're all star maps. 

Just like everything else.

The Great Beast is the cusp of Cancer and Leo, with Leo Minor (then an asterism, or sub-constellation) and Ursa Minor thrown in for good measure. 

See, Crabs are one of the few undersea creatures that "rise" from the ocean and tool around beaches, or "the sand of the sea."
Which tells us that the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 are the Twins of Gemini, also known as Castor and Pollux. Or Boaz and Jachin, depending on how you look at it.

Slain by the aforementioned Cancer, who follows them in the calendar.
The Great Harlot is Coma Berenices, named for an Egyptian queen who shaved her hair to ensure her husband's victory in battle. Shaving the head was a common punishment for prostitutes at the time.

She and the Great Beast "sit beside" Hydra, or literally, "many waters."
The Four Horsemen (Rev. 6) are the signs that bridge the Underworld (the sky below the Ecliptic). 

Sagittarius has his Bow and Crown (Corona Austrine)

Scorpius is the "Enemy" because he blocks the "Stairway to Heaven," meaning Galactic Center rising to the "Throne" of Cepheus. Red refers to the star Antares.

Libra - which was once the claws of Scorpius - are the pair of balances.

Centaurus is Death atop the Pale Horse, slaying Lupus, the Wolf who guards the Gate of Hell leading to the sky below the Ecliptic, which the Egyptians called Apep, or Apophis.

The Locusts of Rev. 9 are the Draconids meteor showers, in service of Apollyon the Destroyer. 

It's often misinterpreted, but the actual text makes it clear that Apollyon is in fact an avenging angel (as are the Four Horsemen) who sends the locusts to punish God's enemies. 
Now, there are three stages to "Mystery Babylon" the Harlot (Coma Berenices) and the "Falling" Queen (Cassiopeia) and Fallen Babylon.

Cassiopeia was a Queen of Ethiopia, and Perseus was a Greek hero-turned-king so the symbolism here is a slam dunk. And any time you see mention of smoke or ashes, start looking for constellations in the Milky Way.

So who is the Fallen Babylon? 

Well, that's the crux of the matter, isn't it? It's not what you might think.

Let's just say this is no thought experiment or mental exercise here. We're talking about the here and now, as well as the immediate future.

click that big ol' Moon there...

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