Knowles' First Law, meet Knowles' Second Law.
The First Law is, "Whenever a controversy over symbolism erupts in the media, it's usually disguising a completely different symbolic message altogether."
The Second Law is, "The old blood sacrifice state cults will be re-established under the cover of Woke."
The two laws are intimately intertwined. In fact, the second law naturally springs from the first.
You know all those Antifa and BLM patsies who've been tearing down statues hither and yon? Well, take a good look what will be replacing those pale stale males they're allegedly so incensed by.
Well, maybe not exactly this, seeing how there's already cancel efforts over this piece for its insufficient wokeness.
Though Medusa cuts a striking figure in Collect Pond Park (her home until next April) criticisms of the artwork were inevitable. Some took issue with the fact that this visual ode to feminism was completed by a man. Others mocked her pin-up proportions and perky breasts, which are spry to the point of gravity-defying.
Hey, one step at a time, right? Well, what we have here is in fact a textbook exercise in Knowles' First Law, seeing how people have been not only complaining about Medusa's incorrigible cis-ness, but also the violent and potentially misandrous nature of the piece.
Even the woman credited with kickstarting #Metoo has taken exception to it, complaining that the piece totally misrepresents the message of the movement.
Well, of course it does. That's the whole point of it.
Do note that this new state-cult idol is being installed at a state-owned courthouse, the same one where Harvey Weinstein was ritually humiliated and ritually castrated.
Still think I'm blowing smoke here?
We're also looking at a textbook example of Knowles' Second Law, seeing how Medusa has been previously celebrated in Masonic Manhattan. In this case, a year-long exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. And funny thing about that...
... because at the same time that Medusa exhibit was running, we also had the notorious "Heavenly Bodies" Met Gala in 2018.
And lording over it all was this installation, a prostrate, priestly figure bowing before a giant, gender-fluid alien demon on the roof of the Met titled "We Come in Peace."
Here's another view of the piece. Remember too that 'Gala' was also the name of the gender-fluid priests of Inanna/Ishtar in Sumer and Babylon.
Yeah, they really are getting this in-your-face with it.
But let's run with the "Heavenly Bodies" thing, since I would argue that none of this is actually meant to idolize Medusa, but something else entirely. And it's something that people in the Conspirasphere have been speculating on for a very long time.
And, as you can plainly see, the Heavely Arch is an important piece of real estate not only for cults and secret societies, but also for traditional religions.
And it contains the three All-Seeing Eye's that people are familiar with under a number of different guises. Only I seem to be the only one who's been able to decode them, at least apparently. I can't imagine I'm alone in this, but I can't seem to find anyone who's been done this yet.
So let's start with the familiar Eye of Ra from Egyptian Religion.
So here's an image of Galactic Center, where the Galactic Plane meets the Equator, better known as the Zodiac. You can clearly see what some might interpret as a giant eye.
I think you can clearly see how it influenced the eye make-up that upper-class Egyptians wore.

OK, this one was decoded before, and is clearly Lyra and the Ring Nebula, which was discovered while the Great Seals were being designed.
Just follow these steps to connect the dots using the major stars of the constellation and you'll see that the Ring Nebula is atop the unfinished pyramid.
And you can see that it corresponds directly to the weird perspective the pyramid is drawn in. Note that Vega is the cornerstone, a big thing with Freemasons and similar groups.
So what about the Eye of Horus, the so-called "wounded eye?" Let's get into it.
Horus is Algol, in the constellation of Perseus. Also known in the Arabic as Ra's Al-Ghul. Read this, from Forbes.
The real surprise is that Algol seems to represent Horus, an Egyptian god with ties to the Sun and embodied by the living pharaoh, and its period is connected to lucky days on the calendar. That sets Egypt apart from most other ancient cultures, which usually saw Algol as harbinger of evil. To the ancient Greeks, the variable star was the "Head of Gorgon."
Why? Perhaps for the same reason that Algol so unsettled astronomers from other cultures: its habit of seeming to disappear and reappear. That cycle would have mirrored Horus's cycle of death and rebirth, making the association pretty obvious. And in many early texts, Horus was associated with a star before his rise to prominence as a solar god.
Algol isn't the eye of Perseus, however. It's the eye of Medusa, which could turn men to stone. So why did the Egyptians identify it with one of the favorite gods, while the Jews and the Greeks identified it with a demon or Satan?
The question answers itself: the Greeks and Jews were major religious rivals of the Egyptians, whose elaborate temples, monuments and rituals had enthralled most of the ancient world.
In the 20th century, feminists reassessed Medusa's appearances in literature and in modern culture, including the use of Medusa as a logo by fashion company Versace. The name "Medusa" itself is often used in ways not directly connected to the mythological figure but to suggest the gorgon's abilities or to connote malevolence; despite her origins as a beauty, the name in common usage "came to mean monster."
The book Female Rage: Unlocking Its Secrets, Claiming Its Power by Mary Valentis and Anne Devane notes that "When we asked women what female rage looks like to them, it was always Medusa, the snaky-haired monster of myth, who came to mind ... In one interview after another we were told that Medusa is 'the most horrific woman in the world' ... [though] none of the women we interviewed could remember the details of the myth."
And that is the placement of Algol next to the Triangulus, an ancient constellation. Perhaps some Medieval secret societies who understood the connection to Horus adopted it for that reason, and maybe some ridiculous Satanic LARPers in the 19th Century did the same.
But in this case, I'm sticking with Medusa cultists who idolize Algol.
When you look at the northern hemisphere of the night sky you see how closely aligned these Eyes in the Sky all are, with just Cassiopeia and Cepheus and Cygnus between the Algol and the Ring Nebula and just Hercules-- rather the Golden Apples and Hydra sub-constellation between the Ring Nebula and Galactic Center, comprising a mere seven constellations, all in a row.
And just to end it all on a Lucifer's Technological note, the early computer language ALGOL is the ultimate forerunner to algorithms and AI.
In fact, Algol is embedded right into the word algorithm, despite the official explanation it's derived from "Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi."
Yeah. Sure it is.