Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Vril, the Knights Templar and Hollywood Magick. Yes, This is Happening.


Another epic excerpt from another epic live stream, itself part of an epic series of epic presentations on Vril: The Coming Race, the Hollow Earth, the Space Brothers, Hollywood, the Watchers and the Knights Templar. What more could you possibly ask for? 

Why, nothing, old chum. Nothing at all. The Secret Sun has you covered.

click on the Moon for details

So why don't you come join us at the Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism, a place dedicated to finding the others and learning about how the world really works.

For as little as $3 a month and access reams of information that will entertain, enlighten and fortify your spirit in these troubled times. There's a metric ton of information you can't get anywhere else and so, so, so much more to come. 

I'll see you all there soon. It will be a time, Clarence. It will be a time.