Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Saturnic Rites of Olympia

My third and hopefully ultimate decode of the Paris Olympics ritual/symbolic insanity is ready for you. Are you ready for it? 

I just have to reiterate that we're looking at a remarkably consistent yet well-disguised set of symbols here - Saturnic symbols, if you like. These Crypto-Mithraic are major Saturnists, to be sure.

So for the next hour, kick up your heels and dive into this video presentation. I spell it all out for you, step by step. And as usual, I show my work and include my research, just so there's no confusion.

I gotta say that I'm a bit taken back by how blatant it all is. But it's only going to get more so, especially since so many of the big Conspirafluencers™ totally miss the messaging and lapse into empty and impotent Eighties-style posturing. It may feel good for some to lapse into that kind of nostalgia, but it's not doing anyone any favors. Believe it, friend.

It's obvious that the people behind these rites clearly have no fear of challenge or consequences to these shameless provocations, and inexact analysis is a major part of the problem. Gaslighting and media shillery are too, but it all starts with the knees jerking and lack of actual research.

Least the way I see it.

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